Chapter 73 Victory of technology

At this point in the game, more than half of the preliminary round has already been conducted.

“It’s your game soon, right? How about it, let’s be confident to beat Tokoyami.”

The Masata who returned to the stand, sat down next to Yaoyorozu Hyakuwa Chacha, and asked.

With a sigh, Yaoyorozu was a little worried, “You said it is light, this kind of ring battle is not suitable for me at all, and Tokoyami is not weak, to be honest, I don’t have a foundation in my heart.”

“Don’t be so discouraged! Your most powerful place is your mind.”

I clicked on Yaoyorozu’s head and sniffed the scent of her hair too closely. Yaoyorozu could even feel the scorching nose beating in his ears.

“Go away! I was so sweaty just after the game!”

However, in the face of Masata’s small movements, Yaoyorozu Bai didn’t appreciate it at all. He pressed Masata’s forehead and pushed him away, “Okay, I’m going down to get ready, and I have to cheer for tea and tea! After I’m over, it will come to you. NS.”

After speaking, Yaoyorozu turned around and left the stands, leaving Masata with a slender back.

“Cut, go home and pack you up.”

I wanted to help Yaoyorozu resolve the tension in my heart, but I was disgusted, and Masata’s heart was very sad at this time.

“By the way, Chacha, your opponent is a bit strong! It turned out to be the little Bakugo? This luck is not covered.”

After Yaoyorozu left a hundred times, the people around Masata only took advantage of the tea, so he also took the initiative to stir up the topic.

However, Chacha kept his head down from the beginning, and now he hasn’t raised it.

“Huh? What’s wrong with you?” Zheng leaned down too much, wanting to see what happened to this lively and cheerful girl.

Then, he saw Cha Cha’s wide-open eyes and frowning eyebrows, and immediately shouted exaggeratedly:

“Hey, hey, Chacha, are you playing a face-changing game! If you want to scare me, then you win!”

“Uh, sorry! I’m so nervous!”

Hearing Zhengma’s reminder, Chacha smiled reluctantly at him as if waking up from a dream.

“Don’t be nervous, this is just a competition, besides, I said that I will join my Hero(es) office in the future, and there is no need to worry about other people’s eyes, so I just need to do my best to fight~”!”

Masata found that she has become more and more talented as an old mother. In just one day, she seems to have preached to many people.

“In the next game, Yaoyorozu Momo, a student from Class A, will face off against the boy who chased the dark, Tokoyami Fumikage!” At this time, Yaoyorozu’s match started, and the two were also sitting and watching the game.

The moment the whistle sounded, Yaoyorozu jumped away from the opponent by a few back jumps.

“From the performance of Tokoyami on weekdays, there is a limit to the range of his quirk [black shadow]. My speed is definitely not as fast as that of the black shadow, so I have to create something that can delay before he launches an attack. Things of time!”

The close contact with Zhengta before seemed to be useful, at least now Yaoyorozu Bai’s heart is no longer confused, and his mind is also very clear.

A ray of light flashed on his arm, and several grenades were pinched in his hand.

“Of course it would be better if you can directly shake him off the court…

Thinking like this in his heart, Yaoyorozu pulled the latch and threw the grenade at Tokoyami who was rushing over.


After the grenade exploded, a huge wave of air was generated, which also brought Yaoyorozu’s body back a certain distance. However, Tokoyami’s reaction was also very quick. He directly let the black shadow penetrate the ground and supported his body to avoid the attack.

“Sure enough, it’s not so easy to deal with.

Yaoyorozu, who was retreating, saw Tokoyami’s escape this time. He gritted his teeth and used the quirk again. Several grenades appeared in his hands and threw them forward.

“The same attack? It’s useless!”

Tokoyami saw the grenade thrown again, causing the black shadow to surround his body, forming a protective circle to resist the attack.

However, the imaginary explosion did not sound.

“This is… a smoke bomb?!”

I saw a large amount of smoke from the rolling grenade on the ground, quickly covering the area of ​​half of the ring.

“Almighty creation! Yaoyorozu Wan, this is really a humanoid weapon arsenal! Now, except for the two people in the field, no one can know the situation of the game!”

The sudden smoke made it impossible for the cameras in the arena to capture the two people in the battle, which also made the audience a little confused, and now they can only wait for the smoke to dissipate.

“The line of sight is completely obscured… But in this environment, the power of the shadow will also become stronger, so don’t worry about it for the time being.

Tokoyami also didn’t plan to initiate an attack at this time, because he couldn’t find Yaoyorozu at all, and decided to fight a defensive counterattack before the smoke cleared.

“Hurry up and make it before the smoke has dissipated!”

Yaoyorozu Bai is very busy at this time, and the light on his body is constantly flashing. Looking at this manufacturing time, you will know that it is a big killer.


Because it was an open venue, the smoke did not last long. When the smoke dissipated, the two appeared in the eyes of the audience again.

“々This is…”

The Yaoyorozu Bai in front of him is obviously fully armed, wearing a heat-insulating suit on his graceful body, wearing a mask on his head, carrying something like an oxygen cylinder on his back, and holding a huge hand in his hand. Weapons.

“Although I don’t know what kind of weapon this is, let’s try it out first.”

Seeing Yaoyorozu’s changes, Tokoyami didn’t panic either, and drove the dark shadow towards Yaoyorozu’s.

“watch out!”

Raising the weapon in his hand and aiming at the attacking black shadow, Yaoyorozu squeezed the trigger.

A raging flame ejected from the weapon, staining the field with a red color, and the temperature in the field rose suddenly. This is a flamethrower! The canister behind you is filled with fuel!

“Flame Man!”

Seeing the tongue of fire roaring towards him, the black shadow showed a humanized cold sweat on his head, and he retracted directly beside Tokoyami.

Tokoyami’s quirk[黑影], in the bright place will be greatly weakened, and in the dark place will be stronger, but it is relatively more difficult to control.

At this time, the flames in front of him obviously made Sombra a little timid.

Because of the influence of Masata, Yaoyorozu has come into contact with many hot weapons, similar to flamethrowers, machine guns, and even howitzers. However, the latter requires too much time and fat to be used on the field; and this time, the flamethrower Yaoyorozu 100 chooses to manufacture is obviously the right thing to do, which perfectly restrains the shadows.

Seeing that his attack was effective, Yaoyorozu also walked towards Tokoyami step by step holding the flamethrower. The huge flame range made Tokoyami unable to dodge at all, and was forced to retreat and leave the field.

“Winner, Yaoyorozu Momo! This is a complete technological victory!

As teacher Mic announced the end of the game, the last game is about to come.

Cha Cha in the runners’ aisle took a breath and strode towards the arena. .

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