Chapter 88 The wife who was deceived again

“I don’t want to go to school.

Although I met a weird person in the amusement park that day, this did not affect everyone’s interest in having fun. In the end, everyone returned with great fun.

By now it was already two days later, that is, the day to go to school.

After coming to the classroom and sitting down, Masata was immediately surrounded by Mineta and Kaminari.

Seeing Masata’s dazed expression, Mineta said with a deep resentment:

“You are too interesting, Mrs. Tae! You went to the amusement park alone with the girls!”

“Yeah, why don’t you call us! Obviously everyone is good brother! How can you enjoy it alone!”

Kaminari also came to the back of Masata, clutching his shoulders and swaying constantly. This kind of instant vision like a winner in life made him very envious.

“Oh, this is it!”

He clapped his hands as if suddenly realized, and patted Mineta’s shoulder: “The amusement park is really good, not only went to the roller coaster, but also went to the haunted house!”

“And the weather that day was also very good, the girls were all dressed up and very cool, and the white ones made me dazzle!”

“But being crowded in a group of girls also makes me very distressed. It’s obvious that I am a real man, and I always feel that the eyes around me are a little strange, don’t you think of me as a male best friend?”

Listening to Masata’s continuous explanation, the eyes of the lecherous duo became more fierce.

“This guy 283 definitely did it on purpose!!”-the resentment from a grape that hasn’t touched a girl’s hand in fifteen years.

“It feels like we became famous after the sports inspection! I was recognized on the tram today!”

Seeing the enthusiasm of the conversation here, Kirishima also leaned over.

“Yes, that’s right! Even I, who failed the qualifiers, were said hello! It’s a shame to be an old woman!”

Hearing Kirishima’s words, Grape was still happy at first, and then it seemed that he had received a huge blow again, and his head was covered with black lines.

It seems that it’s not just me, the classmates in the class have received a lot of attention!

Hero(es) in this world, just like stars in previous lives, will be noticed when walking on the street, and the more famous ones will even be asked for autographs. Occasionally, Matt is a good example.

The girls in the class also gathered together for a lively discussion. They seemed to have endless topics when they had just been to the amusement park.

“Okay, everyone be quiet.”

The bell rang, and Aizawa Shouta walked into the classroom on time. At this time, he was no longer a mummy. The bandage on his face had been removed, but the cdei scar at the corner of his eye was still obvious.

“Today’s Hero(es) informatics is a bit special, and everyone is mentally prepared.”

Hearing what Aizawa-sensei said, everyone swallowed.

“Is it a surprise test? Forgive me.” This is Kaminari’s thoughts.

“Is there something big going on?” Yaoyorozu, who has been following social news, was a little curious.

“Is there any action in the League of Villains?” Masata thought of what Matt said in the ward occasionally last time, and he also had some guesses in his heart.

“Today’s course, the content is the idea of ​​[Hero(es) code name], that is, everyone’s Hero(es) name.”

“Oh oh oh oh!!!”

As soon as Mr. Aizawa’s words fell, the class started to boil. The name Hero(es) accompanied the life of Hero(es). It is the most recognized code name! It can also be said that it is the starting point of Hero(es)!

Deceived again!

Mr. Aizawa has been deceived by Mr. Aizawa’s feelings several times, like a salted fish that has lost his dream lying on the table.

“In the past two days, the school has also sorted out the invitation from the Hero(es) office, and you will also go to participate in the on-site internship.”

While talking, Mr. Aizawa took out the remote control and pressed it towards the projector, and a list of classmates appeared on the blackboard.

“This invitation is quite normal, right? It’s not too concentrated.”

On the blackboard, I saw Masata’s name ranked first, with more than 3,000, and Hong was second with more than 2,000.

The third place is not Yaoyorozuman, but Bakugo.

Although he lost to Masata in the top four battles, Bakugo’s strong combat power and keen combat intuition obviously also attracted the attention of professional Hero(es), and the invitation he received was only a little less than that of Bakugo.

And the fourth place is Yaoyorozu Bai, also has nearly 1,000 invitations. However, except for the top four, the data of other students is relatively bleak.

For example, Lugu and Mineta did not receive even an invitation.

“It’s like heaven and earth!!”

Seeing her double-digit invitation, Kirishima knocked her head against the desk without listening to relieve her depression.

There are only a few dozen teas, but she is holding her face at this time, looking very happy.

Because the future has already fallen, Cha Cha has returned to the carefree vitality girl, except of course when she wakes up in the morning.

Looking at the class in a tumult, Mr. Aizawa did not stop them. After all, it was a happy moment.

“Although the current Hero(es) name is only tentative, many people’s temporary Hero(es) names have been passed down from school days and became the Hero(es) names directly after being recognized by the world.

“If you make a random idea of ​​a Hero(es) name, I will show him what hell is!


The door of the class was suddenly pushed open, and Teacher Midnight in a sexy tights walked in with the holy light, and instantly attracted the attention of the boys in the class.

“But I am not very good at this, so the taste of naming is left to others.”

After saying this, Mr. Aizawa took out his sleeping bag and lay in, turning into a caterpillar.

“Think about what you want to be like in the future, leave a fixed impression by naming it, and then work hard towards it, this is the so-called famous person!”

After Mr. Midnight walked in, he handed out a white board to everyone. After giving some suggestions, he gave everyone 15 minutes to think.

“Jing Tai, what name do you plan to use?”

Yaoyorozu, who was sitting next to the king, poked him and asked curiously.

“Well, I have some thoughts in my heart, but let me sell it first! How about you? It should be the one that I said when I was young, right?”

“Ah, yes”

Yaoyorozu is not too shy. He just lifted Yaoyorozu and showed it to Zheng Tai. Sure enough, the words “CREATY Creation Daughter” were written on it, which also explained her quirk very well.

When he heard the name, Masata was actually thinking about it. Originally, she used the code name of Marshal Marine [Akainu], but when I thought about it, this name doesn’t seem to be a special Haki, and the name Hero(es) There is an animal in it that always feels weird. .

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