Chapter 54 Elemental!

“The feeling of being torn in the body disappeared…what happened?”

The man in the suit looking at him was looking at himself with a curious look, and Masata only felt cold.

Trying to prop up his body, lowered his head and looked at the wound he had just now, and was shocked suddenly.

My body, below my chest, turned into a pool of magma.

“This is… elementalization?!”

The scene in front of me is so similar to the ability in a comic in my memory!

Obviously, the waist and legs disappeared, turning into magma flowing in the ruins. But Masata can clearly feel their existence!

“It’s really a magical ability… It turns your body into an inorganic substance in an instant? I wonder if your head can also be transformed?”

The man in the suit looked at Masata interestingly, and raised his hand to aim at Masata.

The crisis is not over yet!

There is no time for Masata to think about the changes in her body, and the attack-strikes again.

Looking at the air cannon flying towards her head, Masata only felt that her adrenaline was constantly secreted, and her control over the body between life and death was constantly increasing.

“If I turn into magma, I will be able to avoid this trick!”

With this in mind, Masata felt that the man in the suit suddenly became taller.

No, it’s not that the other party has become taller.

It’s that his vision has become lower!

Just a heart move, Masata really turned into a place of magma just like what she thought in her heart.

This is really a very strange feeling, as if one’s own consciousness has also been integrated into the magma, or that oneself has become the incarnation of magma.

The attack from the man in the suit also came as a shadow, hitting the magma in the ruins fiercely.

“Woolen cloth!”

The magma was severely broken up by the powerful air cannon and splashed to the ground, but Masata’s body did not appear in it.

“E? ​​Can it really be transformed completely? What a wonderful ability! Even my quirk can be avoided!

Seeing Masata who had turned into magma and escaped her attack, the interest in the tone of the man in the suit became more intense.

“Although it is not clear why the body has become like this, it seems that elementalization is the only guarantee for my life.”

The magma scattered on the ground gradually flowed aside, gathered together, slowly creeping upwards, and gradually formed a figure.

First the feet, then the legs, torso, limbs, and finally the head. The magma is thus reduced to Masata.

Looking down at her bare self, Masata’s face is a bit ugly. With a thought in his mind, a robe made of magma appeared on his body.

“It seems that this elementalization can’t eliminate the physical injury, and the physical exertion is so serious.

The still twisted left hand, the pain from the abdomen and the feeling of loss from the body revealed this message to Masata.

“It must not be able to escape like before. This person’s attack speed is too fast to escape.

I remembered that I had clearly felt the danger coming, but before my brain gave the instruction to avoid, that air cannon fell on my body and severely injured myself.

“Elementalization can’t be maintained for a long time, but for now, I can’t help it with elementalization.

The body has changed, and Masata found that he could turn his body into magma with just one thought, and during the elementalization period, the body would not be injured. This was also reflected in the attack just now.

“Then, in the current deadlock, the only life is there.”

“Big Spitfire!!”

I thought to myself that the pre-emptive Masata raised his hand and hit it with a big move.

“Oh? Do you still have the strength to fight? Your physical fitness is pretty good… But it’s useless!”

Seeing the lava fist that covered the sky and the sun hit him, the man in the suit did not panic at all, and even talked in idleness.

With a wave of his hand, the air in front of him seemed to solidify, and the hard air barrier greeted the fire.

The fire that had been unfavourable all the time, but at this time it stopped abruptly in the air. After that, it was like being pushed back hard by an invisible big hand.

The scattered magma fell over the sky and fell towards Masata, forming small ponds directly on the ground.

When the man in the suit fought back, Masata was not stunned.

“Lava Zone!!”

The quirk, which had become stronger once before, and after a magical change in his body, at this time Masata just pressed his arm to the ground, and a huge magma zone appeared under his feet.

“It’s not enough, it’s not enough… It needs to be deeper and bigger to escape!!!”

……For flowers………

The body continued to exert force, the scale of the magma zone also continued to expand, and the depth also continued to increase. At this time, half of Masata had sunk in.

The magma bomb splashed down by the big fire was used as a cover, blocking the sight of the man in the suit opposite.


As Masata meditated silently, the body standing in the magma turned into magma and fell into the magma pool without a sound.

Although it seems to have done a lot of things, in fact, all of this only happened within a few seconds of the electric light and flint.

“Huh? Is it turned into magma and hides inside…”

Looking at the empty lava pool in front of him, the man in the suit secretly said that he was careless.

“Just don’t know if you can stay in it forever!”

“[Musculoskeletal Springing]+[Power Storage]x4+[Air Cohesion]+[Power Amplification]x3+[Physical Proliferation]X2”

With a slight whisper, the suit man’s suit suddenly burst open, and his right arm became extraordinarily huge in a muscular twist, just like the arm of a giant, creating a huge contrast with his figure.

A punch is completely different from the previous pediatric attack. The huge fist hits a sonic boom directly, and a huge punch wind blows into the magma pool.


Accompanied by the sound of shaking the sky, it is directly transformed into a bottomless pit.

“Did you run?”

There was a slight irritation behind the steel mask, and the man in the suit was a little unhappy without seeing the imaginary figure.

The previous movement obviously alarmed the police. At this moment, the sound of flying police sirens can be heard, and the lights of the helicopter in the distance are also shining towards this area.

“It’s really a failure… Did you let this kid run away in just a careless moment? It’s as difficult as Shigeki said.”

“The current physical condition is not very good. It is not a wise move to face All Might at this time.

“Although I am a bit unwilling to not get such a powerful quirk, let’s stop here for today.

The voice behind the steel mask became lighter and softer, and the dark thick liquid appeared from behind the man in the suit without warning, wrapped him, and then disappeared into the void.

All that was left were dilapidated neighborhoods, devastated streets, and residual magma flowing in the pit. . . Long.

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