After the catastrophe, many things became worthless, but many things also became sky-high prices, the real sky-high prices, the kind that an ordinary person can’t afford even after 10,000 years of work.

According to the gold price of 300 yuan per gram before the catastrophe, 500,000 grams of gold is equivalent to 150 million.

But expensive seems to have a reason, because this is the crystallization of technology in City One. Although it is not a product that miniaturizes a controllable nuclear fusion reactor, it is the latest achievement of wireless power transmission technology.

This is not the first time Gao Qi has gone to the sky, but it is the first time he can overlook the earth from the sky.

On one side is the vast expanse of plains, on the other is the large mountain range of rolling mountains. Gao Qi has never seen the world he is in so clearly, it is so beautiful.

Who controls the ups and downs of the vast land?

This great country can only be controlled by the short-sighted people in Chaoxi City?

"Young Master Chen is leading a fully mechanized unit. They have been out of the city for an hour and a half. An hour ago, they passed the observation point we set on the way. They were very fast. At this rate, we should have arrived near the salt mine when Young Master Chen arrived."

After speaking, Han Ruofeng said to Gao Qi with a little worry: "Now we don’t know the whereabouts of Young Master Chen, or whether he will continue to attack the salt mines, but we are in the sky, it should be easy to find Young Master Chen’s troops, but what should we do afterwards, do you think about it? "

Young Master Chen took about 800 people, ten armored vehicles, and thirty ordinary troop trucks. There were no heavy weapons. At most, there were only some mortars, bazookas, and grenades. Launchers, heavy machine guns, are conventional infantry with cover firepower.

The biggest change brought to mankind by alien warfare is that mobile combat capabilities have dropped significantly, and fixed firepower points that are easier to use for defending the city have become the mainstream of heavy firepower again.

The alien invasion brought the level of human warfare from the integration of sea, land, air and space to the World War II era. The alien warfare brought the human war mode back to the level of World War I, but it was replaced by city walls and firepower points. It's just a trench barbed wire.

Tanks are not adapted to the war with alien animals. They are equipped with rapid-fire machine guns and large-caliber heavy machine guns. They are fast and light, and can also carry some infantry armored vehicles. It is when humans are fighting against alien animals. The main mobile armored weapon.

Armored vehicles that are effective against alien beasts are more effective against deserters.

Because the deserters have no guns, no anti-tank rocket launchers, or even machine guns, the strongest heavy firepower in the deserters' hands is only a heavy machine gun, and a heavy machine gun cannot penetrate armored vehicles.

Knowing this, you also know that if Young Master Chen wants to take down the salt mine first, he must send armored vehicles to charge in a swarm to break through the defensive line of the deserters, and then let the infantry carried by the armored vehicles go down. Car combat, after completely opening the desolate line of defense, let the subsequent infantry enter directly by car, and the rest is to search for the deserted people who fled everywhere.

So dealing with the troops led by Young Master Chen is actually very simple.

"I don't know either."

Gao Qi said absent-mindedly: "If when the time comes Young Master Chen's troops are still gathering together on the road, then It’s a simple solution. If Young Master Chen’s people have captured the salt mines and dispersed, it will be a little troublesome, but it won’t be too troublesome."

The plane can fly in a straight line and the speed is faster. It is reasonable to catch up before Young Master Chen and the others reach the salt mine. However, Gao Qi and Han Ruofeng did not carry a radio when they boarded the helicopter. They only relied on a walkie-talkie. I can't get in touch with Wanghuo.

So there is no way to get in touch with Tiger Wang and ask him about the situation there.

According to Gao Qi’s estimation, King Tiger It shouldn’t be resistance. After he sent a false message, he had already completed the mission, so he found out that Young Master Chen had killed him with a large army. After that, it was nothing more than taking people to hide first.

The speed of the helicopter is very fast. It only took more than 20 minutes to fly at full speed before reaching the area where the salt mine is located.

At this time, the pilot said a few words from Gu Lu, then Owen sitting in the co-pilot's position turned around and said: "Boss, there seems to be a battle down there."

Flying at an altitude of 2,000 meters and a cruising speed of 280 kilometers each hour. At this altitude and speed, it is actually difficult to detect just people shooting on the ground, and the pilots can spot battles on the ground at a glance. It's because of the billowing smoke.

Gao Qi immediately stuck behind the porthole, and through the glass, he saw two plumes of smoke rising into the sky on the ground.

Two armored vehicles are burning.

The armored vehicles are dispersing, entering the abandoned farmland from both sides of the road, and the cars behind the armored vehicles have stopped. From a high altitude, all the ant-like villains have left the truck, most of them stayed On both sides of the road.

"Why did you fight?"

Han Ruofeng looked extremely surprised. Although he was not a face with facial paralysis, Han Ruofeng seldom appeared. When kind of turned pale in fright.

Han Ruofeng left his seat, half of his body leaned forward, loudly said: "Those deserters! They attacked the city defense army, how dare they!"

Gao Qi saw that on the ground below, several armored vehicles were galloping at high speed, but there was no exchange of fire. It seemed that the two burning armored vehicles were the result of the entire battle.

"Will there be an accident?"


After Han Ruofeng categorically denied Gao Qi's speculation, he turned to look at Gao Qi said with a look of astonishment: "Those deserters, they dare to attack the city defense army, how did you tell them! Did you instigate it?"Gao Qi immediately shook his head, and then he was very sure Said: "Absolutely not. I just let Wanghuo just send a fake message. He still dares to do a scene. Let him target the city defense army. He has to have the courage, not to mention the original plan. How to deal with Young Master Chen’s arrangement, as long as Liu Qiang dies, Speaker Li should consider the rest."

I originally planned to pass the city gate so that Liu Family’s troops cannot enter. , And then let Li Jin wipe his butt, because if you want to carve up the Liu Family, Li Family and Qi Family have to do something.

Now it is necessary for Gao Qi to solve the Liu Family’s remnant forces personally. This is beyond Gao Qi’s vision, but in any case, there is no such thing as deserters, because Gao Qi simply didn’t count on the king tiger. And the deserted people can come in greater use.

But two armored vehicles were destroyed on the way to Xiguan Town. This cannot be said to be a coincidence. Even more how, Young Master Chen's troops also put on a fighting posture.

Therefore, as this plan is approaching its final stage, there seems to be a little accident. One can be a big or a small accident.

If the king tiger really brazenly attacked the city defense army, then no matter what reason he was, no matter who he listened to, he would have to die.

Chao Xicheng will not tolerate provocations against the city defense army, no matter who it is, no matter why, no matter whether it is the Liu Family's force or not, anyone who dares to challenge the authority of the city defense army must die.

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