Gao Qi hugged the bag tightly, stretched his left hand into the bag, firmly holding a handful of energy cores, and his right hand clutching the bag tightly, although tears were blowing in the wind, But he didn't dare to close his eyes completely.

Sitting on the chair of Lord Shu, he was equivalent to handing over his life to Lord Shu. Gao Qi didn’t know why he made such a bold choice, but if he wanted to come, it should be Lord Shu’s His attitude made him let go of his guard.

Later came first, Gao Qi caught up with Wu Tong in the air.

Wu Tong lay on the flying floor tiles, holding the edge of the floor tiles tightly with both hands, and closing his eyes motionless tightly.

After catching up with Wu Tong in the air, the floor tiles, which had slowed down, accelerated again, and Wu Tong who was lying on the floor tiles could not help but yell again.

"Let me go down..."

The wind screamed, but Gao Qi still vaguely heard Wu Tong's screams.

Wu Tong is afraid of heights and flying, and Gao Qi is not afraid of these, but he already has a basic understanding of the strength of Lord Shu.

The tree master now embodies at least three abilities, fire, wood, and soil, and each of these abilities has embodied a very high level.

Is A-Rank esper a combination of multiple abilities? But it should be more than that simple.

While thinking about it, Gao Qi suddenly felt that his speed started to slow down. His body felt like leaving the chair to fly out, but this feeling just appeared, his body turned in the air, his back It was heavily attached to the back of the chair.

Master Shu controlled the flight of the chair. Gao Qi was able to fly up while sitting on a chair. Now if he wants to land, Master Tree naturally has to control the chair's whereabouts, and he cannot let Gao Qi because Inertia fly out.

"How about here?"

Gao Qi's body stopped in the air and sat across from the tree, but it was at least a kilometer above high altitude.

Gao Qi looked down, and then Gao Qi immediately felt that his legs were soft. Although there was a chair underneath his butt, his fear of height instinct still made him tremble.


Wu Tong shouted: "Don't worry about where, let me go down! Lord Shu, I was wrong, let me go down!"

Shu Ye laughed, and then didn't see what he was doing, the bodies of the three people immediately began to fall.

Falling rapidly, the earth is getting bigger quickly. After a short while, Gao Qi also involuntarily closed his eyes.

This way of flying is too terrifying. It is indeed not something that everyone can bear. No wonder Wu Tong yells. If it is not to maintain his dignity and face, Gao Qi should yell.

Gao Qi only felt a slight shock, and then fell gently to the ground.

Opening his eyes, Gao Qi saw Lord Shu who was sitting across from him.

Shu Ye Calm and composed stood up, he walked aside, and said to Wu Tong who was still lying on the ground with his eyes closed: "I'm on the ground, get up."

"Close Mouth, let me slow down, slow down..."

Opened my eyes and looked at, touched the ground with his hand, and then Wu Tong let out a sigh of relief, looking like avoided a catastrophe, Weakly said: "Dongfang Shu, I warn you! You have to do this again, I really turned your face with you!"

The tree master looked towards Gao Qi, said with a smile: "You are okay, right? ?"

"Um...let me slow down."

Gao Qi took a deep breath. He felt that his legs were still soft, but he wouldn't be scared. That's it for the sake of the whole body limp.

Standing up slowly, Gao Qi thought for a moment, and said to Lord Shu: "As expected, Lord Shu, straightforward and upright."

Now Gao Qi believes in the tree. The Lord only wanted to learn from him. The reason was simple, because if Lord Shu wanted to kill him, it was a very good opportunity just now.

The so-called powerhouse style is clearly reflected in Lord Shu, and Gao Qi and Lord Shu are not enemies or friends, but now, if there is no major accident, Gao Qi would like to make a friend of Lord Shu .

Shu Ye said with a slight smile: "What powerhouse is not a powerhouse is just one step ahead of others. If there is no problem, let's start?"

"Okay, You...can you stay away from me?"

If this is a life-and-death fight, Gao Qi was already dead just now, but since this is a discussion, it is natural to start under the most favorable conditions for both sides.

"Okay, is one hundred meters enough?"

"Well, two hundred meters."


After saying hello, Lord Shu did not move, but the soil under his feet broke off the ground, and suddenly flew backwards while holding Lord Shu. At the same time, Wu Tong, who had just sat up, swayed and followed Lord Shu again. Flew upside down.

"Oriental tree, I..."

The voice floated away, and Gao Qi leaned over and put his hand in the bag after a light sigh.

Only using Fire Element magic is useless, because the tree master has the ability to control fire.

Since A-Rank esper has at least two or more abilities, it is normal for Gao Qi to use Fire Element unexpectedly.

Come on then.

"forbidden spell, Bring in the wine!"

Gao Qi whispered, the moisture in the air seemed to be drained suddenly and became extremely dry, and then naked appeared in the air The visible mist in the eye and rapidly expands around Gao Qi's body.

The white cloud gas began to rise, condensing into a cloud on Gao Qi's head.

Wu Tong opened his eyes, he looked at Gao Qi from a distance, and said out of breath: "What is this? This kid is not right, what kind of power is this?"

Shu Ye began to look dignified, and he whispered: "It seems to be the Water Element control ability. Is he going to make water first?" Out of the water.

"See how, the water of the Yellow River is coming from the sky!"

Gao Qi's head is already covered with dark clouds, and when he finishes the first sentence in a low voice, under the dark clouds above his head It seems that the wall of water has suddenly been lowered.

Gao Qi stretched out his hand and pointed it at the location of Lord Shu, loudly said: "Entering the ocean, never to return. .

The water droplets gathered in the air. At the place, a river in the sky formed and rushed towards Lord Tree with a turbulent momentum.

Gao Qi was looking for magic to restrain Lord Tree, but he overlooked one thing, that is, he was in Before casting the spell, I said a forbidden spell.

Forbidden spell, how could it be just a column of water.

Gao Qi In a small river at least one kilometer away, the water no longer flows forward, but directly turns into a waterfall and goes straight to the sky.

The energy core is consuming rapidly, and the speed is fast. It makes Gao Qi a little distressed, but what’s more troublesome is that when the forbidden spell really started to be cast, Gao Qi found that he could no longer control it.

In other words, there is no need to control it. Forbidden spell is in Run by yourself.

The tree master pulled Wu Tong up into the sky in a very embarrassed manner, but he used this extremely simple method to avoid the scary-looking currents.

Wu Tong Ji said in horror: "I rely on such a big scene, how did this kid do it? But what's the use? "

Gao Qi also discovered this problem. This forbidden spell called Bring in the wine is used to deal with large-scale crowds, but it seems useless in powerhouse battles.

The long-distance and large-scale indiscriminate attack method is like a cannon fire. This is not a magic to accurately attack a specific target.

Then change it.

"forbidden spell! Nostalgia for Chibi! "

Gao Qi interrupted his Water Element forbidden spell. He didn't know if the method was correct, but just like before, he interrupted the magic rune he was using forcibly and replaced it with another rune. , Then this magic will naturally be interrupted.

But this time Gao Qi felt a little dizzy. When he chose to change rune, he seemed to have been knocked on his head.

But the feeling is not very strong, Gao Qi still smoothly replaced the magic being cast.

The dark clouds in the sky no longer expand, but the water is still falling crashingly, converging into a river on the ground.


"Go eastward, the waves are exhausted, and the eternal lover. "

A water column suddenly rose up into the sky, and rushed straight into the mid-air Shu Ye and Wu Tong. At the moment, Shu Ye was standing on the same ground as Wu Tong, and he controlled the ground to move more than ten meters. I escaped the attack of this huge wave.

"On the west side of the base, the humanity is, Zhou Lang Chibi of the Three Kingdoms. "

Suddenly, Lord Shu felt that the air around him began to become sticky. He waved his hand and found that the air seemed to have become solid.

Wu Tong still said: "This is What the hell? Can't move? "

Gao Qi right hand waved again, loudly said: "The rocks pierced through the sky, the stormy waves hit the shore, and thousands of piles of snow were rolled up. "

The ground under Gao Qi's feet began to tremble, and the earth began to produce one after another ripple, and then suddenly shot out in front of Gao Qi.

Water waves burst into the sky, The stone is like a cannonball, shooting out from the ground towards Lord Shu.

At this moment, Gao Qi is high-spirited and vigorous, the energy core disappears quickly in his hand, but more powerful magic is about to come.

The tree master was very hard to support. He led Wu Tong to flash in the air, like a small boat drifting on the sea, struggling to dodge the huge waves coming from all directions, and those violent waves towards him The shot of rocks, earth and rocks, but under his control, turned into the ground under his feet.

The tree master created a new piece of land in the air, but he knew that it was a bigger test. Just about to come.

"The country is picturesque, there are so many heroes for a while. "

Gao Qi doesn’t know what magic is the picture of Jiangshan picturesque, but after he finishes reading it, he finds that the space of this world has changed. The tree master cannot escape and kill.

Sure enough, this is the forbidable power that a compound forbidden spell should have, but it is not enough, and it is not over yet, because this forbidden spell has not fully released all of it. The formidable power.

The dog master thought he couldn't move, he loudly said in horror: "What's the matter, don't look at it, let's solve him! "

The tree master once again controlled the ground under his feet and tried to move the position, but he found that his ability seemed to have no effect. It was completely different from the battle he was familiar with before. This time he encountered a completely different Opponent.

"I can't move. "

Master Shu finished speaking in a low voice, and then he saw Gao Qi wave his hand from a distance.

The familiar feeling began to fill the air. It was fire. The power of control, but this time, the appearance and scale of fire are completely different from the familiar way.

"Let you pretend! Don’t you know if you’re pretending to be struck by lightning! "

Ignoring Wu Tong’s yelling, Lord Shu waved his hands, so the ground Gao Qi was on began to roll.

Master Shu took action, but he found that the situation no longer changed. When he opened it in a familiar way, his ability failed in front of Gao Qi. The earth that should have swallowed Gao Qi instantly recovered calm in front of Gao Qi, but before his eyes, a boundless fire sea appeared.

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