Kung Fu Way: Point of No End

Chapter 117: Make a comprehensive plan to draw snakes out of the hole and build achievements

Chapter 117

"Zhang Jinchuan is indeed amazing, so I can see the shadow of the Three Kingdoms advisers." Zhang Manman said to Su Jie.

"Well, this reminds me of the historical Han Gaozu Liu Bang's solution to the siege of Baideng. He used a lot of money to bribe the wife of the enemy leader and blew the pillow to get out of trouble. In my opinion, Zhang Jinchuan promised Fuya has a lot of things. In fact, he takes 60%, I am afraid he will have to give a lot." Su Jie nodded.

"Unfortunately, even if this thing is done, you won't get the slightest benefit." Zhang Manman said: "I took a look, Zhang Jinchuan really wants you to join his company, whether you want to join or not. "

"Go back and talk about it." Su Jie has actually made a decision. Zhang Jinchuan can work together, but he can't talk to each other, so there is no need to press Bao on him: "Actually, I have gained too many benefits this time. I know myself. The inadequacies of the psychological quality and the benefits of practice are far beyond what wealth can match."

In a valley far away, "Hungry Wolf" met with a big man with a beard.

This big man is Bata. This is a natural yellow camouflage uniform with dozens of soldiers behind him, with blood on his body.

"What the **** is going on?" Bata stared at "Hungry Wolf", "Didn't you get caught, and you confessed to me, how come you are here?"

"I want to ask you? What happened?" The hungry wolf was also confused.

"I heard the news that you and the gray wolf were arrested. They confessed to me. They called me to rebel and ran out." Bata said.

"Damn it, we're in it." The hungry wolf thought for a few seconds, then roared.

"What's the trick?" Bata asked.

"Let’s go, this is not a place to stay for a long time. If you are caught by Awasi, we all have to die. If you don’t run out, it’s okay, we still have room to stand up. Once you run, you will sit down and you will not be able to go back. Now." The hungry wolf could see clearly.

This time it was purely frightened by the noise of the wind.

"Fuya can't think of such a strategy, it must be the three little scumbags. It is so powerful. How did they know Fuya? How did Fuya listen to them?" Hungry wolf did not understand.

There are several key points in this strategy. The first is that Fuya must believe in the ideas of these three people. The second is to spread rumors in an instant, causing panic and causing Bata to show his feet.

"Fortunately for you, it's a pity for Gray Wolf." "Hungry Wolf" quickly left.

In the manor, General Awasi was counting the number of high-ranking officers under his command and found that there was no real power faction following Bata's rebellion. He could not help but breathe a sigh of relief. After commanding for a while, he said to all the officers: "From today, Gail takes over the position of Bata, you have no opinion, right."


All high-ranking officers agree. At this time, who dares to oppose?


Avasi nodded: "Let Fuya come to see me, you disband."

After dozens of minutes, Fu Ya appeared here.

Avasi motioned to her to sit down: "Fuya, you made a decisive decision this time and did a good job."

"This is all I should do." Fuya did not sit down, but stood upright, which made Awasi feel more favored: "I came to ask you about one thing, about the shipment? You said How should it be?"

"The seizure of this shipment is Bata's idea. He is actually harming you, General." Fuya said: "We now need to restore order and rebuild. We need the help of their country. If this matter affects our reputation, we will No one wants to do business with the general. This is not worth the loss. In addition, their country is very strong and friendly. Other forces are actually moving closer to it. At that time, they may express their views on this matter and alienate us. I suggest that it is still friendly. To solve the problem, and the Xu family’s foreign trade has done a lot, we can use the Xu family’s business route to give them some of our business, so that we can really make a lot of money."

"Is it so..." Awasi was said to have moved the strong relationship and nodded: "Looking at it this way, I was really deceived by Bata. I didn't see the long-term benefits. It was the previous method, peace. Coming soon, thinking will change."

"The general is really wise, and your wisdom is like a god." Fuya slapped her flat in time.

On the large table of the manor, Su Jie and others were sitting, still waiting for news.

Zhang Manman is still thinking, seemingly worried.

Su Jie comforted: "Don't worry, this thing should be successful."

"How do you see it?" Zhang Jinchuan also smiled.

"In fact, we are second. The key is that our country is strong. As a backing, Awasi dare not mess around, but dare to make some small articles. Of course, we let the influence of the Feng family be eliminated this time. No one fanned the flames. If Fuya said something nice, things are still unsuccessful, then there is simply no reason." Su Jie also saw it accurately.

A scent spread over, and several chefs appeared here, and they started to serve everyone. It was steaming, very hearty, bread, butter, roast turkey, mashed potatoes, cake cheese, apple pie, bananas, nuts, and steam. Steaming coffee.

In addition, Su Jie also saw cigars.

"It's done." Zhang Manman saw that the chef had served such a hearty dish and knew that he would never leave.

You know, just now, everyone was sitting here and didn't even take a sip of water.

Sure enough, Awasi, Fuya, and his son Gail came here.

Awasi changed his face and greeted enthusiastically: "Come, have lunch first. I have decided to release your cargo and merchant ships to eliminate misunderstandings. However, I hope to strengthen business contacts in the future. We can sign an agreement. Here I am. There are large quantities of goods to be sold and external purchases are required. How about giving you all the orders?"

"That's great." Zhang Manman didn't expect Awasi to change so much.

This meal was enjoyed by both the host and the guest.

After the meal, Awasi said to Su Jie: "I heard that you are good at kung fu, and Gail wants to learn from you. I also have good kung fu here. Why don't you try?"

"Yes." At this time, Su Jie naturally couldn't save Awaxi's face. Although the other party said that it had been released, the actual procedures were not processed. Wanting to change is just a matter of thinking.

"Daru, you come in." Awasi clapped his hands. At this time, a soldier came in at the door. It was nearly two meters long. His muscles were like huge rocks. When he walked in, he moved quickly and was not clumsy at all. , And his footsteps were as light as a cat, without making a sound.

Originally, the muscle mass is too large, and it is not good in fighting, which can easily cause clumsy actions and affect speed.

The tighter the fighting muscles, the better, and the more stretched the better. It is best to be soft when it is soft, and like an iron block when it is hard, it is perfect to stick to the body like fish scales, and even be wrapped in fat.

That is, the kind that does not seem to have muscles, but if you are lucky, fat will protrude if it can't cover the muscles.

This is proved by scientific evidence, too low body fat rate is not good, too high also not good.

However, this Dalu was born with a strong physique. In ancient terms, he was "born with divine power". He had received strict training and had actual combat experience. He must not be underestimated.

After Daru came in, he took off his shirt and exposed his body. All of it was covered with dense scars and gunshot wounds. There was almost no skin intact. It was extremely scary. If this kind of person went to the ring to fight, the opponent would be scared. No morale.

Su Jie was also taken aback.

Dalu's injury represents his record, and his actual combat experience is much richer than himself. Moreover, this actual combat is not a ring. Obviously, he does not know how many life and death fights came from, and how many times he was hovering between life and death.

Scars are men's medals, and Daru's medals are countless.

"This person's actual combat experience is far above me. I'm afraid I won't take advantage of the physical strength and strength." Su Jie didn't have the slightest contempt in his heart. He knew his foundation. Although he had been in multiple challenges and had the most advanced training methods, In fact, from the perspective of this time, the psychological quality is still not enough, and it has not really reached the realm of "seeing life and death as a game". I practiced the "big corpse method" and "baby curling up" many times. UU read www.uukanshu. com and horizontal training kungfu, in fact, is a piece of skin.

In this foreign country, he faced the gun several times before he realized that he was just an ordinary person after removing that psychological hint.

Su Jie is now an 85 kg player, and the Daru in front of him is probably a 150 kg player.

In the world fighting arena, there is no such heavyweight.

Even the boxing super heavyweight is the hundred kilogram class.

But since he agreed to Awaxi, Su Jie had no choice but to bite the bullet.

Zhang Jinchuan's expression was also extremely solemn, because he could see that Daru was very difficult to deal with.

"This kind of person, I am afraid that Liu Long, the number one fighter in China, is not an opponent." Zhang Jinchuan said to Zhang Manman: "I'm not sure."

"Liu Long is an 80 kg champion. This guy is at least about the size of two Liu Long, a bit taller. His wingspan is also a lot longer. If that's the case, he has obviously received special training to fight. Countless times, the ring players of this experience are in front of him, just like the martial arts party fighters in the park. If my guess is correct, he has taken some banned drugs and stimulants for a long time." Zhang Manman points head.

Zhang Jinchuan is also worried about Su Jie. He is also a master of fighting, knowing the advantages and disadvantages of traditional martial arts and modern fighting.

Most of the traditional martial arts enthusiasts and even some masters have no experience in confrontation with others. The styles of real fights are changed, just like students who only memorize formulas, do not take exams, and do not do questions. Once they take the exam, they will be confused.

And those fighters, although fighting fiercely in the arena every day, encounter those who often kill or be hacked, and those who have received special battlefield training are as weak as chickens.

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