"Don't you know anything else~" Chi Shizhen defended.

"Jae-ho in Hao!" Yoo Jae-seok reminded Kim Jae-ho to answer.

Unexpectedly, Kim Jae-ho shouted directly: "Number three!" Notre Dame Cathedral! "

"Oh~!" Everyone exclaimed.

"You know that too?" Song Zhixiao was stunned.

“ys!" Li Guangzhu said.

"Hehe~ look down on whom" Kim returned to the back with a shout.

Originally, he didn't know, who let him play Assassin's Creed more, and after the fire incident, naturally paid more attention, although the operation of the Revolution is a bit touching, the movements are also very slow, not smooth, but there is no lack of is a good game.

And among them, the Statue of Liberty that climbed through the unstable gap is a gift from France, which can also be seen in the game, and coincidentally, it can also be seen in this game, right in the number one position.

Kim Jae-ho didn't answer simply, but answered everyone ambiguously, and everyone was a little surprised when you thought this teammate was very collapsed...

Song Zhixiao also replied immediately after exclaiming, she had long been optimistic: "Number six, triumphal arch!" "

Kim Jae-ho walked to the back of the line, saw Song Jihyo also walked over, stretched out his hand, Song Jihyo saw it also smiled and high-fived him, bouncing and ranked last.

At this time, a story also happened in front, and now Li Guangzhu, haha warned in the back: "If you choose the first one, you will die!" "

Li Guangzhu just shouted out as soon as he heard this sentence and held it back abruptly, the people behind laughed stupidly, haha, this is really faceless, the people in the back have to probe out to see the expressions of the people in front.

I saw that Li Guangzhu at this time turned his head to look at Haha, and his frown showed his complicated mood now, only to see him staring at Haha, who was much shorter than himself, and then said solemnly: "Statue of Liberty No. 1." "

The younger brother's sudden rebellion made Haha laugh, and when he just wanted to find him to settle the account, Li Guangzhu had already walked a ball, and Jin Zhiguo directly stopped Haha with a smile: "Hurry up!" "

Haha was caught off guard, and when he saw one, he casually said: "Alps No. 4!" "

After his confident words, there was a crisp sound, followed by everyone's complaints.

"Ah! Is! "

Among them, Li Guangzhu, who had just arrived at the back, shouted the loudest.

Kim Jae-ho jumped out and said, "Then how can it be Alps? "

"What's that?!" Haha asked.

"I don't know!"

"Then you still say! Neither will you! "

"Wouldn't that you not know about changing one?"

People next to them shout about the Himalayas, but no, this is Mt. Fuji.

"Ah! It's really biased! Haha said unpleasantly.

"It's so hard!" Kim Jiuguo also helped.

"So is this a failure?" Liu Zaishi asked.

"Yes, failed."

"Then let's change the order." Liu Zaishi accepted quickly.

Kim Jae-ho showed an evil smile and opened his hand: "Then I stand at the end now, is it okay for everyone to stand at the end?" "

"Then I'll stand at the front..." said Liu Zaishi and walked forward.

Kim Jae-ho was directly ignored, and everyone was busy stopping the faceless Liu Jae-seok, causing Kim Jae-ho to directly enter the petrified state, and his smile froze.

"Didn't anyone pay attention to me?!" Kim Jae-ho shouted.

"Where do you want to stand." Chi Shizhen said.

"Is it so casual?" Kim Jae-ho doesn't feel his status.

Before Kim Jae-ho could say anything, Liu Zaishi was pulled behind him by Kim Jiangguo.

Liu Zaishi's eyes made contact with Kim Jae-ho, and he immediately smiled:

"Oh, why are you here?"

Kim Jae-ho:?

"I laughed! Why can't I be here? Who do you look down on? Notre Dame! Didn't you see me in front? "

Liu Zaishi: "Can anyone answer that?" "

"Haha, brother can't fight it!"

Ha ha:?

"Yay! You..."

"Stop arguing! Concentrate and concentrate! Jin Zhiguo stood at the last roar, and the person in front of him was instantly honest, looking well-behaved and cute.

Seeing that everyone was honest, PD said, "Ready!" Begin! "

The second question board was turned over by Dongwan, and the color on the picture was said in English.

This is relatively simple, the first few people whizzed to finish, it was Kim Jae-ho's turn, he did not hesitate: "The sixth pin!" "

As soon as he finished speaking, he pressed the dark pink brim of his hat and quickly walked to the back, and under the brim was a hidden smile, and everyone couldn't help it, this effect was probably the same as Liu Zaishi said green.

Originally, color is a relatively simple word, Liu Zaishi will not say, Jin Zhiguo, a man who often goes on vacation, not to mention, it is swish.

People even swelled up, protesting because they thought it was too simple.

"Unexpectedly did a good job~" PD Yin Yang said strangely.

"What is it to answer unexpectedly well!" Song Zhixiao said unpleasantly.

"Who do you look down on?" Kim Jae-ho immediately helped.

Liu Zaishi said with a smile: "Especially Zhixiao Tebo is unhappy, because he gave us this kind of problem." "

Song Zhihyo listened and crossed his waist angrily, Kim Jae-ho saw it and immediately learned, as soon as he saw him learning a group of scholars, he also began, and Song Zhixiao who watched it was also crying and laughing, a group of childish ghosts.

"Because the first question was answered correctly, I gave you a prize, gave you this bag, and filled this bag with as much food as possible."

Everyone doubted that there was him, and carried the big red bag to the local specialties just now, because it was food, everyone was worried that this was something to eat in the future, so they all began to think about what to take.

Liu Zaishi and Jin Zhiguo immediately started these two families, and they are very experienced in this.

"No matter where you go, it's enough to have pickles!"

Kim Jae-ho doubts this, there is only a place for kimchi, that's probably hell ...

But no matter what, everyone who can pretend to eat is very interested.

"It seems that today's game is passed, if we use this to make dishes and eat, so Zhixiao you will choose." Liu Zaishi means to let people who can cook pick things first.

"Anyway, this bag is carried by light beads." Song Zhixiao said.

Lee Kwang-joo: ?

"What do you mean, you're the old man!" Lee Kwang-joo said to Kim Jae-ho.

Kim Jae-ho: "Isn't it normal for who holds who carries whom?" "

Li Guangzhu: ...

Regardless of the push and shoving of the two busy, the eldest brother had already begun to listen to the command to fill the bag, and after a while, the storage ceiling of the bag was already full.

Seeing such a heavy backpack, Lee Guang-joo looked at Kim Jae-ho, and Kim Jae-ho looked at Lee Guang-joo.

···· Seeking freshness...

"Can you carry it?" Li Guangzhu asked.

"You try to see if you can carry it first." Kim Jae-ho said.

Lee Kwang-joo is still very kind, and after hearing what Kim Jae-ho said, he struggled to carry it.

"Ah, it's very suitable for you~ Then you can carry it," Kim Jae-ho said with a smile.

Lee Kwang-joo looked at Kim Jae-ho, he suddenly realized that he was deceived, this is pretending to let himself try it first, implying that if he doesn't work, he will change him, but in fact, the implied content does not exist, try it, and be fooled!

Everyone was happy to see Guangzhu's expression, how did this guy manage to be so funny without talking?

But in fact, even if Kim Jae-ho doesn't say it, Lee Kwang-joo will do it, after all, it's so heavy, he is embarrassed to let Kim Jae-ho come.

And everyone gave him all kinds of advice, you can back upright, you can back upside down, or even turn upside down, because the shoulder may hurt, you can carry it in parts, anyway, it means to let Li Guangzhu carry it alone.

It sounds like human talk, but it's not.

Li Guangzhu is also happy to do this, after all, this has the effect of a group bullying program, but whether the big brothers are for the effect, I don't know...


Kim Jae-ho looked at Lee Kwang-joo and sighed: "It's so kind~"

Li Guangzhu gave him a blank look and didn't want to speak.

After the matter of the backpack was assigned, everyone began to wonder again, how could the task be so simple, it seemed that they had forgotten what they failed in the first place...

Then everyone began to move towards the second flag, because Li Guangzhu had to carry a backpack, so the flag was definitely not taken by him, and he carried a backpack and let him take the flag, so unkind, they still won't do it for the time being...

"Who takes the flag?" Haha asked.

"I'll come!" Kim Jae-ho volunteered, he could still do this little thing, but as soon as he picked it up, he regretted it.

"It's a little heavy..."

He looked at everyone, everyone avoided his line of sight, Gu left and right said him, just can't see, can't hear.

No way, if he said it, he led the team to walk in front, the people behind held hands, and Liu Zaishi was behind the light bead, helping him gently carry his backpack while walking.

Listening to insects and birds, lining up, walking on the grass, in the mountains, Kim Jae-ho actually had a feeling of spring swimming, dreaming back to kindergarten...

"La la la~"

He hummed casually made up songs and walked ahead with a smile on his face, like a kindergarten leader.

Kim Jae-ho's childish singing brought everyone into the atmosphere, and they all felt much better.

"Brother, it doesn't look like a kindergarten child going on an outing now?" Song Zhixiao asked.

Kim Jae-ho said with a smile: "Then you are so happy, there are such handsome classmates~"

"After all, Bancao is in our class~" Liu Zaishi said while ruffling his hair.

"Less unpleasant words." Haha laughed and complained, "I am ~"

Liu Zaishi said: "Hahaxi, are you late again today? "

"Pinch ~ homework hasn't been written yet ~ have you finished writing?"

Liu Zaishi said with a smile: "I'm the squad leader, how can I not finish writing." "

He pointed to himself: "Class leader~" and then said: "The tallest child, the child who skipped class, the bully ..."

Seeing Liu Zaishi pointing to himself, Jin Zhiguo also smiled angrily: "Ah! How am I a bully! "

"It's so scary~ Wow wow" Haha cried.

"hahaha ~ thousand"_

Feilu reminds you: three things to read - collect, push

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