The meaning of Lord Shu is very obvious, Chaoxi City has not been saved, and it is good that how many people in the city can save.

Gao Qi is just full of unreal feelings now.

Fortunately just now, I defeated the Czar of Red Square in one move and crushed the current Number One Person. But why all of a sudden, my lair was about to be taken?

Lord Extreme Cold, is it really terrifying?

Lord Shu looked at the silent Gao Qi, and after hesitating a little, he finally said with a cherished and sincere expression: "I'm sorry."

If it wasn't for Mr. Shu, he had to play The role of a powerhouse appraiser is not to have to look for Gao Qi to discuss, then nothing will happen today.

Shu Ye said it was just a discussion, but Gao Qi didn't dare to think so, so he can only be sure of the forbidden spell, and his compound forbidden spell contains space magic.

The use of space magic triggered the third energy fluctuation, which directly created a Space Gate.

The appearance of Space Gate was discovered by Lord Extreme Cold, and Lord Extreme Cold reacted immediately.

The peace of more than two decades has caused many people to ignore that there is a powerful monster that can destroy the world in the Arctic, but no one thought that the Lord of Extreme Cold, who has been stable, will A strong counterattack was issued today.

Shu Ye should indeed apologize, because his willfulness will lead to the destruction of Chaoxi City.

But in this world where powerhouse is respected, it is enough for the tree to apologize, and who can make him bear the consequences.

This is the end of the matter, powerless.

Gao Qi took a deep breath, and then he said on the phone: "Brother Fei, Han Touer, you have all heard, now we are ready to evacuate, we..."

Gao Qi couldn't help but look up and looked towards Bernhard, and then looked towards Lord Shu, Nadak.

These three people represent three cities, which means that there are three spaceships and three spaceships. Even if one spaceship can pull one thousand people out of the city, it can save one thousand lives.

Gao Qi said to Bernhard: "Mr. Planck, can you please help to evacuate with spaceship..."

Bernhard shook the head, Then he calmly said: "Sorry, I don’t have much space on my spaceship, so I can’t help with that."

The tree master immediately said: "Spaceship is not mine, but I can Let the spaceship of Jinling City do its best to help the evacuation of Chaoxi City. This matter arises from me, and I will do my best to make up for it."

Gao Qi nodded, then he looked towards Nadak and whispered: "Hello, can you please help and use your spaceship to help us evacuate some people away."

Nadak looked towards the interpreter beside her blankly, but the interpreter beside her did not speak at all. the meaning of.

At this time, Anna immediately said in French: "He is asking you to use the spaceship of Iron Pagoda to help the residents of this city evacuate."

Nadak immediately looked towards herself The translator said a few words angrily, and then she quickly quarreled with the translator.

Bernhard directly refused to help, Lord Shu was willing to help with all his strength, and Nadak was willing to help, but she could not call the shots.

There is no time to listen to people arguing over there. Evacuation is a very troublesome and complicated thing. Gao Qi took the phone and said, "Han Touer, let our spaceship be ready to evacuate immediately! John also has spaceship, he I should be willing to help, let him..."

At this time, Han Ruofeng whispered: "The spaceship has been lifted off. One is the chairperson sitting on, and the other is minister Qi's. Minister Zhang and Minister Qi took the same spaceship. John’s spaceship has just left, and he has not returned since he returned to the spaceship."

Gao Qi said in astonishment: "Has lifted off? Then? Let Spaceship come back, there are still three hours! So what are you doing in a hurry to escape?" Han Ruofeng whispered: "Yes, so what are you doing in a hurry, but the problem is that they have already escaped, just now? After Space Gate appeared, he already fled, and he refused to come back."

At this moment, Gao Qi was extremely angry, extremely disappointed, and extremely sad.

Shu Ye is willing to help, and they are willing to spare no effort to help the people in Chaoxi City to evacuate, but Chaoxi City's own spaceship, why did it escape?

At this time, Huang Fei said on the phone: "Screw, I'm still here, uh, my wife is also..."

Qi Xianghui left, but Qi Feifei didn't. But what is the point of this?

Gao Qi can't care to sigh Qi Feifei's feelings for Huang Fei, he just can't understand, how can the controller of this city just escape without saying a word?

At this time, Bernhard said very solemnly: "There are hundreds of thousands of people in Chaoxi City, even if you can take away thousands of people, tens of thousands of people, but you can arrange them Where? Is there a city willing to accept refugees? This city is about to end, you..."

Bernhard has something to say, but at this time, Lord Shu suddenly said: "There is no time to waste. , I let Spaceship come into the city to pick up people. You are familiar with the situation and decide by yourself to arrange who will go to Spaceship. You can arrange people to Jinling City first, and then decide whether to stay or leave after seeing the situation. I still have a bit of weight in my words in Jinling City. I promise, I will take care of this."

Bernhard explained why Li Jin and Qi Xianghui refused to take more people away.

The giants in Chaoxi City are rich, and some people can be rich in another city, but no city is willing to accept thousands of urban refugees, let alone tens of thousands or even tens of thousands.

And Shu Ye, he is really charming, because his personality is really brilliant.

Shu Ye was even afraid that Bernhard would tell Gao Qi to abandon the residents of the city. He took a few people to escape by himself, so he interrupted Bernhard and used his reputation to ensure that he was sure. Can save many people.

But Gao Qi didn't know Bernhard's thoughts, and knew that Bernhard's brain circuit would never persuade him to escape.

So Gao Qi looked towards Bernhard, he wants to know what Bernhard wants to persuade him.

Bernhard said to Gao Qi with a serious face: "You can escape alone, maybe you can bring your friends, but you can also choose to save everyone in Chaoxi City."

Master Shu's face changed, and then he sternly said: "Bernhard, you dare!"

Bernhard did not move, but the four genetic warriors behind him were Suddenly stepped forward and blocked Bernhard behind him, and Abate stretched out his hand and said to Lord Tree: "Please don't interrupt, Mr. Planck doesn't want to start a war with Jinling City!"

Bernhard looked at Gao Qi and said separately: "I can provide everything you need, so that you can use your strongest strength and stop the Lord of Extreme Cold. Naturally, there will be nothing wrong with Chaoxi City!"

The tree master took a step forward, he was full of anger Fire Dao: "You let the Fire Lord and the Extreme Cold Lord meet force with force? Even if the Fire Lord can resist the Extreme Cold Lord, he will create What about Space Gate?"

Bernhard said with a slight smile: "This is human nature. You plan to sacrifice Chaoxi City for the safety of Jinling City."

Angrily said: "I didn't cause the third cataclysm for Jinling, and the whole world is over! Can Chaoxi City be saved at that time? Huoye, don't listen to him, this guy just wants you to cause the third cataclysm Ah!"

Bernhard said with a slight smile: "How do you know that it will cause the third catastrophe? It is better for Gao Qi to decide for himself. I will let Gao Qi chooses himself, but you are trying to kidnap him with morals. Therefore, I am the fair one. Next, please don't interfere with Gao Qi's decision. We should keep silent."

Decision The power seems to be handed over to Gao Qi, but does Gao Qi really have a choice.

Gao Qi gently sighed, and then he said helplessly: "I said, I prevented the third catastrophe from happening, but it seems that you don’t believe it, so I’ll say it again. Well, today, here, as long as I'm still here, Space Gate impossible will open again."

Because of the law, because Gao Qi has already used space magic to prohibit space magic, Space Gate impossible will open again, even though I know it. But I don’t know why, but it’s enough.

Gao Qi knows very well that he will not have problems with Fire Element, Water Element, and Wind Element magic, but once Space Magic is used, it is very likely to open Space Gate again.

So Gao Qi can fight with the lord of Extreme Cold, provided that he does not use space magic, and Bernhard can give him more energy cores.

But with the lord of Extreme Cold, the only problem is to kill him.

It is time for Gao Qi to make a choice.

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