Kim Jae-ho quickly explained: "No! It is we who deduce, we. "

Kim Jae-ho deliberately emphasized the word "we" and wanted to drag Lee Kwang-joo or Yoo Jae-seok into the water.

But anyway, in the prison, there is nothing else but chat, the situation of the war has nothing to do with them, they can only wait for the result.

The bored Kim Jae-ho looked at the big slide outside with a look of envy.

"Want to play?" Minxiu said suddenly.

"But in prison they won't let it." Kim Jae-ho looked embarrassed.

"Go!" Minxiu stood up directly and gestured to go out.

"Really? May I? Kim Jae-ho and Lee Kwang-joo looked at PD.

Minxiu said: "Who has an opinion?" "

PD looked embarrassed and did not dare to speak.

Then, they went out and had a good time.

Probably the feeling that everyone else is going to school and they are suddenly picked up by their parents to go out to play, that is the breath of freedom!

"Ah~ freedom! Aaa

On the tornado slide, Lee Kwang-joo and Kim Jae-ho screamed to their heart's content, enjoying the thrill of spinning and about to be thrown out, and those who were eliminated were happier.

BO water park, really interesting, this is probably the charm of the water park~

Soon, Liu Zaishi also joined them, and then, it was over, sticking was much simpler than tearing, and in the end, it was our lone heroine Suyi who won!

When the eliminated haha restricted Jin Zhiguo, she directly hit and killed with one blow.

And Jin Zhiguo, one second, was still immersed in apologies for Haha, and the next second, Haha made him understand what revenge from his younger brother is!

Jin Zhiguo regretted to be eliminated, and everyone was back together to make an ending for today.

Minxiu said directly: "Ultimate country, there is no need to explain, you are a man, you know that you want to lose to women." "

Jin Zhiguo grabbed his hand and knelt down on one knee, long live understanding!

A fun and fulfilling day, more fun than hanging out on his own, Kim Jae-ho not only managed to become the teammate of the final winner, but also completed his hidden mission, he was actually the final winner.

It's still a calm day, and today there is a scene that needs the company's little sister to be photogenic to make everyone familiar, so Kim Jae-ho has to check their acting skills.

As I said before, Kim Jae-ho has his own method of teaching acting, and they are all his own real experience, so his acting guidance is not very good, but it is still okay to deal with it.

A day on the set is very routine, but on the Internet, it has already set off an uproar.

The first information is today the first anniversary of Kim Jae-ho's debut.

The first anniversary of the star's debut, in fact, there is no one to pay attention to, generally the star has a meeting, some if they are nameless, they will not even celebrate, but some fans spontaneously celebrate.

But Kim Jae-ho, not only is he not nameless, but he has left his own marks in all walks of life, and he is already a very important artist.

But fans have not heard any news about Kim Jae-ho going to hold a concert, normally speaking, he has never been in business, a concert, there is no problem at all, let alone a small concert, even if it is a large one, he has no problem, no matter what the venue will definitely be full.

But he didn't, and today, as if nothing had happened, without even saying a word.

Some people see fans spontaneously celebrating, the keyboard is banging, and the approximate content is, what are you so happy for? Your dad doesn't mean anything like that, not to say how much you hate Kim Jae-ho, or simply hate other people's happiness.

Fans saw it, then it was got, what is Kim Jae-ho, he is a poisonous tongue, then how can his fans be polite with such people, one by one yin and yang strange began to happily greet his life and his family, by the way to see what is wonderful about his account.

But Kim Jae-ho didn't speak, and they were always a little sluggish.

Some people will go and brush, "Oppa, you have a word! "

However, before they could wait for Kim Jae-ho's response, they waited for something strange first.

First of all, all the industries, games, live broadcasts, products, physical stores, and even M Bo and M station that they are speaking on suddenly came out to celebrate the first anniversary.

Some people wonder, you haven't opened it to the first anniversary? Some even started business yesterday.

New 1st Anniversary Event?

Before everyone was confused, everyone clicked in to see that it was an event to celebrate the first anniversary of Kim Jae-ho's debut!

Everyone is suffocated, what do you have to do with Kim Jae-ho? Your boss is also a fan of his?

Everyone checked, it turned out to be his family's property, oh, that's fine.

Some people have collected it, their family's industry, so much that it is ridiculous, almost as long as you go online, you can see the news of Kim Jae-ho's first anniversary celebration, play games to see, brush M Bo can see the big news on the home page, see the M station as soon as it is opened, first come to a three-second Kim Jae-ho, and even film and television websites.

"How much property does his family have?!"

"Nima, I just passed by women's underwear stores, and I saw the first anniversary of his debut [laughing and crying]"

"You can see it now when you click on the home page, boss."

"Our family Oppa is too strong!"

This is not over, suddenly, Mr. Tussaud's official website published a VLOG, the title: "Mr. Kim Jae-ho has entered the Mr. Tussauds branch in Seoul!" #金在浩一周年祝贺! #"

The first reaction of fans: What is this thing?

Many people do not know about wax figures, but they also know that Mr. Tussauds is a very authoritative wax museum, with branches all over the world, has a history of two hundred years, the founder is full of legends, from the butler's son to the royal classroom, from the statue making master to the tireless career man, from escaping the guillotine to making death masks for former royal friends, his life is like a Hollywood masterpiece, although he has passed away, but his indomitable spirit lives on forever.

As soon as everyone understands, it's awesome!

Suddenly found that Kim Jae-ho turned out to be the first artist in this country to settle in a wax museum, this row of noodles, too top!

This time is not their family's industry, this news is too exciting, everyone clicked on the VLOG, starting from looking for Kim Jae-ho, and then there was finalization.

And deliberately picking today's hair, it is also full of sincerity, is to celebrate the first anniversary.

This kind of official, which artist can have this kind of noodles?!

Fans crossed their heads and proud!

And it's not over, suddenly, the official charity of H said that on the first anniversary of his debut, artist Kim Jae-ho thanked fans for their dedication and love, and took the fan name "PINK!" One billion won (about five million RMB) was donated, and the donation will be used to provide financial assistance for the serious illness of fans.

This is not just fans, as long as it is about money, everyone is the first time to find a concept for this number, billion, Ma Ya, how much does this have to be?!

It seems that no artist has donated a billion, right?

That's too much!

Moreover, not in his own name, but in the name of fans, donated for the serious illness of fans!

A lot of bar elves will start to question, wax figures? Do you deserve it too? What contribution have you made? For a critical illness donation for fans? What conditions are met to be considered a fan of Kim Jae-ho? If your fans need help, others don't need help, right? You have so much money, it's all given to you by fans, right? It's just about using fans' money to earn more fans, not donations, but investments!

Just when everyone was about to knock on the keyboard to scare this bar essence, Kim Jae-ho's official blog finally came out.

"Just like cherry blossoms are always more beautiful when they bloom together than alone, just like fireflies are more dazzling together than alone, and PINK and I are the most dazzling when we are together. We send a little warmth to the place in need with a warm and shining heart, in our name, thank you, love you, forever PINK! Happy First Year! "

This sentence is followed by a link to a song with the title "A song about pink." "

One o'clock, the gentle prelude sounded in the ears, as if who was softly narrating, all the depression seemed to be washed away by the drizzle, washed clean, and soon, Kim Jae-ho's voice began briskly:


Take my beloved little pink guitar and sing you a pink song.

Put on a suit, it's pink, put on a hat, it's pink, the air is pink, the sky is pink, and suddenly one day, the world is pink.

Why? Are you all pink? I don't know~ I must be drunk ~ I don't need to add sugar to my coffee~


How is it so fresh today, probably because I think of you, like a fool, smiling more and more.

I really want to put you all in my pocket, how are you all so cute, how are you all so good-looking,

Oh, I see, because my own children are the most beautiful.

Such a perfect us, spoiled us.

He asked why? You say you do!

Ah~ really (spoiled laughter)~

Our more beautiful encounters than anyone else's, so beautiful that people all over the world are jealous.

If you are gentler, the moon will melt, eat the best, oh Mo~ will not gain weight.

Work, live, be healthy, grow old together.

At that time, say, yo~ you are so old too~"


It's over, Ma Yay! It's too warm, right?

It's to our Goye! Song!

While everyone was dancing in a rainbow fart, a certain big V called "raw fried juicy" knocked on the keyboard.

He is a famous commentator, a big man in the circle, with thick qualifications, and poisonous tongue words, in this era of the rise of M Bo, starting from professionals, with the courage to speak as the standard, with his pen barrel, or keyboard, to attack unjust things and spread his values.

On this stormy day, he also published a long article, but today, the content is a little different.

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