Chapter 43 wake up

Late at night, Xiongying’s ward.

Masata’s eyelids moved while lying on the bed.

I opened my eyes laboriously, only to see darkness.

“Am I in the hospital?”

There is no light source in the airtight ward, but Masata can feel that her hands are fixed on the bed, it should be dripping.

“Just waking up, didn’t the overdraft body recover?” I tried to sit upright, but the powerlessness from my body made this simple movement impossible.

“But there shouldn’t be any major problems in the body, and the arms have regained consciousness. In this way, they will soon recover.”

The Zhengma, who couldn’t sleep and had nothing to do, just lay on the bed, her eyes widened blankly.

“What happened at the time?” Recalling the scene when he rushed to Kurogiri in USJ, I was too confused.

After breaking free from the shackles of the deadwood, Masata only felt that he had turned into a part of the magma. The magma that used to require a lot of physical strength to be controlled turned out to be driven by himself like his own arm.

It’s okay to put a layer of lava on the Masata before, but it is completely unrealistic to say that the magma is fixed into a set of armor.

It’s like you can grab a handful of sand, but you can’t fix the loose sand into a sand sculpture. Masata can only maintain the magma on her body with her superhuman strength, forming some simple shapes. But it can’t be transformed into a lifelike armor like before.

Thinking back to the feeling at that time, Masata only felt that his blood was boiling again.

“Is it the breakthrough of [magma] quirk? Or did it happen under the action of the mysterious [cell enhancement]?”

“If I have been able to control the magma as easily as before, then my strength will increase over a span!”

Previously, it was like a dog and a big fire. The reason why these stamina was exhausted was not simply because of the magma being tired, but because the magma was suppressed in one’s body and maintained in the state when it was about to erupt. Especially the former will bring a great burden to the body.

But if in that state in USJ, these moves can not only greatly save energy, but also their power will be slightly improved!

The more I think about it, the more excited I am, and Masata is completely immersed in the prospect of his quirk. When he recovered, the sky was already bright.


With a soft sound, the door was pushed open. The recovery girl and the skinny version of All Might walked in.

“So you don’t have to come here for All Might, this kid is in good health!” The recovery girl on crutches said to All Might.

“All Might?”

The Masata who heard the voice turned her head and looked towards the door, but she did not see the sturdy figure of All Might, only a skeleton-like man in a golden suit.


The two who heard Masata’s voice also looked at Masata in surprise, never expecting Masata to wake up so soon.

And All Might, who realized that his secret had been discovered by Zheng Tai (in fact, did not), also closed the door with a serious face.

“As you can see, Igarashi boy. I am the symbol of peace, All Might.”


After a laborious explanation, Masata finally believed that the man in front of him was the muscle maniac All Might.

“So, you are only regaining consciousness now, but your body is still not fully recovered?”

Masata also learned from the two that he had been in a coma for a day, and now it has been two days since the USJ attack. “Well, but my physique is a bit special. As long as the nutrition keeps up, I can recover quickly. Otherwise, I won’t be able to wake up so soon.”

“Moreover, my basic actions are OK now, so I can just let myself supplement my nutrition and recover.”

After speaking, the Masata who recovered a little bit of strength also got off the bed and jumped.

“That’s not bad, after all, the course can’t be dropped. Also, you did a great job in USJ this time Igarashi Boy!!!”

Speaking of All Might here, suddenly became the familiar muscular man in a burst of steam.

“As your teacher, I am so relieved!!! I believe Aizawa-kun will be proud of you too!”

After hearing All Might’s praise, Masata was not humble. After all, I was really fighting my old life at the time, grinning, and the familiar, arrogant and confident smile appeared on his face again:

“Of course it is!!!”


The Masata who was successfully discharged from the hospital, with an energy bar in her mouth, walked back to her class leisurely.

As soon as I arrived at the door of the class, I heard the voice of the head teacher Aizawa Shouta coming out of the class.

“Hey! Isn’t this Mr. Aizawa!”

The door slammed open, and a mummy appeared in front of Masata.

“Oh, it’s a madam, good morning…”

The familiar decadent voice passed into Masata’s ears, which convinced Masata that the mummy in front of him was his head teacher.

The classmates were also excited when they saw the Masata who appeared at the door.

“Jiantai! It’s great that you’re okay!” Seeing the jean-tai who was alive and kicking, Yaoyorozu’s eyes were instantly red, and Ochaco laughed happily on the side. His big eyes, which were still somewhat misty, brightened in an instant.

“Cut, the vitality is really tenacious.” Bakugo’s way of caring about people is still uncomfortable as always.

The loudest shouts were Kirishima and Grape. They had a very good relationship with Masata in the class and they were very worried yesterday.

“Hello, teacher, are you too dedicated?!”

Are they all mummified and come to class? No one will blame you for asking for a leave!

“Sit back to your seat quickly, and something will be announced immediately. The people below are also quiet.”

“The battle is not over yet.”

After Masata sat down and the class calmed down, Mr. Aizawa said this sentence very calmly.


“Could it be that villain(s) has invaded again!”

Everyone immediately became nervous. After all, they were attacked the day before yesterday. After a while, will villain(s) make a comeback again?

“The Xiongying Sports Festival is already here!” The mummy opened his eyes and brought things a big turn.

“The super campus style event is here!


PS: Continue to ask for a monthly ticket for flowers~*

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