Chapter 25 Fateful duel


“Hello, Bakugo classmate! Let me know the situation, how is your place?!”

Another attack was evaded by Midoriya, and the constant explosion made Ida Ida on the other side couldn’t help asking.

Looking at Midori Valley, who stopped running, Bakugo seemed to calm down, facing away from Midori Valley Izuku.

“Shut up, just keep me where you are!”

Annoyed by the constant chattering words in the headset, Bakugo yelled at Iida and said that the headset was picked off and thrown away.

“Next, let me die and waste a long time!!!” Both hands suddenly blasted backwards, and with the acceleration generated by the blasting, they rushed directly to Lugu’s side, and a whip leg slammed towards Lugu.

Lugu knows very well that he currently does not rely on quirk and cannot directly compete with Bakugo, which is better than him in all aspects, so he has not blocked it.

A quick squat, dodging Bakugo’s leg, before Bakugo’s legs were on the ground, his center of gravity was unstable, and he shot and grabbed Bakugo’s belt, and then it was another familiar scene, which occurred when Bakugo rushed over. His inertia once again threw Bakugo to the ground.

The action was seen through again! Bakugo’s heart at this time was a little shocked besides anger. Is this really a waste of wood from childhood to most of the time?

Seeing Lugu pull out the tape used for the capture, Bakugo reacted very quickly. Soon a carp stood up from the ground, and then with a sudden wave of his right hand, he blasted towards Lugu again.

“That’s awesome, that guy, can you play with that Bakugo without activating the quirk?” At this time, the students in the monitoring room were also discussing. The strength that Green Valley, who had always been ordinary, displayed at this time made them a little vibrated.

“The Green Valley boy is already very good in judging the form! In addition, it took more than ten years to write in the notebook… The knowledge of Hero(es) that was engraved in his mind has finally come to fruition! “All Might was also secretly happy for Lugu.

“Hey! Green Valley! Your quirk!!!”

“Isn’t it great, ah?! Give it to me quickly!!! Anyway, I’m still stronger!!!”

While roaring loudly, while constantly swinging blasts towards Green Valley, Bakugo also gradually adapted to the frequency of Green Valley’s dodge, and became more brave as he fought.

Sure enough, you can’t win a small victory just by blindly dodge. Then it can’t be delayed! Midori Valley also found that it was becoming more and more difficult to avoid Bakugo’s attack, and if he continued to fight like this, he would soon be defeated.

“Enough saved.” Suddenly, Bakugo muttered to himself while touching his grenade-shaped guard.

“Hey, Fei Jiu. You already know your stalker-like investigation method.”

“Huh?” Bakugo suddenly calmed down, making Midori Valley a little unclear.

“I used the sweat glands in the palm of my hand to excrete the nitroglycerin-like liquid to trigger the explosion.” Bakugo, like all villains would do before being knocked down, explained his quirk to the Green Valley in front of him.

“If the battle suit adopts the design I hope, then this pair of handguards should already have a lot…” Toggling a mechanism on the handguard, Bakugo showed a grinning smile.

“Crap! Bakugo boy shouldn’t he!! Hurry up and stop Bakugo boy!!” All Might in the monitoring room immediately grabbed his heart when he saw this scene, and shouted at the communicator.

However, at this time, Bakugo had already threw the headset aside, and could not hear the voice of All Might in the monitoring room. Aim his arm at Green Valley.

“Could it be that…” Seeing the dark hole in Bakugo’s handguard, Green Valley faintly came to a conclusion.

“If it is really what I imagined, then this trick must not be hit! But this distance is also inevitable… There is only one opportunity! You must grasp it!” Feeling the sweat in his hands, Lu Gu clenched his fists. .

“Launch!!!” “SMASH!!!” Two roars were made at the same time.

“BOOM!” After the two attacks collided, there was a huge explosion, and the crazy air current drove Green Valley to slam the wall hard.

However, Bakugo’s attack at this time was directed at Green Valley’s side, but Green Valley’s attack was indeed directed at his head.

The tremendous power brought by [ONEFORALL] caused Green Valley’s fist to produce a huge wind of fists, which intercepted it before Bakugo’s attack hit, and then, the explosion from that special guard was crushed by the huge wind. Wrapped together and rushed to the top of the two people’s heads.

“Tsuyu-chan!!!” After the blow, his arm was scrapped and he came into close contact with the hard wall, and was no longer able to fight. After shouting out the name of his partner, he slowly slipped to the ground against the wall.

“Received! Gero.”

Asui Tsuyu, who has not shown up before, has been hiding outside the door of the nuclear weapons room. When I heard Green Valley’s roar in the headset, I felt the vibration under my feet, and rushed into the room quickly against the wall.

“Hero(es) is finally here! Hurry up and catch it!” Seeing Asui Tsuyu who suddenly appeared in front of her, Iida Ida, who had been anxiously waiting for Bakugo news, rushed forward. This room was specially selected by him. It is very empty and there are not many bunkers. It is very suitable for his quirk play.

However, before he rushed in front of Asui Tsuyu, a huge shock came from under his feet. Then, a shock smashed through the hard floor and opened a huge hole in the floor. After that, he continued to move upward with incomparable momentum, running through the entire building.

“Sorry, Ida-chan!” While Ida Ida was looking for a place to stay and couldn’t take advantage of his explosive movement speed, Asui Tsuyu was like a real frog, with his limbs attached to the wall, fast. Moved towards the nuclear weapons. And Iida Ida also noticed Asui’s movements, but he couldn’t help it because of the falling rocks and fragmented ground.

“Damn it…” Iida Ida let out an unwilling voice while complaining to herself in her heart.

“Pop!” At this moment, Asui leaped hard from the wall, and with the recoil given by the wall, Asui tightly hugged the nuclear weapon.

“The battle is successful! Gero~”

“Hero(es) party-win!!!”

“Has the plan succeeded… I won!” Lvgu Izuku fell to the ground weakly and heard the voice of All Might in the headset. Although there was severe pain everywhere in his body, his face was still happy. expression.

“What are you talking about?! Which one of your eyes sees you winning!!!” Although he was taken aback by Midori Valley’s huge attack, Bakugo knew that the battle was not over. The Green Valley in front of him is obviously unable to fight, so he can tell that he won?

“Yes, Xiaosheng, I won!” Midori Valley faced Bakugo, who walked in front of him and looked down at him, speaking weakly but firmly.

“I won!”*

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