"Hey, short-sighted, isn't it? So much time tonight, I've been around again, you see, huh? Kim Jae-ho gave Bong-sun a look.

"Got it! Then I will ask the little uncle tonight~" Feng Shan said with a smile.

"Hey~you can rest assured~"

Jin Zhiguo was speechless, how he felt like he had been sold.

However, Kim Jae-ho was also joking, and soon gave the money back to Bongseon, he likes to take advantage of small advantages, but he does not take advantage of this kind of thing.

After walking a few steps, everyone walked to the food alley.

"Brother brother!" Kim Jae-ho jumped wildly while holding Kim Junguo's hand.

"Yay! We are here to do tasks, not to eat! Jin Zhiguo reminded with a smile.

"Just eat a little! Just a little! Kim Jae-ho begged.

Jin Chengguo's brain was big: "How do I feel like I am carrying a child?" "

"Is it our son?" Feng Shan said shyly.

"Yay! How are you too? "Jin Zhiguo felt that he was so difficult.

"Ya~" Kim Jae-hogen didn't listen to Big Brother, if it weren't for Kim Junguo pulling him all the time, he wouldn't know which store he was lost in.

In his last life, as an otaku, Kim Jae-ho's closest to food is probably takeaway, but he has always lived in one place, and takeaway will also have times to eat, so this kind of situation of coming out and coming out to face with food, he is very difficult to endure.

It's not to say that you lose your mind, but if you want to eat it, that's for sure, of course, whether it's good or not is another matter, but if you can survive in this street where the shops are all eaten, there must be something.

The smell of fried, Kim Jae-ho felt that his saliva was secreting wildly, and he forgot the task.

Finally, after shopping for a while, Fengshan's words made Jin Zhiguo stop.

"Isn't that it? This one? "

Jin Zhiguo took Jin Zhiguo's hand and looked back, the small shop was spreading the noodle skin, from a distance, crystal clear, look carefully, there is something inside the dough.

"What is this~?" It was the first time Kim Jae-ho had actually seen this food.

"Flat dumplings, you can try it~" The aunt was very kind and said directly when she saw that it was almost.

"Oh?! Are you sure? Auntie, you are so nice! Good health and Happy New Year! Kim Jae-ho shouted excitedly as he took the chopsticks.

"What the hell is Happy New Year?" Jin Zhiguo was no longer able to complain, but he also took the chopsticks.

Kim Jae-ho directly clipped a piece and put it in his mouth, and he regretted it as soon as he put it.

"Ah! Scald! He kept inhaling and exhaling, and the scene instantly became very embarrassing.

"Oh, blow it before you eat! Who eats the East Ugly? Jin Zhiguo saw that Du Le was broken, but before he thought about turning his head, he saw Feng Shan holding a piece of dumpling waiting by his mouth.

Looking at the circle of people around the back, Chengguo still wanted to refuse in words, but Feng Shan was completely unmoved, and it was her purpose to show affection to the public.

But Jin Zhiguo still insisted on one, constantly retreating, and Fengshan was approaching step by step.

The eldest brother and sister-in-law pushed and shoved in the back, and Kim Jae-ho was in front of him, and there were only dumplings in his eyes.

"Auntie, it's delicious! What kind of fairy food is this? "

Auntie's smiling eyes narrowed, "Eat more if it's delicious"

Now the young man is always carrying it, young and old, such a hearty is rare, she likes it, the young man in front of her has a sense of intimacy.

Kim took another bite after blowing it, I don't know if it was because he was too hungry after running for a day or something else, he really felt super delicious, and kept shaking his head.

"Wow! Absolute! By the way, does the aunt have sauce? Kim Jae-ho asked.

"Yes! What about this! "

"Is there a bowl there?"


Auntie was shocked, is this really not treating yourself as an outsider?

Just when Kim Jae-ho took the bowl and was about to eat the sauce, a girl next to him saw that Kim Junguo was so close, Kim Jae-ho was alone with only food, and felt lonely, so he asked, "In Ho Oba, where is Sister Zhixiao?" "

Kim Jae-ho didn't reply: "In other teams, there is still U today!" "

Another girl was surprised: "Really? So Oba, do you choose IU or Zhixiao? "

Kim Jae-ho choked directly when he heard it, and that look made everyone next to him laugh.

Kim Jae-ho finally eased up and gave her a blank look: "Can the children's family not ask such a sensitive question as soon as they come up?" "


At this time, Kim Junguo next to him also complied, eating a bite of the flat dumplings given by Fengshan, and he was not in a good mood and asked as soon as he heard Kim Jae-ho's answer: "Then can I ask?" "

When Kim Jae-ho heard this, he directly said to Fengshan: "Sister-in-law, Brother Jiuguo doesn't eat this sauce, come, you give this to him, if he eats it, he really loves you." "

Kim Jae-ho said while putting several times the sauce on a piece of flat dumplings, basically unable to see the original appearance of the food.

"Really?" Feng Shan was pleasantly surprised.

Jin Zhiguo instantly had the feeling of lifting a stone and hitting his feet, grabbed Kim Jae-ho and walked to the side: "You come with me!" "

Jin Zaihao was shocked and shouted furiously: "Brother, I was wrong! I was wrong! Yikes! The camera follows me! Follow me! "

The people next to them watched it with relish as if they were watching TV, but they were happy, it turned out that what was on TV was real!

Of course, Kim Junguo can't be so many people watching and still doing it, so they scared Kim Jae-ho, and then let him go back to eat.

"Brother, isn't it shameful for so many people to watch you beat me?"

"You eat what you have." Jin Zhiguoli ignored him.

Kim Jae-ho continued to eat, just the bowl he just packed is now at the right temperature, and it tastes even more refreshing, it feels like delicious dough, but it is a little stuffed inside, so it won't feel (of) very monotonous, plus sauce and fragrant fried, very fragrant.

The people watching next door were hungry, but they just circled and did not disturb, very sensible.

For the first time, Kim Jae-ho was blowing the night breeze, bathed in the lights, eating street food, listening to his friends fighting, surrounded by a group of people who liked him, and the camera recorded the moment, and the whole world would share the moment.

He forgot when, when he was himself, eating takeaway alone, watching the colorful of others, convincing himself that sooner or later he would have such a life, even if he knew that it was delusional, after all, he was too lazy to get a batch, but he didn't expect that he really did it, the world is so wonderful.

You have to say that he is different from his previous personality, and there is no difference, the mentality is still this mentality, but all this is different.

And happily, he didn't even have to pay for this meal. _

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