After Wu Fei’s departure, Su Ming and Mukè also walked out of the classroom. The two men walked a long way and did not say a word. It was obvious that they were a little embarrassed by the incident.

It was quite normal that two people didn’t happen at all, and the result was misunderstood. This is the most painful.

After two people walked out of school, Su Ming looked at Mukè and said, “Don’t worry, anyway, we have nothing to do with it. It would be great to go back and explain to Wu Fei.”

Su Ming’s sentence is to comfort Mukè. In fact, Su Ming does not believe in his heart. He said that such things are generally misunderstood. If you can explain it clearly, it will be strange.

Sure enough, Mukè gave a white look at Su Ming and said, “Do you think the explanation is useful? The general explanation of this kind of thing is to cover up, it will only be darker and darker.”

“Wu Fei, the mouth of the person is relatively large, I am afraid that after I arrive at the school tomorrow, the students know, what can I do?” Mukè said with some concern.

If the people like Mukè are thin, if the students know it, it will make Mukè feel embarrassed.

Su Ming thinks that this is really possible. Everyone has been so long, Wu Fei, who is quite familiar with Su Ming, is not bad, but the mouth is like a big horn. Usually, Nickname is “class broadcast.” “.

“Don’t think so much, tomorrow is tomorrow, let’s say nothing, don’t worry about it anyway, don’t worry.” Su Ming comforted again, then asked: “Which bus do you take home?”

“16 Road” Mukè replied.

“That’s all right.” Su Ming thought about it in his head, as if he could take the 16 road to Qin Shiyin’s house, just sitting in a bus with Mukè and staying with her for a while.

“dīng líng líng ”

When the two waited at the bus stop, suddenly Mukè’s mobile phone rang. Mukè connected the phone and said: “Hey, Mom, how can I call this time, are you busy?”


As a result, Su Ming noticed that Mukè’s face suddenly changed, and then said in a more anxious voice: “Mom, don’t worry, I will go back immediately.”

“What’s wrong?” Su Ming saw Mukè’s face not quite right. Su Ming asked after hanging up the phone.

Mukè expression was a little anxious and said: “There is something going on at home, I have to hurry back, how can this bus not come?”

“Wait for any bus, hurry to take a taxi.” Su Ming reminded Mukè at this time that there was a taxi at this time and Su Ming stopped the taxi.

Su Ming, who knows the urine of the Ningcheng City bus, still knows that this thing is not accurate. It may not be possible to continue in a few minutes. It may not be possible for ten minutes.

Since Mukè is in a hurry, it must not continue to wait for the bus.

Su Ming got on a taxi with Mukè and planned to go to Mukè’s house to see what happened. If there is any urgent matter, maybe Su Ming can help.

“Don’t worry, it will be a while.”

In the car, Su Ming took Mukè’s hand and swears to God that she definitely doesn’t want to take advantage of Mukè. She really wants to comfort Mukè.

The Mukè home is not far from the school. In this relatively congested situation, the taxi will probably arrive in about twenty minutes.

The community where the Mukè family is located is relatively old. It is the old-fashioned cabinet building of the last century. The people living here are generally not in good condition. The entire Ningcheng City community like this is rare.


Mukè lived on the third floor. Under the leadership of Mukè, Su Ming and her soon came to the Mukè home.

At this time, Mukè mother Liu Guilan seemed to be crying. When Mukè came back, she immediately said, “Little Ke, you are back.”

“Don’t be tempered here, hurry to get some money for me, I am in a hurry.” Su Ming hasn’t asked what to do, and there is a middle-aged man talking.

Su Ming noticed that there were still individuals. The middle-aged man looks a little long and looks awkward. It is estimated that it has not been taken care of for a long time.

And there is a strong wine smell on the body, and ten have been drunk, this point is drunk, definitely a drunkard.

Su Ming’s brows were slightly wrinkled. It seems that the troubles of Mukè’s family today should be related to this person.

Mukè’s attitude is very tough. He said to the middle-aged drunkard: “What are you doing, who told you to come again, you have hands and feet, why don’t you make money yourself?”


The middle-aged drunkard screamed and said, “You talk to your dad like me. Now the wings are hard. Isn’t there where I came from?”

Su Ming did not consciously stared wide-eyed, looked at the middle-aged drunkard, did not expect him to be Mukè’s father, did not let Su Ming killed.

Not to mention that Su Ming is now taking a closer look and finds that this middle-aged drunk has a closer look, and his face is a bit similar to Mukè.

This time Su Ming feels puzzled, saying that since it is the father of Mukè, why is the family doing this?

Not only is Mukè very disgusted with this middle-aged drunk, Liu Guilan seems to dislike him very much, crying loudly and shouting: “You only took 10,000 yuan from me last month, how long does it take? Come to ask for money? How do you let our mothers live?”

“What money can you both spend, don’t forget what the house is all about me, if it weren’t for me, you and I didn’t even have a place to live with you. As a result, you will get some money with you.” The drunkard was holding a bottle of beer in his hand, and he was unhappy when he spoke.

Su Ming was listening and didn’t talk, but after listening to a few conversations, Su Ming probably heard about it.

Mukè This alcoholic father is obviously an unscrupulous person. He is idle and often asks for money in Steward. He heard it from Liu Guilan and only took 10,000 yuan last month.

Su Ming was still thinking about Mukè mother posing in the market. Although it is impossible to make a fortune, it is certainly no problem to feed their mother and daughter.

No wonder the last time the restaurant market Brother Hao took the protection fee, Liu Guilan was hovered between life and death and was unwilling to give money. It turned out to be really no money.

Su Ming thought that she couldn’t help but sighed. Mukè looks like an enviable schoolmaster and School Beauty, but who can think of it, in fact, School Beauty’s home has such a sad thing.

However, Su Ming still didn’t speak, and he plans to continue to look at it. Su Ming will naturally take the shot when he needs to take the shot.

: Yesterday, the number of votes recommended is very small. Everyone remembers voting today.

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