Chapter 8 Meet for the first time

Midori Valley Izuku, who was hit again, walked lifelessly on the road.

“Don’t cry! Don’t you know it too!? Isn’t it because you know… that you have been struggling until now!!” Although I continued to cheer myself up, tears still flowed down.

“Boom! boom!” Suddenly, there was a continuous explosion from the commercial street across the road. Midoriya Izuku’s old problem is gone as soon as he commits it.

“Isn’t this the sludge monster! It found its target again! Did All Might let it escape? In case it accidentally fell… Isn’t it all because of me!”

Condemning himself in his heart, a sense of guilt for the attacked person kept pouring out. However, when he saw the face struggling constantly under the attack of the mud monster, Midori Valley Izuku covered his mouth with both hands in horror.


As if he couldn’t control his body, Midori Valley Izuku rushed towards the silt monster in an instant.

However, a vigorous figure rushed out of the crowd faster than him, holding him in place.

“Hey, hey, how can I encounter this kind of plot in a bloody comic!!!”

Our protagonist Igarashi said to himself, and then looked at Midori Valley Izuku afterwards: “Looking at you, it is your friend who is trapped by the disgusting silt over there. Don’t worry. I will get him out!”

Ignoring Midoriya Izuku’s look like an angel, Masata squeezed his fist and made a rattling sound. . .

Take off your clothes! ! !

“What’s the matter with this young man, how can he undress in front of so many people!”

“Does he have any unknown hobbies?”

The whispers from the crowd made Yaoyorozu Momo who had just rushed over couldn’t help covering his forehead. “Jingtai, this guy is really true. I was shopping with me. Has the blood factor in my genes started to riot again? And is this guy planning to use quirk? Why did he even take off his clothes?”

After taking off his clothes, Masata made a sprinting movement. The strong muscles on her body continued to surging, and her right leg suddenly exerted force. The whole figure flew out like a cannonball, and instantly came to the mud monster’s side.

“You disgusting sludge, just get down for me!”

“Ordinary straight punch!” The whole arm swelled in an instant, and the blue veins burst into the clenched fist. There was no fancy movement, and Masata threw a punch like this.

Although there is no exaggerated style of boxing, the power of this punch cannot be underestimated. After all, Masata’s physical fitness has reached the level of superman, and the rapid punching brings huge kinetic energy.

“Bang!” The sludge monster who was still concentrating on Bakugo Katsuki, only felt that something flashed past his eyes, and there was a huge hole in his body.

“Who would dare to disturb me?” Although a hole was punched in his body, the silt monster didn’t care. After all, such an attack could not be hit continuously. And he didn’t receive any fatal damage. It only took some time to repair his body.

And watching the holes in the mud monster slowly healed, Masata’s mouth did wear a smile.

“It seems that ordinary blows can’t cause substantial damage to the sludge, but they do have some effect. In this case…”

“Continuous normal straight punches!”

At this time, the surrounding crowd also noticed that there was an extra figure beside the Mud Monster. It was the naked boy who was mistaken for an exhibitionist.

“Does this boy seem to be fighting a silt monster?”

“Although his punch caused some trouble to the sludge monster, the sludge monster can recover immediately, which is essentially useless!”

She shouted out her moves, her hands into fists, and swiped forward quickly. The swing of both arms even appeared afterimages due to the speed.

“Oula Oula Oula Oula!!!” shouted the unknown words in her mouth. It was obviously the over-blooded wife who opened a hole in the body of the sludge monster, and even the silt on the body of the sludge monster. They were all scattered on the ground, and Bakugo Katsuki who was wrapped in it also seized the opportunity, and escaped with a sudden explosion with both hands.

“Hey! You guy! Who allowed you to come here? I didn’t ask you for help! I typed it out by myself!” Bakugo Katsuki, who had just escaped, gave full play to his wicked quirk, and moved towards Masata. Yelled.

And the Masata who was yelled inexplicably was also stunned. How could Laozi try his best to save the individual and be murdered in the end?

“Although you don’t understand it, let’s get out of here, kid. The silt monster on the opposite side hasn’t been resolved yet.” Masata said in a comforting tone, trying to make his expression gentle. “After all, that silt monster seems to have grown a bit bigger.”

After all, this guy is a friend of the boy just now, so he should be quite young, right? Masata thought to himself. (Izuku166, Masata 180, the kids are fine)

On the side, Bakugo, who realized that he was being called as a child, only felt the blood surge, and a “Tic Tac Toe” burst on his head. However, Bakugo soon discovered that a huge black shadow appeared on his head. Looking back, the silt monsters had gathered again. And I don’t know what method was used to become as tall as the surrounding buildings, covering the sky and the sun.

“whispering sound”

Although I was very annoyed, I knew that it was more important to escape now. Bakugo Katsuki did not refute, and immediately ran away. *

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