Chapter 95 Defeat

“Masata, you come to the main attack! I will limit his actions!”

Seeing that his attack had no effect on the Rhino Man, Hung quickly made a decision, and Niutou shouted too loudly to those who were still in a daze.

” Oh well!,

After regaining his senses, Masata also quickly found a fighting state, and the magma on his body was flowing out.


I wanted to test the villain(s) defense first, and first used small tricks that are fast and difficult to evade.

The rhino man on the opposite side obviously had no plan to escape. Seeing the dense magma bombs flying towards him, he raised his hands and crossed his head to block his head, speeding up without reducing his speed.


The magma bomb hit him, just like hitting a steel plate. After leaving black spots on his body, he was shot out.

“It’s really an iron box…

Seeing that the long-range attack was of no use, Masata “Twenty Eight Seven” also gave up and continued to attack, and he rushed forward with a kick, ready to fight close combat.

“Big Spitfire!!”

In this closed passage, the magma produced by the eruption filled the entire space in an instant, hitting the rhino man indiscriminately in all directions.

And Boom also released an ice wall, blocking the back of the rhino, and then with a wave of his left hand, a large amount of flame was wrapped in the magma fist, making the temperature of the magma even more increased.

“Can’t avoid it, can I just resist it.”

Looking at the thick ice wall behind him and the lava close at hand, the rhino man realized that he could only bear this blow.


Even though the Rhino Man was powerful, he was beaten out by the heavy magma fist, and the Magma Fist did not stop advancing, but directly turned into monstrous magma, wrapped the Rhino Man in, and took him fiercely. Smashed to the ground.


The lava flow like a torrent rushed straight to the ground, splashing countless stray bullets. Seeing that the magma was about to surge like oneself, the blasting movement was also dissatisfied.

The icy cold air radiated, countless ice cones slammed into the magma, and they were evenly matched. However, the ice cubes continued to flow, and Masata did not continue to release the magma. In the end, the magma everywhere was cooled to stone.

“This rhino man can’t breathe and die, right?”

Looking at a hill with many air holes in front of me, which was formed by the cooling of magma, I was thinking too maliciously.

Unexpectedly, the cooperation between myself and Boom is still very good.The molybdenum forbidden power of this rock is much stronger than that of ice. Isn’t it a hill?

Endeavor stood not far away, looking at the two people with their backs to him, feeling a little bit in his heart.

Sure enough, there is competition to make progress faster.Boom’s current strength has improved a bit compared to the sports festival. This is only a few days, and the kid named Masata is also very clear. No wonder All Might liked him so much.

Looking at the hill in front of me, it seemed that there was no movement, and it was leaning up too slowly.

“Do you think we should dig him out? This rhino man seems to be an elite class, he should know the whereabouts of the doctor.”

Turning his head, Masata spoke to Boom, but he saw Boom’s eyes suddenly widened.

And I also seemed to feel something wrong, the hill under my feet seemed to be shaking, as if something was about to break out of the ground.

A jump immediately left here, returned to the side of the boom, staring at the shaking hill, gritted his teeth too much.

“Can’t you be trapped? It’s just a monster!”


After a loud noise, the hill formed by the volcanic rock exploded directly in front of the two, and a huge black shadow appeared in the dust in the sky.

“It turned out to be relying on the bigger body shape to burst the rock?!”

Turning into a huge rhino again, the angry voice of the rhino man reached the two ears:

“Two brats, you made me angry!”

The rhino in front of him is obviously not in good condition. The metal skin on his body has peeled off, revealing the original color of the skin. It should be to resist the temperature of the magma and the pressure of the hill after it has grown. The quirk has been used to the limit.

And his left eye also became a hollow, he was already blind, his hind leg was twisted, maybe his bones were also injured.

“It seems that you are at the end of the battle, what else can you use to fight us?”

Looking at the rhinoceros supporting the injury, he said coldly that he and Masata did not consume much, and had not been injured, it was still in their heyday.

“Just rely on my size to crush you!!”

The angry rhinoceros exploded with a force several times stronger than before. The steel plates on the ground could not withstand the deformation of his anger being stepped on. Sure enough, the injured beast was the most terrifying.

“Now it becomes a creature that can’t think, only has brute force? It’s best to solve this kind of thing.”

The rhino in front of him, his eyes were already blood-red, and he had obviously lost his reason. However, opponents without thinking ability are very easy to solve for Masata, because his most indispensable is destructive power, you can refer to Xiongying’s robot and ordinary Nomu.

“Heaven Dog!”

The arm instantly turned red, as if the Iron Body was being cast, exuding a palpitating temperature.

Boom didn’t seem to have a name for his moves, but a large flame also poured out from his body, whizzing towards the huge rhino.

“I don’t know if your skin is so hard now!!!”

The quirk of this rhinoceros has been developed quite strong, at least from the perspective of Masata, it is much better than Kirishima, but since his quirk has been overused, it is uncertain whether he can resist this trick.

With the blast of air bursting out of the flames, Zheng was rushing towards the rhino too quickly, as if he was preparing for a confrontation.

“I’m not that stupid!”

People who are blind can see the terrifying power of this rhino, and Zheng is too uninterested in wrestling with such a behemoth.

When the distance from the angry rhinoceros was less than 5 meters, I was bending too fiercely, and I escaped the shimmering rhino horns at the moment of my hair, and I could even feel the biting wind blowing across my face, and then came with a slippery step. Under him.

“Lie down for me!!”

Stabilizing his body, Masata’s arm was directly stab upward, and the scarlet arm only felt an obstacle for 4.8 moments before inserting it into the abdomen of the rhino.

The shape of the rhinoceros who was still charging stopped immediately.As the magma in Masata’s hand erupted, and his back was also burned by the violent magma, a hole was burned out, and the wound connected to the abdomen was filled with hot magma, and it was huge. The body was actually pushed up by this magma!

The bombing attack also came. The high-temperature flame surrounded the rhino in mid-air and made a “Zizi” sound. After the propelling force of the magma was exhausted, the rhino fell to the ground and made a huge vibration.

“It looks like it’s really killed now.”

Smelling the smell of meat in the air, Masata looked at the rhinoceros beside her. The internal organs were almost completely burned, and the skin was also burned extensively. If you don’t get timely treatment, I’m afraid you will live soon.

“Boom boom–”

Just as Masata and Hong were about to take a break, there was a sudden noise from the depths of the passage.

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