Kim Jae-ho went to knock on Haha's car door, and Haha said arrogantly: "What's wrong?" "

"Take care of my big brother!"

"You see he's like this~" Min so pointed to the light pearl, and Kim Jae-ho was also happy when he saw it, "Be careful if your legs are folded~"


"Then big brother, you play well! I got in the car first! Kim Jae-ho gestured.

"Let's go~" Minxiu waved his hand.

Haha suddenly stopped Kim Jae-ho: "Kim Jae-ho, take care of my Suyi~"

Su Yi and Liu Zaishi, who were next door, also laughed when they heard this, and this haha really couldn't stand it.

Kim Jae-ho smiled, returned to his position, saw Song Zhixiao next to them, and also learned to say: "Brother, take care of my Zhixiao~"

"You have Sui around you, and you're still looking over here." Jin Zhiguo immediately laughed.

"Yo yo ~ so sour ah~" Kim Jae-ho yin and yang weird, "Ouch ~ someone was not chosen to be angry ~"

"How can I have... Yikes! You get out of the car! Kim Ji-guk was about to unfasten his seat belt, and Kim Jae-ho immediately closed the window and slipped away.

"Jin Zhiguo xi~" Liu Zaishi stretched out.

"What's wrong?" Jin Zhiguo said with a smile.

"Kim Jae-ho is now the happiest person, Monday is Song Jihyo and Tuesday is Yoon So-yi."

"Zhixiao~I'm sorry~" Kim Jae-ho said when he opened the window again.

"Have fun yourself~" Song Zhixiao really didn't mind, like coaxing a child.


"Zhixiao ah~ Suyi Xi is only fifty kilograms~"

"Yay! You! Song Zhixiao bit his lip, feeling angry.

Liu Zaishi can be regarded as obedient, and he can anger the two people in the opposite car with a few words, and the ability of this poisonous tongue is strong enough.

"Do you want to turn on navigation?" Sui asked cautiously.

"Well, you open, just find the place on the mission." Kim Jae-ho said.

Liu Zaishi looked at the back with a smile and a loving face.

Su Yiming is a sister, but it looks like a sister, it may be Kim Jae-ho's identity problem, and now Kim Jae-ho can be said to be a top star, and he is also the screenwriter and director of the popular drama, which is very attractive for actresses.

But Kim Jae-ho actually doesn't care about that thing at all, status is a thing, sometimes it's good, more often it's just a bondage.

"Sister, then we are going now!"

"Can you not call me sister?" Sui said, "It seems like I'm big. "

"Hahaha, then what do I call you?"

"You can call it whatever you want~"

"Old North Nose?"

"Hmm???" Su Yi didn't react at once.

"Yay! What is Old North Nose? "Liu Zaishi can't stand it, can you talk to others properly, this is a goddess."

"Hahaha~ It doesn't matter, you can call it that way~" Su Yi only thought it was funny.

"Then I'll call you Su Yixi~" Kim Jae-ho thought about it and said.

"It's okay, it's better than being angry."

"It's really sensitive~" Liu Zaishi said, "Then can I call you Suyi?" "

"Of course! Just get along casually. "Sui is also very cheerful.

"Then Suyi, I'll order it casually." Liu Zaishi said.

"Good~" Su Yi nodded obediently, and then her braided hair was thrown in front by Liu Zaishi.

"Yay! Elder brother! What are you doing?! This is a female star! Kim Jae-ho laughed and cried.

"I'm sorry..." Liu Zaishi, a naughty ghost, said and straightened his braid, just in the middle of his face.

"Ah~I can't live~" Su Yi was about to die of laughter, how did he feel that there was no normal person in this car?

For a usually serious actress, this set is simply devastating, she just put the braid away, Liu Zaishi put it back and worked hard.

Didn't you say casual? Is that enough?

The members of RM don't say anything else, the whole life is good, the car is laughter, very happy.

On the other side, Haha and Li Guangzhu can be said to be singing and dancing, the two little ghosts seem to worship the mountain, the members who have just joined the association, now there is a feeling of taking off, but Brother Min Xiu can also cover it, and the atmosphere of the three people is unexpectedly good.

On the contrary, Jin Chengguo's side is more ordinary, because they are all acquaintances, everyone tends to rest and discuss strategies, and the main car has a rich experience, a coach, and an ACE, and it is reasonable to talk about these.

They arrived first, Chi Shizhen drove that very steadily, they arrived at the Zhanxing Platform first, it looked like a mound, it sounded simple, but this was just the appearance.

This mound is made of stone bricks one by one, a bit like a stove and chimney integrated feeling, said to be a star-gazing platform, that must be related to astronomy, this is with the help of the water mirror on the bottom floor and the light reflected in the window to observe astronomical phenomena such as solar eclipses and star movement, as well as the function of divination, is the country's No. 31 national treasure.

The place is always open all year round and is also a 007 mound.

The first task is very simple, that is, jump up and take pictures, so that the face is right inside the four-corner window of the star viewing platform, which is a very classic game, and the timing and luck strategy are indispensable.

Song Zhixiao did not start the task in advance, but waited for everyone to arrive together before starting the task, but the one who came first could occupy a good position.

With the beginning of the game, it was everyone's screams, it was very dirty, haha even dared to pull Song Zhixiao's hair, Song Zhixiao backhanded it to him.

Kim Jae-ho grabbed Lee Kwang-joo's pants next to him to prevent him from jumping, and covered Ji Seok-jin's face with his other hand, which can be said to be very chaotic.

But after all, this is a brain-eating game, Kim Jae-ho quickly gave up useless work, and cooperated with Su Yi under the guidance of Liu Zaishi, so that Su Yi stood steadily on Liu Zaishi and Kim Jae-ho's lap.

Soon after they stood up, they were destroyed by the counterattack Chi Shizhen and Li Guangzhu, but only heard a click, I don't know if it was filmed.

The photo came out, the time froze in this second, engraved the time of the moment, I saw Song Zhixiao grabbing Li Guangzhu's pants, Minxiu just jumped up, but Suyi's head was exactly in the four-corner window, very perfect, it was the moment she went up.

Kim Jae-ho and Yoo Jae-seok were stunned, really became? Is it so simple?

"Success!" PD certification.


One shot into the soul!

It's so top!

Is this teamwork?

The three people were very excited, and they succeeded in one time, and Su Yi even had a spare time to compare a V, and they all shot it clearly, if there is a rating, this is at least an S-grade.

"Please go this way and accept the next mission."

"Then we'll be embarrassed~"

Kim Jae-ho was not embarrassed to walk that way, and he was still shouting Suyi's name under the drive of Liu Zaishi, Fuxing Gaozhao, and this wave was stable.

There are many boxes on the ground, marked up, middle and down.

Don't forget, Kim Jae-ho also has a hidden mission, that is, he can't let the trajectory deviate, so he won't make any decisions.

Liu Zaishi analyzed: "Last time was also such a mark, that time it was not very good, this time I also feel that it is not good." "

He meant to choose.

"Then let's get down." Sui immediately said.

"What do you think?" Yoo Jae-seok also took into account Kim Jae-ho's feelings.

"I think it's good, brother, you're not reliable." Kim Jae-ho nodded.

"But it would be better if you didn't listen to me." Sui added.

"Yes!" Liu Zaishi clapped his hands, for people with bad luck, what they learned is not to believe in their luck, Liu Zaishi is the best of this.

"Then on?" Liu Zaishi asked.

"I think it's okay, otherwise what's the point of arranging for us to compete and grab it." Kim Jae-ho also nodded.

Liu Zaishi also felt very reasonable, and immediately chose a box, I don't know whose name tag it contains.

In fact, Kim Jae-ho seems to have made a choice, but in fact, there is nothing, a meal of analysis, all around their choice, if they choose, he can also say a reason.

Everyone got the mission letter, and the next mission location was the Bao Hotel.

The three people went over there, and the other two pairs were still fighting there, and it was too good to be able to exit this link in advance.

After a sigh, the three of them left.

While walking, Liu Zaishi suddenly said: "Then if you go on this, it shouldn't be Brother Minxiu's, right?" "

"Huh?" Kim Jae-ho immediately stopped, what the hell are you talking about?

A sense of unease suddenly struck, and Liu Zaishi said: "Isn't the task to put a name tag?" "

"The most powerful person!" Kim Jae-ho said, "Brother Min-so! Above! "

"yes!" Liu Zaishi said immediately.

Jin Zaihao instantly understood how Liu Zaishi died, daring to put up a name tag and had to stick it, so the one in this box must be Brother Minxiu's.

"It's over." Kim Jae-ho-do, what happened after that, also corresponds to these two words.

Liu Zaishi immediately went crazy, you want me to die!

So can PD change him? Definitely not, you don't die how can there be a program effect Oh, let's not talk about the rules, you are guessing all the content now, for this reason...

"Exchange is not allowed in terms of rules." PD is also embarrassed, but Liu Zaishi's is already crazy: "Is it okay to give money?" "


Big brother, you call this a blatant bribe and you will go to jail.

Kim Jae-ho: "Isn't it okay to give more?" "

The cellmate has it.

"Really! Please! Liu Zaishi pulled PD to kneel directly on one knee, and PD quickly squatted down, if you can't commit it, the eldest brother won't be ah!

"Not really! I can't post Brother Minxiu's. Liu Zaishi said and felt like he was going to cry, everyone remembered what it was like when he faced it yesterday, it was really frightened, if he went to face Brother Minxiu, or stick to him, then he might be broken.

"What about Oppa?"

Seeing that there was no hope, I could only bite the bullet and go, and took the box, which was so heavy.

Liu Zaishi could only discuss with Jin Zaihao, and seeing Liu Zaishi so afraid, Jin Zaihao comforted: "Brother, it's okay, maybe it's not Brother Minxiu, it's Brother Jiuguo?" "

"Yay! What kind of comfort are you?! "

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