"Is there really no chance?" Li Guangzhu still can't believe it.

"Yes." PD is crisp.

He was eliminated as soon as he came, and when he heard the news, it was when everyone was happy.

It's a pity that Kim Jae-ho didn't see it.

"Are you going to say hello?" Kim Jae-ho said with a smile.

"Now is not the time to do this, ah, look at this." Kim Junguk handed Kim Jae-ho a small note.

Kim Jae-ho took it.

"What is it?"

Kim Jae-ho looked at the small note in his hand with the RM logo written on it.

"I don't know." Kim said, "But it should be something they are going to collect." "

"Where did it come from?" Kim Jae-ho was curious.

"Picked up on the ground."

"What?!" Kim Jae-ho immediately felt bad, "No wonder it smells stink!" It's still black! "

"Yay! Who told you to smell it~" The people of Jin Chengguo were almost laughing stupidly.

"How do I know you're picking things up from the ground23! Hey! Kim Jae-ho pinched the note with his thumb and forefinger with a look of disgust, pinched out all the orchid fingers, and shrunk his limbs and danced his claws, reminiscent of Jim Carrey.

But people are cinematic, he's real.

After accompanying Kim Jae-ho to throw this "garbage" into the trash, Kim Jae-ho suddenly pulled Kim Jiangguo's clothes.

"Yay! What for?! Kim shook his hand away and patted the place he had touched.

"You know dirty, too?" Kim Jae-ho complained, "I thought you were immune to bacteria." "

"Yay! I'm human too! Jin Chengguo smiled, this is taking himself seriously.

Kim Jae-ho looked into the distance and suddenly said:

"Brother, there is good news, a bad news, which one do you want to hear?"

Jin Zhiguo was stunned and said, "Let's talk about it first." "

"The good news is that I have found a guest." Kim Jae-ho said.

"Oh, why are you still standing here? Go catch it! Jin Zhiguo just wanted to leave, and suddenly thought of something: "Wait, what's the bad news?" "

"The bad news is that the guest is Sister Fengshan." Kim Jae-ho gave him a big smile.

Just hearing these three words, Jin Zhiguo chuckled.

Kim Jae-ho thought about it and immediately changed his words: "No, it's two good news, let's go, brother, let's find a sister-in-law to play~"

"Yay! What are you talking about! Jin Zhiguo scolded.

"Are you in a hurry?" Kim Jae-ho raised his eyebrows and asked.

"What am I in a hurry?" Jin Zhiguo said with a smile, looking like he cared.

"You provoked?" Kim Jae-ho asked.

The simple three words made Jin Chengguo have the urge to hit people.

"Ah, you go first, there should be a guest." Kim said.

"How can I catch it alone? That's Sister Fengshan, haha they found her. "Kim Jae-ho said.

What else did Kim Junguo want to say, but what Kim Jae-ho said was too reasonable, a person really couldn't catch her, he looked over, narrowed his big eyes, and from a distance there was indeed a green creature chasing a white creature and running behind the stands.

Only Haha and Song Jihyo are in green uniforms, and the one in white, according to Kim Jae-ho, is Bongseon.

"You can see from this distance, your vision is so good." Jin Zhiguo said while running.

"It's not that the eyesight is good, it's that sister is too obvious." Kim Jae-ho shook his head and slowly followed.

That body shape is easily recognizable.

Moreover, what Kim Jae-ho didn't know was that Fengshan had actually been discovered a wave just now, but Liu Zaishi and Ji Shizhen didn't know whether to release water or what, and felt that it was impossible to run so obviously and let it go.

After all, it doesn't seem difficult to find something so simple and find it again...

Jin Zhiguo ran and ran, looking back, Kim Jae-ho actually fell so much, looking ahead, there was still so far away, he couldn't see Fengshan and them, he didn't run anymore, walked slowly.

It was really he who felt that it was unnecessary, not that he instigated it...

Very far back, Kim Jae-ho is still running slowly, these two brothers are really, jogging this piece is better than one by one, they are very slow...

Kim Junguo is because of his weight, and Kim Jae-ho is because of his physique...

"Can't catch up~really, can't keep up~ occasionally there will be such a day and I don't want to do anything~"

Kim Jae-ho hummed strange songs while running with a lazy atmosphere, even if Kim Junguo was just walking, it was a long distance away from him.

Just as he passed by a few young girls holding hands, he suddenly reached out without warning and grabbed the young lady in white clothes passing by.

appeared, Kim Jae-ho classic looking back!

The little sister who was caught was also stunned and was startled, only to see her frightened and shouted softly:

"Oh! Oppa! "

This cute little voice, this delicate face, this familiar feeling?!

"How blue the sky is~ It just so happens that the wind is so perfect today ~ Pretend not to know... Ah~ Today is such a good day"

Kim Jae-ho continued to run like a nobody, humming something as he ran.

This process happened so suddenly, VJ almost didn't even shoot it without paying attention.

The young lady who was found was stunned for a moment, and then reacted and pulled her companion to laugh and run away.

VJ took a closer look, isn't the face wrapped under the orange towel IU?!

Today's guest is IU, and Kim Jae-ho actually took a look and let it go?

He definitely saw it, he suddenly realized that he hummed the word 000, isn't it the word for good days?!

Kim Jae-ho knew it was her and deliberately let her go!

And the protagonist Kim Jae-ho don't look at him now looks natural, in fact, his heart is shaking, suddenly Song Zhixiao in front of him ran over, he was startled, fortunately, Song Zhixiao has a goal and does not care about him.

I saw that she ran to the side with an inexplicable big dash and pounced on a doll man, seemingly affected by haha.

It's hard to learn math, and learning sand sculpture will be a glance...

On the other side, IU

"Oh, it scared me to death, I thought I was going to be caught!" She had fear and a lot of joy on her face, after all, the rest of her life.

"Did he just see us?" A girl next to her said that she was covering.

"Yes, I looked at him and scared me to death! He let me go, hurry up! IU pulled the two girls forward quickly.

She also did not expect that Kim Jae-ho would let them go.

Kim Jae-ho himself did not think, he just saw a few people very strange, something, when passing by intuition let him catch, when she saw who it was, others were confused.

Now there is only one thought in his mind, that is, he actually pulled IU on the street, and the burly security uncle did not press him to the ground and rub him......_

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