Now Gao Qi feels a little puzzled, but he didn't have the opportunity to ask in detail, because at this time, John finally felt it was time to settle the bill.

"Since I am talking about money, I think it’s better to settle the bills first. During the period just now, I asked someone to list the bills. Miss Anna, please sign your name. Okay."

John is a person who doesn't save the bill until the next day, but even if it is a reminder, he is very, very polite.

Anna glanced at John with disdain, then she beckoned and said, "Bring the bill."

A beautiful lady walked into the living room with her graceful feet. A folder was placed in front of John, and John opened the folder, put a pen on it, and respectfully placed it in front of Anna, said with a slight smile: "Please."

Anna swiped a big pen and signed her name, and then she said indifferently: "Look back and find my father. Now, can you send us to other cities? I don't think it is here. Too safe."

"Of course, it is possible, but..."

John suddenly laughed, then he closed the folder and said sincerely. "I have to make sure that your father is willing to pay the money, Miss Anna, it's rude."

Anna’s face suddenly looked a little unsightly, and John’s face was tricky, he took it. When I got out of the phone, I dialed out in front of Gao Qi and Anna.

John’s call was quickly connected, and John looked at Gao Qi’s meaningful laughed, and then he quickly said: “Hello, Mr. Planck, I’m sorry to give you this time Call, but I have something very important to communicate with you. It’s like this. Your daughter is with me. She has signed a million-dollar payment contract and needs you to pay. I want to find out, you Will I have to sign and pay for Miss Anna?"

Gao Qi could not hear what Bernhard said on the phone, but he saw John smile very happily, so he thought Bernhard It should be agreed to pay, otherwise how could John's face smile like a flower.

"Okay, I see, goodbye, Mr. Planck."

John hung up, Gao Qi said impatiently: "How about it, no problem Huh?"

John sighed, and then he smiled openly: "It's a pity that Mr. Planck refused to pay. He said that Miss Anna had left Li Family, which made him very angry, and he still Saying that since Miss Anna decides to defect to you, then you should naturally pay for her consumption."

Gao Qi was taken aback for a while, and said: "That's it..."

He pouted and said: "Sure enough."

John didn't seem to be unable to receive the money at all. On the contrary, he smiled very happily.

"Then Mister Gao, you can't afford the money, right?"

Gao Qi felt that he had fallen into a trap, so after a brief meditation , Immediately said: "Can we talk about the price?"

"No, we both agreed on the number of one million, and now you can't go back."

John smiled hehe and put the file on the table, then he looked expectantly: "And you can't afford a million, right?"

Gao Qi nodded, very sincere Said: "Can't afford it, what do you say."

"Easy to handle, so easy to handle!"

Said with a slight smile, John said with a slight smile:" What I said, if you can’t pay in full, you can pay in installments. If your money is really tight, you can pay for work. You can do things for me to offset the money. It’s easy to solve your debt problem."

Gao Qi lowered his face and said: "You are waiting for me here, let's talk, what do you want me to do."

"There are many things that you can do, and I have many tasks suitable for you to complete. For example, you can teach a few esper, and each person will deduct 10,000 yuan for you, and soon you will be able to pay off the arrears. Go."

Gao Qi said angrily: "Are you kidding, ten thousand per person, I know you have no peace of mind, profiteer!"

After speaking, Gao Qi said seriously: "Isn't it one million, I owe it, I will pay you back soon, at worst plus interest."

John said with a slight smile: "Mr. William has A famous saying, mercenaries can’t be owed money, oh, that is, Bounty Hunter’s money can’t be owed. If you want to renege on a debt, there will be very bad consequences. Please do not do this, otherwise you I will definitely regret it."

Apart from cursing profiteer a few times, Gao Qi couldn’t say anything, but he felt that he couldn’t just be cheated by John like this. The key is to give one million. Gao Qi feels wronged when John is a cheap labor.

Gao Qi seriously began to consider the possibility of killing John, but it was a pity that he found that the cost of doing so was too great and the consequences were too serious.

Rather than owe someone else’s money to John’s money, Gao Qi made a difficult decision. He decided to borrow money!

Huang Fei, Han Ruofeng and even Dongfangshu can borrow money. Anyway, they can’t owe John this profiteer.

"Okay, I won't be renege on a debt, isn't it just one million? Give it to you."

Goldly glanced at John, Gao Qi took out the phone , And when he was about to call to borrow money, John looked regretful: "Are you sure you want to give me the money? Do you have that much money? Do you want to borrow money? High, I don't think you have to do this. Troublesome, you might as well pay me in installments if you borrow someone else’s money. I don’t mind."

"I mind, don’t say anything, I promise to give you the money today."

At this moment, Owen hurriedly walked in. He glanced at Gao Qi, then walked directly to John's side, closed his waist, and approached John's ears, and began to whisper something in a hurry.

John’s face changed drastically. He first looked at Gao Qi, and then couldn’t help standing up. After a little thought, he turned to Gao Qi with a bitter melon face and said: " How much money do you have? Give it to me now, give it all to me, and then you can slowly owe the rest, don’t worry, I won’t charge you interest."

Gao Qi curl one's lip, said:" No, I will give you all the money, this time I will spend money to buy a lesson, don’t worry, I... will still do business with you in the future."

Gao Qi wanted to mock John A few words, but he immediately thought that if he offended John to death, it would still be a problem to leave the City of Angels, so regardless of whether John is a profiteer, at least he can't offend him yet.

John’s face is very strange. He seems to want to laugh and cry. He spread his hands and said helplessly: "Okay, okay, I'll say it again, put you on Give me all of his money, and then we will pay the bills. If you leave, I won’t ask you for money again."

Gao Qi was puzzled, so he looked at John, said solemnly:" What's wrong? You make it clear!"

John hesitated for a moment, and then he helplessly said: "I can't get your money. The City of Angels issued a statement saying that you are making The culprit of the third cataclysm, if you do not die, this world will not be peaceful. Obviously this is a minority promotion. All cities will unite just to kill you. Anyway, man, you are finished."

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