Krafft's Notes on Anomalies

Chapter 282 Night Swimming in the Temu River

"Silence!" Green solemnly stopped the monk who was about to burst into tears at any time and thank Heavenly Father for his blessing. Seeing the sun again only made him relax for a moment, and then he became more vigilant.

Due to his profession, he often travels around Dunling to communicate with local preachers who are extremely sensitive to the flow of information. This has also enabled him to see far more large and small churches than ordinary people.

And this one is obviously not an ordinary church. It uses the same glass splicing technology as Notre Dame Cathedral to create large mosaic windows, but the internal space is not large, or rather limited.

This means that it is not suitable for large crowds to gather, and it is of high importance. It is mostly found in some private areas and is used for important internal ceremonies.

Through the dusty glass, the movement of the sculpture standing in the open space outside the church looked particularly familiar.

"That sculpture, is it..." Kraft was still a little unsure whether it was what he thought. After all, no one could guarantee that there wouldn't be two similar sculptures in such a big city.

They quietly leaned to the window, wiped away the dust on the small piece of glass, and looked out.

Not far away were large golden-red ripples like fine scales, and a huge gloomy building could be seen in the distance from the other side, with thick shadows pouring on the water.

Now the location can finally be determined. They entered from the cemetery in the new city, passed through half of the city underground, and when they came out, they actually arrived at the Knights Island Church in the middle of the Teme River, opposite the Notre Dame Cathedral in the old city.

The place where the oldest and darkest secrets are sealed is no more than half a river away from the level of the Father’s earthly residence.

For hundreds of years, when the church tower keeper rings the copper bell every day, perhaps the chaotic thing deep underground is quietly dormant, listening to the sound passing through the water waves and river bed rock formations, and the rusty iron shell resonates with it.

"It doesn't seem good."

After lamenting the strangeness of the world, Kraft first thought of some more practical issues.

The place where they were was the Knights Island Church, the royal mausoleum, and they also overturned the coffins of unknown royal relatives, and learned some secrets that no one would want to spread.

First of all, eliminate the option of walking out with a big push, which is no different from committing suicide.

Even professors who are not sensitive to this can understand that almost no one can be trusted these days. The position of the church's top leaders suddenly changed from unclear to dangerous. At least the current archbishop must know part of the inside story.

Even the people in the team are not trustworthy, and it is impossible to predict what a few mentally unstable people will do.

But if there are one or two less, the probability of accidents will be much smaller. Kraft had reason to guess that when Green was rubbing the hilt of his sword in the tomb, he thought of some more extreme but more thorough solutions, but various considerations prompted him to give up the idea.

Since it is impossible to solve the problem once and for all, we can only rely on everyone to keep the secret.

Of course, the premise is that they can leave here secretly, as if they had never been here.

Although it is not an important military location, as a venue for major royal ceremonies and a cemetery, it is by no means without caretakers.

It was not impossible to bypass a few sentries, but there was still a river dozens of meters wide. To get ashore quietly was no less difficult than sneaking into an empty church square.

"Professor Kraft, can you and your students know how to swim?"

Yvonne nodded affirmatively. She grew up in a port city. Compared with the seawater in Port Solace, which is often disturbed by cold currents, the Teme River is simply a docile cream soup.

Kraft hesitated. His swimming skills are limited to "not sinking", and most of them come from small rivers near the town and deep water areas of swimming pools. If he is well prepared, swimming up to dozens of meters is not a problem, but if he is dragging some items with him, that is another matter.

"We sometimes look over here from the heights of the church, but we don't see many guards. It's not difficult to avoid them." Green took off his cumbersome outer robe and sifted through the package for discardable items.

"But after that, we need to swim through it, certainly not now."

"Get ready." He didn't ask any more questions and announced his decision as a matter of course. "Let's push the coffin back first and wait until dark before launching it into the water."

"Night? Swimming?" Craft objected decisively. He looked around and found that he seemed to be the only one who had questions about swimming in unfamiliar waters at night.

What? Am I the only one?

Green belatedly realized that the professor's silence was not acquiescence, but a real difficulty, "I remember you said that your hometown is very close to the seaside."

"Do you really think anyone would like to practice swimming in the seawater where broken ice can drift for half a year in Wendeng Port?" Kraft tried to make them understand that not all places near water will automatically produce people with good water skills.

The temperature in the north will not screen out genes capable of winter swimming, but will only screen out genes that prefer winter swimming from the gene pool.

The priest offered an emergency solution. He gathered all the jars he had brought, poured out the grease, and bundled them into a floating object. In this way, even people who can only kick their legs can float ashore with this thing.

They rested on the spot in the church for a while. The sun gradually disappeared into the jagged skyline of the city. The shadows on the river gradually expanded, spreading into the entire water body and rising into the sky.

Scattered firelights lit up on the island, revealing the location of the sentry posts, which were sparse in number. Most of them are located on the edge of the river island. Perhaps normal people would not consider the possibility of intruders coming out of the guarded target.

It couldn't be easier for a professional team to find an opening in the water amid sparse patrols.

In the darkness, the team successfully landed on the other side using the building lights as a guide. The first thing Kraft did when he landed was to check the samples and black liquid in his belongings to make sure they were still properly sealed.

"I have to go back to the underground camp as soon as possible. If the people left behind don't see us again, they may go back and ask for help." Green's thinking is very clear. The top priority is to control the news to the minimum range to prevent it from spreading upwards.

"As for today's story, let's just say that we got lost in the fork below. We walked straight up and came out of a sinkhole in a certain suburb."

He thought for a moment and then denied this statement, "No. This cannot be explained."

The team lost one person, and abandoned armor and overly heavy objects during the ferry, sinking it to the bottom of the Temu River. It looked like a failed encounter.

Kraft suggested: "Let's just say that we encountered something and managed to escape from another exit after abandoning the weight."

"Then what did we encounter?"

"No, I mean, suffice it to say that we encountered 'something'. Something indescribable and irresistible, chasing us through the complex sewer network, scaring a group of mortals into abandoning their armor. Don’t choose a way out.”

The description is perfunctory and vague, but surprisingly realistic, "Don't go into too many details. Even if it reaches the ears of someone who knows part of the inside story, his imagination will naturally help perfect 'certain things'."

"Okay." The priest poured out the water from his boots and put them on again. "I will find a deep enough suburban sewer opening to deal with it. No one else will be willing to search deeply anyway."

"Then let's separate." Kraft nodded with satisfaction, feeling a little chilled by the night breeze by the river. "There are a lot of things to do right now. I guess we won't see each other for a while. We'll see you when there is progress." Notified you."

"What do you mean?" Green expressed doubts at the right time. It sounded as if Kraft was going to withdraw temporarily. "We haven't found that group of people yet."

In the handbook I got, it was clearly written that there was another group of pagans, probably the main group, who "went down".

"Where are you going to find them?" Craft asked, "And you don't think they can come back, do you?"

Based on long-standing experience, the consequences of being too involved in deep stuff can be basically divided into several stages:

The first is accidental contact. I realize that there is something beyond common sense. If I run fast and far, there is a high probability that I can get rid of it.

If you are still unable to escape from it, or simply take the initiative to delve into it, you will enter the second step and gradually approach the center of the vortex. The turbulent undercurrent will become faster and stronger, and it will be a foregone conclusion that you will be pulled into the bottom of the water.

Those who are lucky enough to survive in the second stage will most likely find that they have changed in some aspects. These changes can manifest in the body and mind, and are extremely deceptive, like receiving divine revelation after experiencing a test, giving people the illusion that "I am the chosen one" and "I am special."

This enters the third stage. The derivatives of deep influence are almost irresistible, and they will more or less exploit it and interpret it from their own perspective. Most of the time the direct product of these actions is some kind of paganism with unnatural powers.

There is a huge gap between the upper and lower limits of this step. It can affect the entire kingdom, ranging from heretical beliefs hidden in the southern hills and Westminster Forest.

But for now, all cases seen will slide towards stage four. People picking up gifts from the low tide on the beach walked further and further away, inevitably disappearing into the tide, and realized that the previous "special gift" was just a short-lived accident.

This group of people has almost reached the fourth stage now. They are probably in the company of God knows what in some dark place, or simply become a part of it.

"Just treat them as if they opened the door to hell and jumped in. You can't follow them to find anyone." Kraft already felt a little cold, and I believe Yvonne did too. It would be best to return to the fire as soon as possible to change the situation. Put on dry clothes.

"As for the royal cemeteries and those things underground, trust me, not dealing with them is the best way to deal with them. They have been down there for so long, and it is not impossible for them to stay there for another few hundred years."

Now, Kraft is more concerned about the harvest of this trip. The living samples in the package are tapping against the wall of the bottle, emitting an alluring crisp vibration. He was also interested in the power of near-resurrection.

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