It was another lazy morning, and today everyone did not gather together, but separated.

Liu Zaishi wore a simple pink polo, looking as fast as ever, he got out of the car alone, and PD told him, "The people who are going to become a team are about to arrive!" "

So mysterious?

He thought about it, and suddenly was surprised: "It won't be Brother Minxiu again, right?!" "

His expression said it all, scared and weak-hearted, "He left very angry because of the brand, he called me, and after the recording that day, he said that he would not forget..."

And he also knows the cruel words in the two months, and now every time he goes to RM, he will feel weak.

At this time, a black car came in, and when the door opened, it was Li Guangzhu.

"Hey, Ichiko~Guangzhu~Happy Birthday?" Liu Zaishi has words in his words.

"What?" Li Guangzhu's steps were interrupted by this sentence.


Li Guangzhu just ran two steps and stopped, "Brother! "

"Isn't it like an avatar running over now~" Liu Zaishi said, and imitated Li Fanda's running appearance, which was vivid.

I really have 300,000 ways to trick people, and it is my wish to use all the beads of light.

On the other side, in the park near the Xijiang Bridge, Guo'er, who was also waiting for the team members, muttered by himself.

"No, how could it be so late? I'm all from Anyang..."

I'm coming, you didn't come, isn't it a bit excessive?

But when a car came, he immediately smiled, "My brother! "

Haha came down with a flower fan, and the two immediately came to a big hug when they met, as if the betrayal of the last time did not exist, the two of them were in a team again, and now they were short of Kim Jae-ho and their brother combination was reorganized.

And younger brother Kim Jae-ho now, don't mention how happy.

"Why is it so beautiful today~"

"Every day is so beautiful~"

"Since when did it start to be so beautiful?"

"When I was very young~"

"Hey Yigu, who did you learn from such shame?"


"Why do you learn from me?"

"Did you commit a crime?"

"Hmph! Only I can do this! "

"So shameless? Hahaha~"

"I'll let you go when I see you smiling well."

Song Zhixiao smiled very well, and when he heard this sentence, he said: "Do you wear sunscreen?" "

"If you help me wipe it, I'll wipe it."

Song Zhihyo gave Kim Jae-ho a white look, and then began to help him apply sunscreen, "How can your skin be so good?" "

Every time he sees Kim Jae-ho's skin, Song Jihyo is very envious, it is the skin that the actress wants to have.

"It's too much, I can't see the color of the sunscreen almost obviously, and I can't see it when I open it."

"Are you doing research?"

"Hahaha~ I didn't! But do we really not have handsome guys in this issue? Think like Nikun. Song Zhixiao looked at PD.

Kim Jae-ho looked at Song Ji-hyo, Song Ji-hyo patted himself on the sunscreen, turned his head, and suddenly saw Kim Jae-ho's expression like eating, and immediately smiled embarrassedly.

"How about I call him over now?"

"No, I didn't mean that..."

"I see! I'll hit now! I'll hit now! "

Song Zhixiao held his hand down embarrassedly, "It's really not that meaning..."

"So if I and Nikun asked you to choose a team, who would you choose?"

Kim Jae-ho asked suddenly, and Song Zhihyo was stunned for a second.

"Arasso! I get it! "

"Choose you! Pick you! "

"It's late! It's useless! Already angry! "

"I think Kim Jae-ho is the most handsome on Monday in the world!" Song Zhixiao said.

"Only Monday handsome? I'm home! Kim Jae-ho was about to leave, and Song Zhixiao immediately pulled a horse to hold on, coquettishly saying: "The most handsome!" You are the most handsome at any time! "


Seeing that the two people were almost the same, PD said: "And the two guests of the first team will come to pick you up immediately." "



"Nikun? Tell him not to come. Kim Jae-ho said.

Song Zhixiao felt funny, and really stared at this, I am afraid that I will remember this for a long time.

"Hey?" Kim Jae-ho suddenly thought: "That Min so brother and Ni Kun both want to team up with you, which one do you choose?" "

Song Zhixiao: "This is probably the most difficult problem in the world. "

The two people chatted and waited, like a little couple who came to the park to sit, and suddenly, a red car slowly stopped in the field of vision.

The two people quickly got up to welcome the arrival of the guests, walking, Song Zhixiao suddenly paused, Kim Jae-ho immediately had a bad premonition, sure enough, it was our big brother, Ji Shizhen, who got down from the car.

"What? Isn't it a guest? How is it brother? Kim Jae-ho's disappointment can be said to have overflowed the screen, and Song Ji-hyo's frowning smile says it all.

Disappointed but polite.

"It's so sad to say something like that, isn't it?" Chi Shizhen didn't look very happy either.

"You have to get in my car!" Chi Shizhen said.

"If not, will there be other guests?" Kim Jae-ho asked.

"No, I don't want to come!" Chi Shi crossed his waist, the reaction of this younger sibling is too real, don't I also have a team with guests?

Anyway, they dislike each other, they dislike each other, even if they are not guests, or Chi Shizhen, then their team is too weak, right?

"Hurry up, get in the car, hurry up!" Chi Shizhen didn't feel good when he saw them like this, but he didn't expect to be disliked, sad~

The matter is a foregone conclusion, and it is irreparable, Kim Jae-ho has no choice, he can only change clothes with Song Jihyo, in fact, it is okay, they are all the people they know best.

To be honest, Chi Shizhen is more familiar than his brother.

In fact, there is no very special clothes, just a shirt.

"Hey Yigu ~ Vice President NIM ~ "

As soon as Kim Jae-ho came out, Song Jihyo smiled and shouted, folded his hands on his stomach and bowed.

"Go, bring me a glass of water~" Kim Jae-ho straightened his collar with his hand and said haughtily, as if he had entered a certain state.

Song Zhixiao kept smiling and gritted his teeth and said, "Are you floating?" Vice president? Her smile hid an air of danger.

"Cough, hahaha~" Kim Jae-ho laughed awkwardly twice and came out of his arrogant state, "You also have this feeling, this dress can have a staff feeling when you wear it." "


The two of them are talking about Secretary Jin's terrier, but it has not yet been released, so everyone feels inexplicable when they watch it, just as some kind of sitcom.

"Yay! Are you guys getting in the car? Chi Shizhen turned to the back and shouted.

"Here it comes~"

Song Jihyo and Kim Jae-ho must be sitting together, so both of them sat in the back, and Kim Jae-ho said as soon as he buckled his seat belt: "You can drive~"

With this tone, Chi Shizhen smiled angrily, "Yay! What kind of driver am I?! "

"What's the problem? You can drive, where does Madame want to go? "

"Any recommended places? ~" Song Zhixiao had a very high posture, just like the wife of a rich family, and cooperated.

"Yay! I really am, am I a tour guide? It's going crazy..." Chi Shi was so angry that he couldn't do it, and today he was upset from the beginning of meeting these two people, just like a daughter brought her boyfriend to meet her parents.

"Driver, you talk a little too much, huh? Isn't the salary wanted? "

Ikeishi Zhen: ...

Seeing that everyone was seated and the commotion was over, PD informed: "Today's task is to guard the boss!" "

"Who's the boss?" Everyone was puzzled when they heard this.

"Is that me?" Chi Shizhen asked, after all, his task was different today, he came to pick up the two of them.

"That's over!" Kim Jae-ho said immediately.

"Yay! What's the end? Chi Shizhen turned his head and said, "Why am I the boss?" "

But there was no such good thing, only to hear PD say: "The person in the position behind the passenger seat is today's BOSS." "

Chi Shizhen immediately shouted, "That's over!" "

Kim Jae-ho, who was sitting in the back seat of the co-pilot, said, "Ah! What's the end?! "

Song Zhixiao secretly said wonderfully, are you repeating the case?

Kim Jae-ho and Ji Seok-jin dislike each other, just like one child laughing at another child who is too young, half a pound to eight taels, but they still look down on each other.

But the atmosphere is still good, just tease.

She thought about it, the team member is Ji Seok-jin, and the captain is Kim Jae-ho, then their team, called the "death team" should not be excessive.

At this moment, another team also exploded.

"Light beads?!"

Liu Zaishi and Chi Cheng all laughed when they realized what this meant, feeling that life was playing a joke on themselves.

Liu Zaishi was shocked that Chi Cheng as a guest was not the protagonist, it was Li Guangzhu, and Li Guangzhu himself panicked, he had never played this kind of role!

"Wow!" Lee Kwang-joo clapped his hands excitedly, he just wanted to say a mantra from Kim Jae-ho: "I have such a day too!" "

"The light bead is the boss?!"

This is already a fact.

This is the randomness that the production team wants, generally speaking, guests will not drive, but they did not expect that some guests, used to driving, did not plan to change positions.

And some of the guests are the same as the production team.

Jiang Xi, who entered the circle by relying on beauty pageants in 95, was born in 77 and starred as a young and invincible newcomer, which is not at all a sense of discord, it is really powerful.

This time the show they promoted is called "Guardian BOSS", which is the theme of this issue, and in the first episode she waved high heels bangbangbang alone and hit a dozen, very fiercely.

Of course, Chi Cheng is also in 77, and at the end of the year won the Men's Best Acting Award for this drama, this drama is also a type very similar to Secretary Kim, which may be a little conflicting, but it doesn't matter.

Chi Cheng didn't become a boss, but Jiang Xi did, after all, it was impossible to let her drive.

"From now on, please call me Mr. Jin." Kim straightened his collar.

"Really! What kind of boss are you?! Chi Shizhen was speechless, the protagonist turned out to be not himself... Forget it, why this kid!

It was already like the young master, and now he is directly given this, then it is impossible to take off on the spot.

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