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Driving is already difficult, you have to do tasks, just forget about doing tasks, people are in pairs, he is alone, even quarreling is a luxury.

One person does the task, one person transports coffee, one throws cans, fails, one person walks back and buys again, the whole person, the front is full of bad luck, the back is full of desolation, up close it is miserable, from a distance it is BGM ...

Ooooh, oo

Where did the BGM come from?!

Looking back, it was a crowd of onlookers, very "intimately" dubbing Li Guangzhu with a knowing smile on his face.

Li Guangzhu glanced at her, thank you so much~

What warmed his heart was that when he challenged him again, there were so many people cheering for him next to him that they could crush him to death by a hundred, it was a group of students, who should have come to travel.

"Everyone, please cheer me on!" Li Guangzhu shouted.

"Li Guangzhu! Lee Kwang-joo! "

The sound of support is like a sea, this popularity, I don't know what kind of super idol is singing, too exaggerated this popularity, even elementary school students know his name, this is not an ordinary newcomer can have, even if it is an old artist who has been mixed for many years, it may not be able to do so well-known.

In the wave-like sound of help, Li Guangzhu's self-confidence swelled wildly, swept away all the previous loss 000, and against everyone's expectant gaze, he cast out! Hit!


The excitement of the scene is like a World Cup goal, in fact, it is just a person throwing the garbage into the trash can under the cheering of a group of people, but it is really happy, just the happy people at this moment feel that today is wonderful enough.

And on the other side...

"Hello everyone! Welcome to Kim Kim Little Radio, now playing "A Man" for you! Have our love song king, Golden End! Kim Jae-ho used the coffee can he had just thrown in as a microphone.

"Oh, isn't it usually the prince of love songs? How is it a king? Jin Zhiguo scolded with a smile.

"Can you say that you are a prince with this temperament? Hurry, don't stubble! Kim Jae-ho said and sent the microphone to Kim Junguo's mouth.

"Why can't you..."

Jin Zhiguo drove the car, just wanted to say something, but just after the prelude ended, he immediately began to sing, as if automatically: "It's been too long ~ even the words have changed their tune ~"

As soon as he spoke, the air softened, and it was hard to imagine that such a gentle singer came from the mouth of a man armed with muscles.

As soon as I opened my mouth, I was old a CD player.

"Oh Mo oh Mo ~" Jin Hao made an exaggerated expression next to him, sometimes surprised, sometimes intoxicated, did not speak, there were many scenes.

Because they collaborated on this song and sang it often, Kim Jae-ho naturally began to sing his own part, and after the chorus and harmony, it was very exciting.


Two strong singers in K song, really every song is a surprise.

Coupled with the green grass on the side of the road, the atmosphere became beautiful, and those who didn't know thought they were out for an outing.

Blue sky, white clouds, friends, public expense, poetry, songs, what better enjoyment?

Probably to change friends into partners, or friends into partners...

But the good times are not long, the road, there is an end, to the station ...

As soon as he opened the door, Jin Zhiguo's originally smiling face instantly changed, and became: "That's it!" That's it! Hurry up, hurry up! Run! Fast! "

Friends who used to sing together have suddenly become "Rush!" ".

"I can't accept this change..." Kim Jae-ho's face lengthened.

"Run! What are you doing there! "Jin Zhiguo lives like a man who does not understand the style.

"It's coming, it's coming..."

It looked like being suddenly pulled to gym class halfway through an outing...

Even in physical education class, the physical education teacher is still healthy, but the gap is too large, and the general (CEC) feels uncomfortable.

On the other side, the Liu Chi brothers have arrived, and no one expected that the sports album, their combination can be far ahead.

They arrived at the wind market, selling a lot of things, selling a lot of snacks, as soon as they entered, they were blinded, but they had no money, only public funds, and in the end they were really hungry, so they bought some peanuts and rice to eat.

Kim Jae-ho is not the only gluttonous eater, everyone likes to eat something delicious.

Finally resisted the temptation (mainly because they had no money) to find M, they were given the task of asking and answering quickly, but they had to complete it with their grandparents.

If it were the two of them, it might have been done in minutes, but they had to answer five questions correctly in a minute with their grandparents, which was difficult and interesting.

If Kim Jae-ho came here interestingly, he would definitely not be able to walk the road, Kim Junguo was afraid of being busy to death, and he was glad that he didn't come here, and the place they arrived at was a park.

The embankment rest stop, and the task they received was also quick to ask and answer.

"Guess five questions correctly in one minute, but the guess is aimed at women over the forties." Kim Jae-ho reads the mission letter.

"Oh~ It's too simple, isn't it?" Kim Jae-ho felt full of happiness, "No need to do exercise or coffee, this is too simple!" "

"Let's go find the aunts first~" Jin Zhiguo said, "Isn't there one over there?" "

The aunts who came from afar were looking at this side curiously, after all, it was quite novel.

Kim Jae-ho opened his mouth and shouted: "Good morning aunts!" Come to Taiqing ~ Hey Yigu ~ Awesome! "

I don't know and think they know each other, but in fact, Kim Jae-ho often chats with the aunts who sell him food, and if he talks too much, he won't feel embarrassed or embarrassed at all, anyway, he seems to be very familiar.

Looking at Kim Jae-ho's performance, Kim Junguo, as the eldest brother, felt that he could not lag behind, and hurried up and said: "We are recording the show, can you help us?" "

The aunts also came over and two aunts came over and shook hands with Jin Zhiguo.

"Yes, we are RM, I don't know if you have seen it?" Kim Jae-ho asked.

"Of course, my daughter likes you!" An aunt said happily to Jin Zhiguo.

"Hey~" Kim was very happy to hear in the end, only Kim Jae-ho was unhappy.

"Auntie, it's the question I asked..."

"I like you a lot! Every time you come out, you are very happy~" Auntie is afraid that he will not be happy, so quickly take care of it.

"It's okay, it's okay~" Jin Hao waved his hand, "It's okay, whoever you like is liked, Auntie, can you help us?" You're here to exercise, right? The sports are looking for our final brother, he is professional. "

"Oh? Is it? "Auntie looked very happy.

"Yes~ you see how happy our brother is smiling~"

Kim Ji-kook: ......_

Feilu reminds you: three things to read - collect, push

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