The wood-burning truck took the spoils of war away, and a group of people escorted off the slaves who were willing to join the hellfire.

Destroy everything that can be destroyed, the phone smashed, the radio took away, and then a fire burned everything. After eating in the light of the fire, Gao Qi led the hell The fire assault team taking advantage of the night set off.

Wang Ke was in the front car, the second car pulled the most people, Gao Qi was in the third car, and the last car pulled ammunition and supplies, and hellfire assault Wang Mingyuan, the team's biggest card and the most precious resource.

The truck compartment is not small, and the three people are still very spacious. Niu Lidong is driving, Anna is sitting in the middle, leaning her head on Gao Qi's shoulder, closing her eyes and slumbering.

Gao Qi touched the energy core in his pocket, and then he worriedly said: "There are not many energy cores."

Anna did not open her eyes, and said: "Also There are a few."

"There are still seven and a half. If at the current rate of consumption, at most two more battles will be gone."

Anna opened her eyes and took a look. But then he closed his eyes again and said: "Call John and ask him to deliver it, or I call Leonie to deliver it."

"No, I don't want them to know what happened here. I think that after I lay a site, I will have the right to bargain. I will buy it now. In fact, I stretch my neck and make people slaughter."

Niu Lidong curiously said: "Brother Qi , The past few days you have used a lot, where are so many energy cores."

Gao Qi breathed out slowly and said: "John has hidden a lot of energy cores in the escape bag he prepared. , I don’t know why he did this. Anyway, it’s his kindness."

Anna changed a more comfortable position and said: "This is an investment, dozens of energy cores. It’s too stingy. If you are willing to cooperate with Bernhard, he can use the energy core to bury you."

Speaking of her father, Anna has no respect at all, but also said I think of Bernhard, but Gao Qi is frowned: "Speaking of your father, I think of the esper federation, Anna, do you know where the esper federation is mainly active in that city?"

"City? Well, they are not in the city, but I heard that the headquarters of the esper federation seems to be in the wasteland near Berlin. I just heard that, I’m not sure."

It’s nothing. It's just that when I remembered, inquire about it by the way.

Gao Qi remembered the scene when he first met Anna. The esper federation attacked the science and technology city. The tricks they used were very interesting, especially the Earth Element esper controlled the soil, like a mobile bunker. The forward tactics are indeed quite creative, and they have miraculous effects in the face of hot weapons.

Now Gao Qi also has an Earth Element esper, Lowry, and with his guidance, Lowry’s progress should be very fast. In other words, it may not be long before he will also have a mobile bunker. NS.

Anna still closed her eyes and said: "Now you are going to focus on expanding and building your own power? What about your research, will it be delayed, or let Wang Ke fight for you, You can study your own abilities carefully. I think Wang Ke is a person who can fight."

Niu Lidong is not very happy, he immediately said: "I can also fight, how can I become Wang Ke It’s up to you."

Anna opened her eyes, and after a glance at Niu Lidong, she closed her eyes and said: "You can’t, you are a bodyguard at best. Wang Ke uses his brain to think about how If you can lead others to victory, you will think about how to blow people up with landmines. There is a difference."

Niu Lidong wanted to refute, but after thinking about it, he was only quite unhappy. Said: "It's not the same, it's different."

Anna continued: "Speaking of wars, I still know a man, Otto, who can fight."


Gao Qi was surprised: "Otto, is your big brother?"

"Big brother, even if it is a big brother, he studies the battle against esper, Bernhard is a Madman, Otto is also a madman, but few people know that he is a madman, and his strength is underestimated. In fact, Otto’s troops are very strong. I have no doubt that those who kill Bernhard in the future will It's Otto."

Gao Qi has a deep impression of Otto.

"Otto, the first time I saw him was in Science and Technology City. At that time, I thought he was just an officer under Bernhard. The second time I saw him in Chaoxi City, he also attended the flight Brother’s wedding, and then in City One, he paid for my news and location. Why, this person is very difficult to deal with?"

Anna opened her eyes and sat upright , And after thinking about it for a long time, she nodded and said: "very difficult to deal with, I am afraid of him."

Gao Qi said in amazement: "Are you afraid of him?"

"Yes, I don’t know why, I’m just afraid of him, I don’t know what I’m afraid of, but I think he is terrifying, well, intuitive."

Lightly exhaled, Anna closed her eyes, Leaning on Gao Qi’s shoulder again, he continued: “Don’t be fooled by Otto’s appearance. His team is much better than what you showed last time, because he intentionally hides his strength. I don’t doubt that he wanted to kill Bernhard. Although there is no evidence, I think so."

I don’t know why I talked about Bernhard, and I don’t know how I got involved again. Putting on one's body, but Gao Qi didn't know how to answer the conversation, so the conversation fell into a deadlock.

After being silent for a while, Anna suddenly said: "If you can control Evil City and grab the spaceship of Evil City, then your status will be different. You will stand with Bourne. Hader is in the same position."

Gao Qi said solemnly: "I know, but it's too early to say these."

Anna shook the head and said: "No It’s early. If you use the right method, you will be able to capture Evil City soon. Besides, I’m leaving.”

Gao Qi looked towards Anna in amazement, and Anna still closed her eyes blankly. .

"You are leaving? You, what are you talking about!"

Anna lightly exhaled, and then she whispered: "This is good for us."

Gao Qi is going to be on the verge of rampage, but Niu Lidong is even more unbearable. He said in a very helpless tone: "sister-in-law, don't do this, can you just say it if you have anything? Don't do it. Mysterious and secretive, it suddenly disappeared for the sake of my brother. Don’t you think it’s too disgusting."

Anna sat up upright helplessly, she pointed to her head. With a stupid expression: "I think, what is implanted in my body is not only the holy beast core heart, but also other things, because just today, I suddenly heard a sentence, I heard Otto and I He said that if you promise him a condition, he will tell you a secret that will allow you to get Evil City quickly."

Gao Qi tugged at his collar because he felt a little breathless After taking a few breaths, he finally said with difficulty: "You mean, you have an instrument implanted by Bernhard in your body that can talk to you and control and death?"

Anna bit her lip, and then she whispered: "Otto told me that this is the 3rd stage of the experiment. I think Bernhard should be able to control my life and death, and master the whole process of the experiment. Earnhard’s style."

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