Gao Qi I remember Huang Fei said that Qi Fei likes him because he has connotations.

But where does Huang Fei have meaning?

Is Huang Fei any specialties? Or is it an extraordinary place?

"Brother Fei..."

"Don't say, don't ask!"

Huang Fei was very annoyed to stop Gao Qi from asking questions, he looked Under the gaze of several staff in the management department, the face sank like water took a pile of clothes from Boss, and then he didn't have time to put it on, so he hurried out.

I opened the back door of the tram directly, threw the clothes on the car, and then drilled into the car. After closing the door heavily, Huang Fei sighed to the sky.

"Ai, a great name..."

After a long sigh of grief and helplessness, Huang Fei said to Gao Qi: "Don't say anything, drive! Get out!"

The problem is that Meng Hairui is driving, he can only say cautiously: "Brother Fei, where are we going?"

Huang Fei flipped through his clothes and picked a T-shirt in While covering her head, she said anxiously: "You can go anywhere, get up first."

At this time, Qi Feifei chased out the door of the clubhouse. She stood at the door with a grieved expression on her face. With an expression of incompleteness, he said: "Husband, do you go home for dinner at night?"

Gao Qi thinks Qi Feifei has an acting element, but it doesn’t look like it, but here comes the question, Qi Feifei If it weren't for acting, why does she have to do this to Huang Fei?

"Brother Fei, I think sister-in-law is good."

Huang Fei suddenly became furious. He pointed to Gao Qi's nose and said: "You still say! You still I am so embarrassed to say?"

Gao Qi said with an innocent look: "Brother Fei, I just want to know why you refuse to marry Qi Feifei? She looks good, sensible, beautiful, and smart. I think..."

"You feel like a fart!"

Herly cursed, he put on his pants quickly, Huang Fei said with annoyance: "You will Does a tree give up the entire forest?"

"Yes, I will take a scoop of water for three thousand weak waters."

"I'm pooh!"

Huang Fei looks very annoyed, Gao Qi looks very at a loss, only Meng Hairui, he can only concentrate on being a driver, he doesn't want to listen to the quarrel between the two, but he can't help him.

Meng Hairui suddenly coughed violently, and then he panted quickly: "Aiya is dead, Brother Fei, Captain Gao, I suddenly have a terrible headache."

Huang Fei angrily said: "What are you coughing with a headache! Stop, and quickly get off."

The car stopped, Huang Fei aggressively got out of the car and waited for Meng Hairui, such as the amnesty, to get off the station and move aside Later, Huang Fei couldn't wait to get into the car. Before the door could be closed, he stepped on the electric door and rushed out.

"You didn't mean to kill Liu Qiang..."

Meng Hairui didn't hear the words clearly. He just wiped away the non-existent cold sweat and whispered: "Divine Immortal fights. Stay away."

If you want to live for a long time, you have to have eyesight. There is no doubt that Meng Hairui has eyesight, but Gao Qi seems to be pretty eyesight now.

"Brother Fei, that’s not what I said. I don’t know that sister-in-law is so smart. Didn’t you hear it? She..."

Huang Fei is angry Said: "You still call her sister-in-law? Lao Tzu has been cheated to death by you! What do you say now? I will get married the day after tomorrow, and now she ran to the club to catch the rape. If I get married, I will pay How do you live? How do you make me live!"

Gao Qi raised his hand, loudly said: "Stop! Don't make a noise! ​​Listen to me!"

It's very difficult After making Huang Fei stop yelling, Gao Qi immediately said: "You have to make it clear if you want to solve the problem, right? Why didn't you tell me Qi Fei was so smart earlier? What can you hide? Now you tell me honestly. I, why do you just refuse to marry Qi Feifei!"

Huang Fei angrily said: "I said, who would give up the entire forest for a tree? At least a few hundred beauties on 18th Street, Lao Zi one day Sleep for one, and don’t bring a heavy sample for a year!"

"Brother Fei, I can believe your nonsense?"

Huang Fei braked, and he looked angry Looking at Gao Qi, "Why don’t I believe it when I tell the truth? Why don’t I tell the truth?"

"Qi Feifei is beautiful and has a good family background, no matter where I say I am worthy of you It’s more than enough. The point is that even if you marry her, what’s the worst thing about it?"

"Are you really stupid or pretending to be stupid? Qi Feifei’s father is the head of the management department. Street, the entire city’s security is under the management of the management department. Can I still come if I marry Qi Feifei? Even if I can come, which store would dare to receive me? Before I get married, she brought someone to catch the rape. This is about to get married, I'll give you a fart!"

There is no way to communicate, Gao Qi can only take the second place, and said: "What does Qi Feifei like you? She likes you Why don't you change it?"

Huang Fei said angrily: "She likes me with connotation."

Come, come again, but this time Gao Qi finally couldn’t help it. : "To put it another way, say individual ones."

Huang Fei looked at Gao Qi very seriously and said, "Why, you look down on me? Do you think I have no meaning?"

" No, I mean you can change it, um, Brother Fei, in fact, I think we shouldn’t hide anything between brother. Tell the truth, why does she like you so desperately? No... Minister Qi has a fancy to you?"

"No, Qi Feifei likes me."

Gao Qi sighed, said: "Brother Fei, do you want face or freedom , If you really want to get rid of Qi Feifei, can you tell the truth?"

Huang Fei stepped on the brakes again. He looked at Gao Qi and said in an extremely aggrieved tone: "Why do you think I'm not telling the truth? Is Lao Tzu that shallow? "

"To be honest, I think Qi Feifei is so smart and shouldn't be so devoted to you. Fei, you have your child in your belly. You can't, you can't just pat your butt and leave. No, I can help you regain your freedom, but now this situation, I can't figure it out! "

Huang Fei sighed, with a helpless expression: "You can't figure it out, I still can't figure it out, do you think I don't know Qi Feifei is smart?" Do you think I don't know what she means? You be a fool! Tell you, I understand everything! "

Gao Qi helplessly said: "Yes, I ask you, you two, who will chase after? "

"She chased me. I just became the Vice Group Leader of the ability group at that time. During a meeting, I saw her for the first time. You don’t know, she saw me. At that time, the eyes began to shine, you know! Just the kind of biubiu shine, staring at me, I knew at the time that this little girl liked me, but I didn't know that she was the daughter of Minister Qi. "

"And then? "

"Then, I just want to look good, and speak softly and cutely, so... yes. "

Gao Qi frowned: "Then what? That's why you started to soak her after the meeting? "

"Fart! After the meeting, she started to talk to me. I chatted with her. After the chat, I went to dinner. She said that I have a lot of meaning. You can figure out whether she was the one who played me! "

"Uh, uh, you guys...that day? "

Huang Fei shook his head and said: "That's not true. I was thinking. When I didn't want to keep a little, just take it slowly. She wanted to fall in love with me, so I just wanted to Want to play with her? It took a full month to spend a full month with her before I took her down. "

Gao Qi was on the verge of collapse, Gao Qi couldn't help it anymore, so he finally said bitterly: "It's really you who started chaotically and finally abandoned it, bah! You scumbag! "

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