Gao Qi has never been so depressed in his life, so when he walks, his steps are heavy.

Huang Fei and John were sitting in the reception room. After seeing Gao Qi, Huang Fei immediately said: "I can go? Don't say anything, go quickly, go quickly!"

"I'm broken in love..."

Although he didn't want to tell people that he was broken in love, the moment Gao Qi saw Huang Fei, all the psychological construction he did was wasted.

"I can see it, it's written on your face."

Gao Qi touched his face subconsciously, then he sat on the sofa and put the comic book on She turned aside and covered her face with her hand.

Huang Fei said with an impatient look: "What are you doing?"

"It's okay, I just want quiet for a while."

On spaceship But there is no room for Gao Qi and Huang Fei to rest, so the two of them can only stay in John's living room, but fortunately, they can get to Chaoxi City at most half an hour.

John said with a calm face: "Mister Huang, are you really not considering going to the Angel City?"

Huang Fei shook his head repeatedly, anxiously said: "Don’t go, don’t go I’m not going to say anything. None of the simple tasks you mentioned is simple. I’m also stupid. It’s so simple. Who is willing to give such a high bounty."

"Really don’t think about it. Has it happened?"

Huang Fei waved his hand and said: "Stop, go to Chaoxi City, don’t need to say anything else."

John was very sorry to be shrugged, got up and left the meeting. The guest room, and then the spaceship moved quickly.

"Brother Fei, I...I'm broken in love! I want to drink."

Huang Fei looked towards Gao Qi, he looked a little impatient and a little helpless.

"I have no love, how can I fail to say it."

Gao Qi was stunned. He looked at Huang Fei and said stupidly, "Uh, what did you say?"

"I said that there is no love to lose, if you want to lose love, first you have to have an object, do you have it?"

Gao Qi is speechless , Huang Fei said: "If you are passionate, you will be passionate. Why do you want to say that you are broken in love? You have to be qualified to understand if you are broken in love?"


" Besides, what's the matter even if you lose your love? Where is there no grass in the end of the world, why should you just love a flower."

"Brother Fei, you are good at speaking today."

Huang Fei disdains "You are too young to understand the true meaning of love. I will take you a few more trips to Eighteenth Street. What kind of woman you can't get, why bother? You say you are so why!"

Gao Qi speechless, Huang Fei said with a look of disappointment: "If I am about to get married, it is not because...I still want to live on 18th Street, you, too young, Too young."

Gao Qi sighed, he didn't want to talk to people like Huang Fei who didn't understand true love anymore, so he simply picked up the comics.

"What are you doing? Are you listening to me? Can't you tell? Anna and her father are the same. They are all used up and thrown away. Let me tell you that this family... There is no normal person, Bernhard who, Anna’s mother is who, do you think these two children born can be ordinary people?"

Gao Qi said in pain: "You Stop talking, I want to be quiet."

"You can do it quietly. There are at least five quiets on 18th Street. I will arrange five quiets to accompany you when I look back. That's true."

Unable to communicate, Gao Qi opened the cartoon, and then he said in an innocent way: "Anna gave me a cartoon in the end. Why did you give me a cartoon when I broke up? Brother Fei, yes What's the meaning?"

"Book, you lose, it means you lost?"

"Uh, uh..."

"Either one side Go cool?"


"What is the title of the book?"

"Ala Lei."

" Allah is tired? Fuck off you?"

If there is a place to hide, Gao Qi will definitely run away, but this is on the spaceship, and he can only stay in the parlor.

Finally, Gao Qi faintly sighed and said: "Brother Fei, can't you comfort me."

Look up, looking at the ceiling at a 45-degree angle, Huang Fei said with a melancholy expression: "You don't understand, you don't understand what freedom means to men, do you know how much I envy you."

The two men sighed together, and then Gao Qi looked at the comics that he couldn't read at all. After turning a few pages, he asked with embarrassment: "Why did you give it to me Alale? Is it implying something?"

Huang Fei rely on On the sofa, he said weakly: "What is said in the comic."

"I don't know, I haven't read it. It seems that a scientist has built a robot. I rely on it!"

Gao Qi suddenly surprised: "Is Anna hinting at me? She was made like Alalei, yes, it must be hinting something."

Gao Qi started to quickly Flipping through the comics, Huang Fei sneered: "Being sentimental, you can't say anything in person."


Gao Qi called out suddenly, and then he pointed to the page of the book. The last shallow seal said: "There is a mark!"

There is a very shallow dent on the text in the comic, like a nail cut, and Gao Qi's heart starts to jump. , And then he immediately began to quickly open the comics.

Huang Fei was a little curious. He approached Gao Qi and said: "What's the matter?"

"Don't mess up, wait, there are more here!"

Gao Qi rummaged through the entire comic, then he raised his head and said to Huang Fei: "This is definitely an hint from Anna. She said so, scientist, dangerous, go, thank you , Goodbye."

Huang Fei froze for a moment, and said: "The scientist is Bernhard, it's dangerous...Does Bernhard want to kill us? No, why should you let us kill us?"

Gao Qi thought for a long time, and said: "Will it be dangerous for me to contact Anna, but it will be fine if I don’t contact her, she must know something, so she said she hates me, it must be In this way, Anna loves me! No! I want to..."

Huang Fei looked at Gao Qi with idiot eyes, Gao Qi's voice was much lower, and he whispered: "I want to save Anna."

Huang Fei exhaled, said: "Fortunately, you didn't say that you want to go back to find her, so I won't wait for Bernhard to kill you. Stupid, but I'm not stupid at all."

Huang Fei put away his joking expression after a long sighed, he patted Gao Qi's shoulder, and whispered: "Screw, in fact, I understand your mood. , But you should understand one thing, we and Bernhard are not the same people in the world. Bernhard wants to kill us. He really doesn’t even need to move his fingers. He just needs to say something!"

Gao Qi said in a low voice: "Always do something."

"I should do something, I must do something, but I just have a word, don’t die. Screwdriver, don’t think that you can do anything with Bernhard. This kind of person will kill you immediately and will never give you a chance to fight back. So you either have the financial resources or the strength, if you have everything. No, then forget about Anna, she is just one of the countless women you have met."

Huang Fei said this very deeply.

Who can't have a story, Gao Qi was silent for a moment, and then he suddenly said: "Brother Fei, call John over, I want to talk to him about cooperation."

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