Chapter 12 Xiongying High School

Time flies, and his so happy third-year life is quickly coming to an end. Today is the day for him to take the Hero(es) entrance exam for Xiongying High School.

“That’s awesome, Hundred, Xiongying High School is really magnificent, it’s different from ordinary high schools!” Standing at the gate of the school, Masata looked at the majestic school building whose gate was so high, facing her exaggeratedly. Said Yaoyorozu Momo.

“Of course, the Hero(es) subject of Xiongying is also the most popular in the country. All Might, Endeavor, Best Jeanist and other popular Hero(es) graduated from Xiongying. So there are rumors in the society. : To be a great Hero(es), graduation from Xiongying is a prerequisite.” Yaoyorozu Momo stretched out an index finger and spoke plausibly, his face also full of pride. After all, even Xiongying himself is exempted from the entrance examination, so a little pride is of course okay.

At this time, Masata’s eyes suddenly appeared green.

“Huh? That person is so familiar? This familiar hair color… Isn’t it the kid in the Mud Monster incident a year ago?” Looking at the figure in front of him, he was thinking too much, after all, this hair color is not common.

“Go away, smelly for a long time.” A white hair with unhealthy young people all over his body appeared. “Don’t stand in front of me, or you will be killed!”

“Ahhh, Xiaosheng…Morning…Good morning, let us all cheer for each other…” The green boy instantly turned into a little girlfriend and greeted him with a smile.

However, the white-haired young man ignored his intentions and walked straight forward with his hands in his pockets.

“Ahhhhh, come to think of it, it’s the two of them, this White Mao is Green Mao’s friend, right? The person kidnapped by that muck at that time. Their relationship is really as good as ever~” Masata watched this scene. My heart is full of malicious thoughts.

“Yo! Boy!” Since it was an acquaintance who had ‘squatted in jail’ together (they were all left by the police at the time), Masata walked forward carelessly and patted the young green-haired man on the shoulder. “Do you still recognize me!”

Suddenly being photographed by the person behind him, Lu Gu was also startled, and as soon as he turned his head, he saw a smiling face of Yang Guang. “Ah, ah, you were at that time… Brother Magma? You were taken away by the police before you could thank you. Are you okay afterwards? Are you not injured? And…Are you also a freshman here? Is it? I always thought you were older than me.” Recognizing Masata, Lugu said excitedly.

The stunned lady who was asked a series of questions by Green Valley put her finger against her forehead: “Wait, you have so many questions for me to explain one by one. First of all, I am the magma brother in your mouth, but I also have a name and a surname, I My name is Igarashi Masata, and the one next to me is Yaoyorozu Momo. Then I was not injured or caught by the police. In the end, I was also a freshman here, and now I am here to take the exam. What is your name? What? I don’t know yet.”

It was also a bit embarrassing to find that Lugu, who had not introduced herself, said quickly: “My name is Lugu Izuku, the person I admire most is All Might, and my favorite food is pork chop rice…”

“Stop, stop, stop, stop, why even your favorite food came out! Are you talking about stubbornness?” interrupted Lugu’s endless chatter, and said helplessly. “It’s almost time, let’s go to the exam venue together.”

“Hey! Asshole there!”

Before Lugu agreed, there was a fierce voice in front of him.

“You’re the magma bastard who defeated the sludge monster at the beginning! Remember me, my name is Bakugo Katsuki! I didn’t ask you to help you bastard!” The white hair who walked in front turned toward the madam with a ferocious face. Growled, then walked forward without looking back.

“That’s your little boyfriend, Lugu?” After listening to the arrogant speech, Zhengtoo turned his head and joked at Lugu with a narrow expression.

“No, no, Xiao Sheng is my friend, we grew up together since childhood. And I’m a boy, how can I have a boyfriend!” Lugu explained in a panic.

“Haha, it turned out to be a childhood sweetheart, your relationship is really good!”

“I said no…”

“Okay, let’s go to the exam venue as soon as you two, time is also very tight!” Yaoyorozu Momo, who has been acting as an invisible man from the beginning, said: “Just too, I will not be with you anymore. I will also go to my own venue. .”

“Okay, okay, then see you in the evening~”

———————————————————————————————————————————————— ——————————————————————————————————

Masata, Izuku and Bakugo sat together in the venue.

“Is that girl your friend just now, classmate Igarashi? Isn’t she coming to take the exam?” Izuku asked the Zhengma next to him.

“Ah, you say Bai, she is my childhood sweetheart, and Bai’s words have been exempted from the exam. Now, maybe the school has to test her quirk. So she and we will not be in the same examination room. “Masata explained.

“That’s amazing! Exempted students, this is a high-achieving student who is not a few in the whole year! You can definitely become a great Hero(es) from now on!” After Izuku’s words, there seemed to be small stars twinkling in Izuku’s eyes.

“Boom!” At this moment, the flash on the summit stage lit up, and the screen behind it also showed Xiongying’s school badge.

“Dear candidates, welcome to my live, EverybodysayHey!” a teacher dressed in hip-hop shouted loudly in the middle of the light.

Although shocked by the sudden opening ceremony, Masata, who had a rich experience in listening to leaders’ speeches in her previous life, still yelled very cooperatively:


The whole auditorium was quiet, only the roar of Masata was still echoing.

“What’s the matter, are you treating me as a fool? Do high school students now have such a quirk?” Rao Yi Masata’s face was also embarrassed at this time. After all, he is the only one responding enthusiastically to so many people, and now Masata still feels countless eyes looking towards him.

“It seems that the enthusiasm of the students is also very high! So everyone, now I will explain the summary of the exam.” The teacher on the stage said excitedly.

“Areyou ready?”


“Ah, he’s hilarious by himself.” The well-behaved Masata complained expressionlessly under the stage.

“As mentioned in the exam points, you will have to take part in a 10-minute [simulated block exercise] afterwards.”

“You can bring anything to the designated exercise venue!”

“There are 3 types of [imaginary enemies] in the exercise field! There are corresponding scores according to their respective [Strategy Difficulty]!”

“Using their respective [quirk] to defeat [imaginary enemies] and increase your score is your goal. Of course, attacking others that violates the spirit of Hero(es) is prohibited.”

Suddenly someone raised his hand: “I have a question, can I raise it?”

“Of course classmates.” The hip-hop teacher on the stage exaggeratedly said.

Zheng Tai looked at the young man with glasses who looked like a good student template, and saw him seriously said: “There are four imaginary enemies on the exam points. If the record is wrong, it would be a great gaffe for Xiongying! We are I’m just sitting here in search of the professional guidance provided by the model Hero(es)!”

“In addition, there are classmates with curly hair over there!” At this point, the eye-eyed boy turned to point to Izuku who had been muttering to himself since the teacher came out, “I have been whispering since just now to make others unable to concentrate! If you came here with the excitement and eye-opening mood, please leave Xiongying immediately!”*

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