Bernhard looked very shocked. He frowned, looked at Gao Qi and said in a puzzled way: "Why, since you know I want to save you, So why do you want to say this?"

Because Gao Qi would rather let the world think that the third cataclysm is coming, put all resources and energy into self-protection, and don’t really think that the third This cataclysm has been prevented, thus continuing to have a messy life.

Gao Qi spread his hands and said sincerely: "Because relaxing your vigilance will kill you, and it will lead to the destruction of mankind."

At this moment, Lord Shu finally sighed. : "No wonder I can't figure it out, it turns out that you are simply talking nonsense."

Wu Tong suddenly said: "Only perverts can understand perverts, and lunatics can understand lunatics' thoughts!"


Wu Tong told a truth, and Bernhard was denounced as a pervert and a lunatic, but he didn't feel unhappy at all. Instead, he looked towards Gao Qi with an appreciative eye.

"You still know me!"

Just like meeting a life confidant, Bernhard uttered a very satisfying admiration, then reached out and took out one from his suit pocket. Thing, moved towards Gao Qi, throw up his hand.

It was an energy core, an energy core larger than a goose egg, emitting a faint blue light, and it was thrown directly by Bernhard.

Gao Qi caught the energy core thrown by Bernhard with both hands, a holy beast core heart.

This is very sudden.

Bernhard faced Gao Qi nodded, and then he said solemnly: "With this, you don't have to worry about anything!"

Shu Ye suddenly, But Wu Tong patted on the leg and looked at Gao Qi and said, "I guess he was carrying the bag with something weird, hey! I shouldn't have counseled just now!"

Gao Qi found Wu Although Tong is indeed shameless, he is not mean, he is a frank and frank shameless.

There are some things that can't be concealed. Gao Qi picked up the holy beast core and looked at it, and immediately put it in his pocket.

Master Shu sighed, shook his head and said: "I don't understand, it's a bit silly."

Bernhard is no longer the kindness he was just now, he said proudly:" Of course you won’t understand, because you only have power but no wisdom!"

Master Shu was stunned, but Gao Qi only marveled at why Bernhard’s courage was so big, and Master Shu wanted Killing him is not a matter of moving your fingers.

Bernhard looked towards Gao Qi, and then he frantically said: "The more I study the abilities, the more I feel that the abilities should be eliminated by the power system. They cannot be learned, copied, and cannot be Inheritance, it is impossible to even sum up an accurate and precise grading system, but magic, magic!"

He pointed his finger at Gao Qi, Bernhard said with the kind of happiness that is unique to scientists: "And his Magic can be mastered through learning, and it can be copied through learning! This is the prerequisite for a mature power system."

Gao Qi stunned: "But how do you know What kind of power system do I use, how do you know that the magic I use can be learned, if I don’t want to teach it to others?"

"I firmly believe that existence is reasonable, all I have to do is observe, just observe That’s enough. As for what you do, it doesn’t matter."

After speaking, Bernhard laughed, and then he said with emotion: "You think I give you the holy beast core heart Why? Tell you clearly, just because you know me, geniuses are lonely, geniuses and lunatics are only a thin line apart, yes, I am lonely and crazy, you know me, then it means that you are the same crazy, even if you Not a genius, let me at least make me feel less lonely."

A madman is a madman, I don’t understand.

Gao Qi couldn't help touching the saint beast core's heart, he was hesitating to tell Bernhard the truth.

I don’t know if it’s a genius, but Gao Qi is definitely not a madman, let alone a mad scientist.

Gao Qi saw through Bernhard's mind, only because Bernhard said to avoid letting the city waste limited resources.

For what Bernhard did, can he be someone who cares about the life and death of others, let alone worry about other cities wasting resources?

Bernhard knows that Gao Qi’s power comes from the core of energy. He knows what Gao Qi has done and what he can do. Then of course he knows Gao Qi’s current situation, and he should know without surprise. There is a connection between Gao Qi and the three energy bursts.

As long as there is a clear understanding of Bernhard, then what he said is not worth it.

So Gao Qi didn't understand Bernhard, he simply derived the psychology behind Bernhard's abnormal behavior based on the situation.

Bernhard is really not a qualified conspirator, and everything he does is not a conspiracy, just an attempt by a mad scientist to do as one pleases.

However, after debunking Bernhard's real thoughts, Gao Qi's problem came.

How to explain to the outside world what happened today? Ye Shu and Wu Tong now know everything, and how should they treat them.

The atmosphere was a bit heavy for a while, because Shuye should also understand at this time, whether the discussion between him and Gao Qi will turn into a Life and Death Battle, it depends on how Gao Qi chooses.

Suddenly, the tree master bitterly laughed, and then he said helplessly: "I knew it would be like this, I won't come."

Wu Tong said with a scolding expression on his face. "It's all your stinky troubles. Don't you need to take care of them if they are so powerful? They are expert loneliness all day long. You are lonely. Come and come, pull out the roots for you and play slowly. Don't give it to others here. It's messing up."

After finishing talking, Wu Tong waved his hand to Gao Qi and said, "Huo Ye, you guys talk slowly, we won't bother you, say goodbye, goodbye, don't send it. "

Wu Tong just said but didn't move, while Gao Qi just looked at Master Shu quietly

Master Shu said with a bitter smile: "Is it not allowed to leave? "

I got a holy beast core heart. Now Gao Qi has more confidence, but is he really going to leave the tree.

Kill Shuye and Nadak together, and take Wu Tong by the way, so that no one knows Gao Qi's secret.

As for Bernhard and Anna, they already knew Gao Qi's secret.

But Gao Qi now feels whether he can kill the Lord Shu. Another point is that killing it is useless.

So Gao Qi immediately said with a smile: "What you said was just a discussion, how can you not let you go."

Shu Ye immediately said: "Okay In the future, you will be first under the heavens. I will worship the wind, Aiya, I will go, but I will remove the title, uh, goodbye, goodbye!"

After a few steps, facing Gao Qi cupped the hands, then immediately turned around to follow Lord Shu. At this moment, Nadak looked confused and said: "What happened..."

Nadak translated, but Bernhard, who had been watching coldly at this time, was suddenly taken aback, and then he loudly said: "Wait!" Both Shuye and Wu Tong stopped, Gao Qi Inexplicably looked towards Bernhard, but Bernhard raised the helmet in his hand, and said solemnly: "I found the satellite over the North Pole that Lord Extreme Cold has moved!"

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