Chapter 1 Igarashi Masata

“I’m going out,” said a child wearing a light blue kindergarten uniform with a yellow little yellow hat hanging from a slice of bread.

“Oh, today’s Masata sauce is as vigorous as ever.” The woman wiping the dishes in the kitchen narrowed her face, “Be careful on the way.”

“I got it”

That’s right, this kid is me, an ordinary, passionate young man who is about to enter university and is in a daze doing the second dream.

My last life

On the way to school, Masata’s mind recalled the past. Just like the old story of crossing, Masata sits in front of the computer, turns on the potato chips, clicks on the new episode of One Piece, fills a big mouthful of fat house happy water, and is about to collapse on the chair while enjoying the beautiful summer life. Coke It was knocked over on the old socket, and then Masata was accidentally electrocuted.

When Masata woke up, she came to the hospital of this world and became a newborn.

This world is still very similar to the previous world on the whole. The towering glass buildings, the flat and spacious roads, the shopping malls where people come and go, everything seems to be no different from the society before crossing, except. . .

At the beginning of the matter, in Qingqing City in the Tianchao area, with the birth of a luminous baby, “supernormal” phenomena appeared all over the world. Although the reason is unknown, the passage of time never stops. Before you know it, “supernormal” becomes “ordinary”, and “fantasy” becomes “reality”

Right now, the world has become a superhuman society in which 80% of the human population has a “special physique”! And in this chaotic world, a profession that was once only dreamed of by people… has stepped onto the stage of history!

With the normalization of “extraordinary”, the crime rate showed an explosive growth. Before the government completely completed the amendment of the law, some brave people came forward and started Hero(es) as described in the comics. Activity. Vigilance against “extraordinary” and defense against maliciousness! Hero(es), who quickly gained popular support, became a formal profession under the impetus of the world’s fishing boats, and their activity was correspondingly obtained:

Income provided by the state! ! The prestige given by the people! !

This year’s Jeong is too 4 years old. In this world, quirk can be discovered before the age of 4, and when he got up this morning, Jeong too awakened his “quirk”.

While brushing his teeth, Masata found that her arm was burning in the mirror!

Ecstatic, he immediately told his mother Igarashi Taisaki (daddy went to work) about this discovery, and his mother also agreed to take his wife to do the quirk test after school today. This is also the reason why Masata is so happy today.

The grandma who just sat in her seat couldn’t help but push the little girl next to her, “Na, na, hundred, I woke up this morning, quirk, I can get angry, I’m really super handsome. Ah! From now on, I will definitely become a super handsome man like All Might!”

The name of the little girl sitting next to Masata is Yaoyorozu Momo. She was the first friend Masata met when she went to the kindergarten. She was lying on the table and got up after hearing the voice from the side: “Ah, you are the wife. The quirk is also awakened. If you can get fire on your body, it is really a powerful quirk. I heard that the quirk of Hero(es) Endeavor of No.

“Well, even though Endeavor is also very strong, All Might really has an appetite for me.” As she said, Masata bends her arm to show off the muscles that don’t exist on her arm. “Fists and muscles are a man’s romance!”

“Hey, you are an idiot with muscles in your brain”, Yaoyorozu Momo held his forehead with his hand, and said helplessly, apparently he was already quite surprised by the bloody idiot on the side.

Soon, the school bell rang, and Masata, who could not wait, rushed out of the school gate and saw his father and mother beckoning to him: “Masata sauce ~ here and here~” Hearing the shouting of his father and mother, Masata He ran over with his head down quickly, with a look of resentment, but he was inspired to become a muscular expert, why did he put on such a…weak name?

Masata’s father is called Igarashi Masano, and his mother is Igarashi Taisaki. Obviously, this lazy couple took a word from their own names and used it as the name of Masata. Speaking of which, Masata’s fathers and mothers said this. The name is very satisfying.

It didn’t take long for the Igarashi family to come to the door of the building called the “quirk registration office”. In this society, every citizen who has awakened from the quirk will be forced to come to the quirk registration office to register his quirk. This is also the state’s supervision and control of quirks. After all, in this superhuman society, powerful quirks can be caused. The damage is huge.

Because it was already evening, and there were not many people in the registration office, with the company of his parents, Masata came to a room dedicated to the test quirk.

“Children, I heard your parents say that you have awakened the quirk today, so you can use your quirk with all your strength now.” A bald middle-aged recorder in a white coat and heavy glasses on the bridge of his nose said kindly with a smile.

Oh oh oh oh, is my quirk finally revealed? Is it finally on the road to become a Hero(es)? The whole person is excited. This hot-blooded scene that can only appear in comics, I can’t help but think, “It feels like the whole person is going to burn!!!”

No, this is not a feeling. Soon Masata realized that she was indeed burning.

It may be a bit inappropriate to say that it is burning, just like instinct. Masata didn’t stop him, so he used his own quirk. In Masata’s heart, his own quirk produced flames, but in the eyes of Masata’s parents and the recorder , An amazing scene happened.

As the flame burning time on his body increased, Zheng too seemed to “melt”.

“Just take the liberty to ask, what are the quirks of your husband and wife?” The researcher raised his hand and wiped his sweat. The high temperature from Masata’s body made him breathless.

“I can produce flames on my body, and my wife can turn my body into rocks. However, both of us have very weak quirks. For example, the flames generated by me can only be regarded as flames, and the rocks that my wife turned into are also Very fragile.” Masata’s father Zhengye also said, wiping his sweat.

“Depending on the situation, your son perfectly combined the quirk of your husband and wife, and if he can achieve this level the first time he uses the quirk, it is obvious that he is a born Hero(es)!” the researcher said excitedly. “This is the first time I have seen such a quirk, how beautiful and powerful it is!”

“Lava! Burning rock!”*

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