"In my name, transmission is forbidden here!"

This is Gao Qi's voice, but not his own.

Pictures flashed quickly in front of Gao Qi, the temple above the clouds, the fierce battle overlooking the sky, familiar and completely unfamiliar faces.

Countless sights poured into Gao Qi's head instantly, making him feel that his head was about to burst, his body was about to be torn apart, and his soul seemed to be blown to the edge of shattering.

But after these words rang in his mind, all the pain came to an abrupt end.

Gao Qi shook, the Space Gate he had been staring at, but immediately disappeared without a trace after the voice of his heart.

Just now, I was still in the target scene, but looking back at this moment, there is no trace.

Gao Qi felt that he was going crazy. The moment the Space Gate or Star Gate opened, he felt a lot of power to the extreme, but after Space Gate was closed, the power disappeared, even the memory It also seems to disappear with the closing of Space Gate.

It's as if some memories are forcibly deleted from the brain, and this feeling is extremely painful.

Thinking about it desperately, but just can't remember one thing, this kind of feeling will be painful to anyone.

Grabbing with both hands, Gao Qi's left hand was empty. He looked down, only to find that the bag that was full just now was empty.

There is no energy core left. Even if a composite super forbidden spell was put just now, it only used less than one third energy core. At this moment, there is no one left.

In Gao Qi's horror, he suddenly saw a silhouette from the corner of his eyes.

It's still fighting, and Lord Shu is still alive.

Gao Qi turned around abruptly, and then he saw Lord Shu with a complicated expression on his face.

Shu Ye didn’t do anything special, he just looked at Gao Qi very complicatedly, and then he finally whispered: "You are not an esper, are you... who exactly?"

Gao Qi took a deep breath, and then he said with a serious face: "Since this is just a discussion, then I won't kill you."

Master Shu scratched his head, and then he looked at him. Annoyed: "I've never lost, so I don't know how this situation will end now, um, do I have to thank you for not killing?"

Gao Qi nodded, very serious Said: "Yes, not everyone is as generous as I am. I think you are still very moral, so since you said this is just a discussion, I will not kill you."

Shu Ye raised his head and looked at the sky that was completely undisturbed. After a moment, he suddenly said, "That was the Star Gate just now. In the second cataclysm, the alien beast came out of the Star Gate, which is the Space Gate. Yes, um, can you explain it a little bit?"

Gao Qi said seriously: "It was indeed the Space Gate just now. It was the third catastrophe when the Space Gate was opened, so I closed the Space Gate. Stopped the third catastrophe, you can thank me on behalf of the people of the world."

Master Shu scratched his head and said: "I always feel that something is wrong, how do I feel this third catastrophe... What caused you?"

At this moment, Lord Shu suddenly raised his head, and then Gao Qi followed up and saw Nadak flying over with his big sword.

Nadak fell to the ground. After running for a dozen steps on the ground, she stopped a dozen meters away from Lord Shu and Gao Qi, blinked her eyes, and stood there.

Master Shu frowned: "Why did she come, this is troublesome, she and Master Dog...I rely on Master Dog!"

Master Shu finally remembered to be buried in When Wu Tong was in the soil, he waved his hand hurriedly, and the ground where Wu Tong was buried immediately cracked, and then Wu Tong, who was buried in the soil, jumped out again.

"pu, puff, puff, Dongfang tree!"

Wu Tong looked angry, he looked at Gao Qi, his fist was clenched but immediately released, and then he Pointing his hand to Lord Shu, angrily roared: "Are you still a human? Just leave Lao Tzu aside while chatting?" Here, let's talk about it later."

Wu Tong sipped angrily, then after turning his head slightly, he saw Nadak, who was flushed with red face, raising the big sword again.

"What to look at! I have never seen such an exquisite one."

Wu Tong raised his hips with his hands on his hips, and said in an angry tone: Look, let you see enough!"

Nadak closed her eyes suddenly, and then she yelled. Although she didn't understand what she was shouting, she knew it was definitely not a good thing by looking at the expression.

Nadak struck him with a big sword.

Wu Tong then jumped fiercely, avoiding Nadak’s sword, and said angrily: "Smelly lady, you are willing to be a fruitful man! I would like to see you, damn! You are still here! !"

Wu Tong was a little embarrassed, but he was absolutely harmless.

After jumping back twice and pulling a distance of more than ten meters, Wu Tong leaned over and rushed forward suddenly, and rushed towards Nadak.


The tree master looked helpless loudly roared, a wall of soil appeared out of thin air, Wu Tong jumped up, and a beautiful backflip on the wall of thin air, steady Standing firmly beside Shuye.

The action is very beautiful, just a little shameless.

Master Shu took off his coat with a helpless expression on his face and handed it to Wu Tong. Wu Tong familiarized his coat around his waist, tied the two sleeves together, and immediately pointed to Na who was behind the earth wall. Duck said angrily: "Do you have any brains! I took advantage and behaved, believing or not, I punched you to death!" A few times, he signaled Nadak not to move.

Nadak wanted to hack him to death when she saw Wu Tong, but she seemed a little afraid of Wu Tong. After seeing Lord Tree's movements, she waved her hand with resentment, and the sword immediately disappeared. .

Shu Ye looked towards Gao Qi, hesitatingly said: "Nadaq only speaks French, let's just say, eh, you just let me go?"

Gao Qi said: "You are still alive, and he is alive, the result is not obvious enough."

Shu Ye didn’t believe Gao Qi very much. He looked at the empty bag at Gao Qi’s feet. , Said: "Your bag was full just now, now it's empty."

Wu Tong also looked towards the bag at Gao Qi's feet, and then he suddenly came to his energy and immediately stared at it. Staying with Gao Qi, he said: "This kid is bluffing you, Lord Shu, and killing him!"

At this moment, accompanied by a whistling sound, Bernhard slowly walked out of the air. Landed on the ground, just glanced, he immediately said: "Are you finished? So fast..."

His tone was full of unconcealable disappointment, and he looked towards Gao Qi's feet. Behind his bag, Bernhard is frowned.

Shu Ye laughed at Gao Qi and said, "Well, there are more and more people. I don't like to be watched. I always feel like a monkey."

Wu Tong did not say angrily: "That is, you, with such a good temper and such a thin skin, can you be a bit expert? Look down on you!"

The tree master seems to have the temper of a good old man, but no expert. The necessary arrogance and arrogance, his outspoken irony to Wu Tong was just laughed, and said randomly: "Since it's finished, let's close it, but..."

Shu Ye looked at Gao Qi, With a distressed expression: "Nadak is a super innate talent esper, but what should you be?"

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