"Shouldn't you be disappointed?"

"No, why is it so easy?"

"Shouldn't you be disappointed if we pass through?"

Holding a stomach full of doubts, PD handed out a bag, and after Kim Jae-ho went to get it, he naturally handed it to Lee Kwang-joo.

Li Guangzhu looked at him: Are you human?

There was no way, Kim Jae-ho had to take it himself.

"Do you prefer black or red?" Li Guangzhu took the opportunity to ask.

"Red is not my style~" Kim Jae-ho laughed.


Looking at his hat, you really don't have any convincing power to say this.

After everyone was suspicious, they still took things, and Kim Jae-ho was next to him, so he and Lee Kwang-joo took off the cloth together, the cloth was small, but there were many things to cover.

Kim Jae-ho guessed wrong, not pots and pans, but various other travel goods, searchlights, water, watches, books, instant noodles, everyone suspected that they were going to sleep outside today...

Unlike everyone, Liu Zaishi fell in love with one thing at first sight, and when everyone looked at something else, he fancy a safety helmet.

A safety helmet appeared in such a place, and he said while putting it on: "This is really strange." "

Kim Jae-ho looked at him and said, "You're even weirder wearing this..."

Everyone agreed with this, but Liu Zaishi didn't care, this is what he wanted.

When he put it on, P said: "If you wear this, you must always wear it", directly cutting off his back road.

Liu Zaishi was difficult to ride the tiger, but he didn't want to get off either, and said with a hard mouth:

"Don't you think this is weird? This is a mountain town, will this be for protection? "

"Such a precious head really needs to be protected, and you can't find such a stupid one anywhere else..." Kim Jae-ho complained accurately, making everyone laugh.

"Yay! Here you go! Liu Zaishi said, he walked over, and then bumped into Kim Jae-ho head-to-head to teach him a lesson, and said with a sigh: "Do you know what is the use of this now?" "

Jin was speechless when he touched the place where he was hit by 23 Hao, why does he have such a brother?

"Are people crazy now?"

"Want to do it again?"

Kim Jae-ho made a zipper motion for his mouth.

Liu Zaishi smiled and said confidently: "This must be useful, maybe there is a water gun or something, I trust my intuition!" "

Others laugh at me too crazy, I laugh at others can't see through, you laugh now, when it is useful in the future, you cry!

Kim Jae-ho wore this thing, it was very stuffy and hot, just looking at it felt hard, Liu Zaishi probably said nonsense at the beginning and then said that he believed it.

Because I was afraid that these things would be used, the bag was so small, everyone was discussing what to bring, anyway, water and ramen must be brought, and the rest can be brought.

Without putting a single thing in, Kim Jae-ho's expression became solemn.

Li Guangzhu watched from the side and said with a smile: "Now you know what kind of mood I am, right?" "

Kim Jae-ho glanced at him and asked, "Does your backpack still have a place?" "

Li Guangzhu: ???

No, not at all!

He didn't dare to speak, and if he hung something on his backpack, he couldn't stand it.

Kim Jae-ho just finished laughing, and when he looked back, the bag was already full, "My God! Are you moving? "

"What if you don't bring more to use?" You must bring it. "Jin Zhiguo is an old housewife.

Looking at the people who were still stuffing things into it, Kim Jae-ho begged: "It can't be stuffed anymore!" Let it go! "

Haha tell him with actions: Is it? I don't believe it.

In the end, when Kim was on his back, the sadness was so great, he never thought that a bag could hang so many things.

"How do you keep everything out of your backpack?" Kim Jae-ho complained while dangling something that he didn't know what it was.

Kim Jae-ho is not happy, everyone is very happy, together with the Taoist Lee Kwang-joo are happy, obviously his own things are a little heavier.

Everyone began to move to the next location again, Kim Jae-ho didn't have to take the flag because he was carrying a bag, and now there were two more backpacks in the team, a strange man wearing a helmet and holding a flag.

"Are you sure you want to let Brother Zaishi go ahead?" Kim Jae-ho said in the back, "He makes us look less smart like this." "

Just from the outside, you know that this group of people is not easy to mess with, after all, stupidity can be contagious...

"Yay! What's wrong with me? Liu Zaishi was not convinced, his helmet is a symbol of intelligence, okay? When you want to use it, you will know that you regret it.

Although there are a few more things, everyone's spirit is still good, Kim Jae-ho is also not bad, Song Jihyo helps behind him, although only gently helps...

But in terms of carrying things, Kim Jae-ho is not worth it at all, I think when he was in elementary school, he was a ruthless person who carried a schoolbag that looked as heavy as others, and walked the streets and alleys for an hour to and from school, just like that, he could forget to bring homework the next day...

Ten minutes later, he was empty...

All the way up, all the time...

"What the hell is this? Is this climbingmn? Kim Jae-ho shouted.

Everyone who was originally very tired was amused by a sentence.

"Yay! Don't say it, I don't even have the strength to laugh ... Filial piety patted his backpack, from the beginning of help, to now, she is basically a pendant.

PD was originally worried that they would not be able to stand it, but he was relieved to see that Kim Jae-ho could still shout so loudly.

Finally arrived at the place of the flag, everyone was already complaining, showing strong dissatisfaction, rehearsing the program to shoot the program, what mountain to climb, and everyone had to lean together.

As soon as Kim Jae-ho arrived, he quickly unloaded his backpack, his shoulders were not a big problem, it was hot!

"Your physical strength seems to have really improved." Song Zhixiao looked at him and said.

She helped at first, but then unconsciously became grabbing his bag, but it seems that Kim Jae-ho doesn't feel anything, or it doesn't matter if he knows it's her, which makes her feel very solid and reassuring.

"Is it? How do I not think? But if you're satisfied. Kim Jae-ho said.

Song Zhixiao didn't know how to answer, knocked on his head, what are you talking about?

After everyone has trimmed it, the game continues, after all, there is a good state, in order to have a good effect.

"This is a pavilion called the Dovetail Pavilion in the pier." PD said.

Kim Jae-ho said: That's it?

To be honest, it may be that the pavilions he has seen are generally not bigger than this, or better than this, at least the scenery will be better than this... But it's okay, tall, and there is a big tree next to it to shade, it can only be said that it is okay.

This neighborhood, in the words of Chi Shizhen, is nothing, and it is already good to have a place like this.

In the distance, there was another thing wrapped in a white cloth, and everyone didn't know what was waiting for them, anyway, haha was ready to carry a third backpack.

"Will it end up with one bag per person and then going to survive?" Chi Shizhen asked.

"That's too much stuff, right? Enough for a few days. Kim Jae-ho said.

"How many days to record?" Li Guangzhu asked.

"That can't be." Kim Jae-ho said seriously, "That's another price." "


It was so real, so real that PD almost forgot what he was going to say.

"Let's move on to the last task." PD said.

"Finally?!" Everyone exclaimed, everyone breathed a sigh of relief, do you want to survive in this place, then this is not interesting!

Uninhabited islands, of course, the richer the materials, the better, isn't it that stars use resources to survive.

"It feels uneasy to look at the expression of the production team." Mr. Kim said everyone had expressed concern.

Liu Zaishi concluded: "For the first time since RM started recording, I will be worried, are we breaking through too fast? "

"Yes, I remember the expression on my face when I was on Onehance, but I was very disappointed." Chi Shizhen recalled.

"No, if it's too soon, the discussion is already underway, and this must have been arranged." Kim Jae-ho said keenly.

PD did not explain everyone's doubts, and continued: "Okay, now I will explain the last task to everyone, stand in a row and make ten elephant noses, and then all go back to your feet and stand in a circle at your feet. "

"This circle is too small, isn't it?" Kim Jae-ho looked at Kim Junguo: "Brother, we can't get in if you stand in, and we were ejected by your muscles." "

"Yay! How can it be such an exaggeration! Jin Chengguo smiled angrily and quickly transferred: "Is his helmet more inconvenient, okay?" "

Liu Zaishi sighed: "You know where this helmet is used now, right?" "

He said as he patted his helmet.

"Brother, if we are injured because of your helmet, you will be responsible ah!" Kim said.

"Brother, you take care of your muscles first," Kim Jae-ho said.

"What's wrong? What's wrong with this muscle? Jin Junguo said, and raised his arm to show off his developed biceps.

Everyone is not used to it, but they dare not say anything, harm pia~

After complaining about the two big brothers who are not worrying, everyone went to the line of departure, PD still did not say anything, that is, the whole process is only fifteen seconds, and the time can be said to be very urgent.

As soon as the whistle sounded, Kim Jae-ho spun around, this classic game is not the first time he has played, but every time he plays it is very uncomfortable, this is probably the fastest way to make himself uncomfortable.

Following everyone's rhythm, the first few laps are fine, and the fifth lap Kim Jae-ho began to feel wrong, as for what it feels, you can try it yourself.

Anyway, after ten laps, everyone was walking forward, and Kim Jae-ho was alone with open hands and leaned over and stared at the ground with wide eyes, and the whole person froze like this, as if thinking about something very important.

The staff next to him were also laughed and cute by him when they saw this scene, which was cute and lovely.

Except for Kim Jae-ho, everyone else walked forward crookedly, some like Liu Zaishi spinning around, some walking diagonally like Kim Jiuguo, some bumping together, everyone was like drinking fake wine.

Don't look at Kim Jae-ho like this, in fact, he is very uncomfortable now, even if he stops, the scene in front of him is still turning, he was stunned for a few seconds before he reacted to leave, but it was too late.

Don't look at everyone crooked, but there are quite a few people who arrive, and only Ji Seok-jin and Kim Jae-ho are still outside the circle when the time is over, but even so, Ji Seok-jin is farther than Kim Jae-ho, he walks forward like a crab, everyone knows that crabs generally walk sideways, but he is walking squarely, so it is unusually slow.

A whistle.

"Yay! Kim Jae-ho!! Jin Zhiguo University 000 shouted.

"You also said that we, I arrived with my helmet on!" Liu Zaishi also shouted, the two brothers can be regarded as having found an opportunity, just now they said them, but now they are still in place.

"What are you doing there?!" Kim Junguo asked.

"I'm sorry... So dizzy, I forgot to go, mine! "Kim Jae-ho is also embarrassed.

Seeing that Kim Jae-ho was very arrogant but his attitude was very sincere, everyone let him go, they also knew the difficulty, and now it was uncomfortable that they were going to come again.

"How many times are left?" Liu Zaishi asked.

PD: "Twice. "

"It's hard." Kim Jae-ho said.

"What's so difficult about even knowing that filial piety has arrived?" Jin Zhiguo complained.

Kim Jae-ho punched out: "Brother, are you discriminating against girls?" Do you mean girls should be weaker than boys? "

Kim Ji-kook: ???

This familiar feeling...

"It is!" Song Zhixiao crossed his waist, "I'm amazing!" "

"Yes! Our family is very ignorant! Kim Jae-ho also crossed his waist.

Song Zhixiao raised his proud little head: "Hmph! "

Kim Junguo smiled and said to Kim Jae-ho: "Haven't I talked to you for too long?" Dare to say anything, come, you come! "

Kim Jae-ho hurriedly said, "I was wrong! "

"Don't say it! Get started! Haha couldn't help but say.

"I'm not buying time to slow down..." Kim Jae-ho was aggrieved.

"Remember to stop and run!" Liu Zaishi said.

"Okay." Kim Jae-ho nodded.

"Huai Ting!"

This task is difficult, everyone is more concentrated, after ten circles, Kim Jae-ho does not care about the spinning of the sky, and runs forward!

When the whistle sounded, he was crawling on the ground ...

Running too fast, not controlling ...

But this time it's better, no one cares about him, he has already calculated, it's very close to the white circle, Song Zhixiao ran to the staff, scared them to quickly take the camera away, don't be broken by her... No, don't let her bump it...

In the end, only two people stood in the circle, and they couldn't stand steadily, and surprisingly, Chi Shizhen turned out to be one of them.

But he also quickly half-knelt on the ground in a superman posture, and next to him, Kim Jae-ho stretched out a hand with difficulty, and that hand just reached the white circle.


After that, he seemed to be out of breath.

Although he was very dizzy, he also laughed when he saw Kim Jae-ho playing so much alone in this state, and if he had the strength, he would cooperate with him and shout next to him: "ohohohh"_

Feilu reminds you: three things to read - collect, push

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