Gao Qi said that he has not changed, but he knows that he has changed.

This person will naturally be different when he has insights. Before Gao Qi only wanted to protect himself from the hostility of Liu Family, but now, he feels that if Liu Family is not resolved, he will not Need to stay.

After learning about the existence of the Mutual Aid Association for Disaster Victims, Gao Qi had a vague idea. He felt that this was an opportunity. When talking with Wang Zihao, a bold plan suddenly started from him. The brain popped out.

Why not destroy Liu Family?

Think about it carefully, it doesn't seem to be difficult.

So Gao Qi made a temporary conscious decision. He decided to pull Wang Zihao onto his warship. Although Wang Zihao had acquiesced to help him, he just let Niu Lidong or Mang Chong come forward and stayed out of the matter.

But this will not work. Gao Qi feels that if Wang Zihao is not taken into the water, his transaction with the mutual aid association, or assistance, will not proceed at all.

Niu Lidong or Niu Mang, they may really be talents, but now, Gao Qi has to entrust his wealth and life to these two youngsters who are not very familiar, how can he feel at ease?

How can Gao Qi feel at ease if Wang Zihao is not taken into the water with such a secret thing.

The husband's affairs are made in secret, and the words are used to vent failures. It may not be vented by the body, but the words and the hidden things, such a person is in danger.

In Han Feizi's words, Gao Qi remembers clearly, if he can't let Wang Zihao keep his interests secret and can't kill people, then he will have to drag people to his own boat.

In this way, Wang Zihao had to become an accomplice of Gao Qi. He admits that he is an accomplice or not.

After a long time, Wang Zihao sighed, and then he whispered: "I'll call Lidong and Mangzhong, you can talk to them."

"Chairman Wang, I I think it’s better for you to deal with this kind of thing yourself, youngster, after all, you will be a bit reckless."

Wang Zihao glanced at Gao Qi helplessly, then he whispered: "Then let them help me Well, I’m definitely not going to do it by myself. For this kind of thing, I still have to use deserters. It’s unreliable to come out of the city."


Wang Zihao is a little bit lost. He opened the door, but after leaving the house, the expression on his face had returned to calm, and then he loudly said: "Lidong, Mangzhong, you two come here, I have something to say to you."

Wang Zihao Without going back to his room, Niu Lidong and Brother Mangzhong walked into the room after a while.

"Leader Gao, you are looking for me."

Niu Lidong is extroverted, and Mang is introverted, but both of them are indeed rare talents among the deserters, not only It is because they will bury and make landmines, but their Essence, Qi, and Spirit are completely different from ordinary deserters.

"Sit, sit down and say, Lidong, how old are you this year."

Niu Lidong is not very old, very thin, half a head shorter than Gao Qi, with a round face It is always red, looks very simple and honest, and also very happy.

"Leader Gao, I am 23 this year."

Gao Qi looked towards the mang species: "How old is the mang species this year?"

The same is true for the cattle mang species He was thin and slightly taller than Lidong. A black face looked older than Lidong, his expression was always serious, and he didn't talk much. It did seem to be a lot more stable than Lidong.

Niu Mangkin whispered: "I am 20."

"Well, everyone is a youngster, I don’t talk nonsense anymore, you two want to leave wasteland and follow me Go look elsewhere?"

Niu Lidong immediately said with a surprised expression: "Of course it's good, who likes to stay in this shabby place? I wanted to go to town for a long time. Go."

Mang Zhong looked at Lidong, and then he hesitated a little: "But we are gone, my dad, my uncle and them..., but I also want to look elsewhere, who wants to I’ve been on wasteland all the time."

Gao Qi said seriously: "That’s fine. I brought you here. If you just want to live a solid life here, what will I not? Say, but if you don’t want to be a deserter for a lifetime, want to stand out, want to make a lot of money, want to marry a beautiful wife, want to live a better life than the people in the city, then do it with me."

To the deserters who grew up on wasteland, Gao Qi would not tell them any ideals, and he would not say anything about ideals in literary terms.

Niu Lidong stunned for a moment, and then he cautiously said: "Aren't we... now doing things with you?"

"No, because I arranged you here, I just want you to live a stable life. If you want to do it with me, you won’t be able to settle down, and it will definitely be dangerous. That’s why I have to ask you first."

Gao Qi The answer was very straightforward, and Niu Lidong immediately said: "It goes without saying, I'll do it with you, are the deserters still afraid of danger? Which day will not be dangerous on wasteland."

Long, but after a few seconds, he whispered: "My brother is right, the wasteland is dangerous in the sky, and there is still a hope for following you, staying as a deserter, I don’t know which day he will die. , Might as well have a hope."

The pursuit of the deserter is too simple, just a hope is enough, but just like Gao Qi when he just graduated, he is full of confusion about the future, as long as Seeing a glimmer of opportunity, even if it is a chance of nine deaths and still alive, I have to jump up without the slightest hesitation.

Gao Qi is the lowest level of the city, but his starting point is much higher than that of the Niu Family brother. Gao Qi, a scholar who dares to work hard for the chance to get promoted, even more how is in wasteland every day The Niu Family brother who was on the fight is here.

"Okay! You guys do it with me, but the ugly thing comes to the front, you leaked the secret to me and missed my business, don’t blame me falling out to become hostile, but you just need to work hard and have me a bite of food You can eat it."

Gao Qi still wanted to say some cheering and deceptive rhetoric, but at this time, his phone rang.

The deserter hasn’t seen a mobile phone for many years. Under the surprised gaze of the two people, Gao Qi took out Bounty Hunter’s phone and said, “Hey, Brother Fei.”


"I have something, come back quickly."

Gao Qi frowned, said: "What's the matter, is it anxious?"

"It's anxious, but also Not very urgent, you... come back as soon as possible anyway."

Gao Qi helplessly said: "Brother Fei, you can make it clear, so I'm so prepared."

Huang Fei sighed helplessly on the phone, and whispered: "You gave that... who is that? Oh, Wang Wei, you made an ugly mess for Wang Wei, and now Liu Qiang is going to talk to Minister Zhang in person. Go."

Gao Qi said in surprise: "No way! Liu Qiang is so small? After hitting Wang Wei's face, he also went out to find a place in person?"

"Hey, that's it. I made a phone call, but it was shameful for Liu Qiang to make a call in person. Minister Zhang approached Han Touer and told you to converge a little bit, but I don’t think that Minister Zhang wanted to pressure you, otherwise it would not be handled like this, um, It’s not for this to make you come back, it’s something else."

Gao Qi was puzzled, and said, "What else? Can you tell me? If it's inconvenient to say, forget it, I'll go back right away. "

"Hey, that's... there is a task, I want to take it, but my wife won't let it, trouble, it's so troublesome before getting married, it's very troublesome, you have a lot of spooky ideas, hurry back and help me Come out with an idea."

Gao Qi was stunned. After a moment, he finally said helplessly: "Okay, I have lunch and go back, Brother Fei, it's not me who said you, you are dignified. Big man, how can he let his wife take care of it."

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