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On the other side, the candy brothers and sisters of Yoo Jae-seok, who decisively abandoned Kim Jae-ho, and Song Ji-hyo's candy brothers and sisters are now also on the old road of the alliance, that is, running in a long corridor, and Kim Jiangguo behind is running and shouting, making people feel extremely desperate.

This pressure is huge, especially when it feels that the sound has not stopped behind, even Quan Lie, who is running with him, feels the incomparable pressure, running much faster than usual, as if as soon as he stops, there is no life, obviously this is just a game, and he is a real outsider...

The insider Liu Zaishi's mentality finally collapsed, and when he saw that it was about to come to an end, he quickly turned around and waited for Song Zhixiao to come in and close the door.

In the horror, he closed the door, Song Zhixiao actually continued to run away, leaving him alone, looking at the Jin Zhiguo outside the transparent glass, Liu Zaishi soul was gone, quickly called Song Zhixiao, Song Zhixiao saw that there was no way, and also turned back to help.

Jin Chengguo calmly lowered his head and looked at the two brothers and sisters below who seemed to have lost half their lives, and felt particularly interesting, these two people are a little vulnerable~

He pushed gently, and the glass door that Liu Zaishi and Song Zhixiao desperately blocked was pushed open, pushing the glass door with one hand, and he entered with the other 803 hand, and the two sisters screamed in shock, screaming miserably.

The whole Jin Zhiguo is a little embarrassed, just like just now, obviously he is only one person, but it seems that he bullied them, and he has the most shame on girls.

Jin Zhiguo is still thinking about how to release the water to make today's broadcast more in place, and the first figure behind him is slowly approaching, sneaking around against the camera as if he has his own perspective.

He suddenly stepped forward to tear off the Jin Zhiguo name tag, and turned around in surprised eyes to reveal his smaller name tag.

"First privilege."

He said.

By the way, his title is, Unpredictable Man.

Of course, he is Kim Jae-ho, the man who Kim Ji-guo let go not long ago, and he is now comparing Jin Jiangguo with his name tag.

In the next second, Jin Junguo grabbed him by the collar, and his smile disappeared instantly, disappearing like a trick, which was particularly funny.

"The camera shoots me! Fast! Shoot me! Kim Jae-ho shouted, and when he hit the wall blinded by victory, he finally remembered what he had done.

He tore off his name tag when Jin Zhiguo was most proud, what is the difference between this and kicking him when people worked hard to run to the finish line and had already opened their arms?

Looking at Kim Junguo's murderous eyes, Kim Jae-ho shivered, Kim Junguo twisted his neck, Kim Jae-ho seemed to hear the clicking sound of his neck, and he knew that this was Kim Junguo's performance when he suppressed his anger.

Liu Zaishi next to him almost laughed silly when he saw this, and he didn't know whether he was laughing at Kim Jae-ho or Kim Ji-guo, or both, anyway, Song Zhixiao was laughed at by Kim Jae-ho.

Just now Kim Jae-ho consulted with them, and he secretly told him, so she was not surprised, and just now she covered for Kim Jae-ho, but she tore off the name tag and dared to scream, which she didn't expect.

"Brother! Wrong! Wrong! Really wrong! Not anymore"

Kim Jae-ho repeatedly admitted his mistake, and Kim Junguo calmed down and let him go, yes, the more he thought about it, the more angry he became.

"Yay! There you go! I don't want to see you! Kim Junguo shouted, Kim Jae-ho took his leave, turned his head and ran.

Slipped away~

Song Zhixiao smiled just right, and Liu Zaishi next to him suddenly laughed and sarcastically: "Jin Zhiguo, you also have today hahahaha!" ", so that she almost couldn't breathe.

"Ah! Is! "Jin Zhiguo was angry to the end, and he was about to win, but he was actually handed by Jin Zaihaoyin, and he suspected that Liu Zaishi was also involved, which was a serial set, the game in the middle.

"Jin Zhiguo! OUT! Go to hell! "Liu Zaishi laughed at the thief happy, Jin Zhiguo had no choice but to go over there, while going to Liu Zaishi while following behind (cdec) taunting, mocking while walking, like chanting, angry Jin Zhiguo didn't want it, but he couldn't do anything.

After all, it's just a person, even if he was once in a mood, in the end it was just a dream, waking up for a long time...

Just when Jin Zhiguo was annoyed, he suddenly heard a tearing sound behind him, and he looked back and saw that Liu Zaishi looked back.

Liu Zaishi didn't smile, it was Jin Zhenguo's turn to laugh, it turned out that Song Zhixiao actually took advantage of Liu Zaishi laughing at others, and tore off his name tag, the goal of the alliance is Jin Zhenguo, when Jin Zhenguo is gone, the alliance will automatically dissolve, Liu Zaishi was too happy and did not think of this.

Originally, Jin Zhiguo was very uncomfortable, but seeing Liu Zaishi's stunned expression that was the same as his previous self, he could do it again, and his smile was even happier than if he had won.

Heaven's way is good reincarnation, who did Cang Tian spare him, he was still laughing at others just now, and now he has suffered, Liu Zaishi is so angry that he shouted: "Ah! Song Zhixiao! "

Song Zhihyo is not as stupid as Kim Jae-ho, she ran early, and she smiled back while running,

Suddenly, she was hugged by something, and then only listened to the tearing ...

"Yay! Kim Jae-ho! "

Liu Zaishi: "Oh?!" Was she torn? "

"It seems to be." Jin Zhiguo was also dumbfounded.

"Hahaha! Yikes! Song Zhixiao! I'll just say it! Yikes! Deserve it! "Liu Zaishi can do it again immediately.

Heaven is good...

"Yay! I am the strongest! Kim Jae-ho shouted with Song Jihyo's name tag, and then he saw Song Jihyo's appearance, realized that his female friendly image was gone, and immediately turned around and hugged her and shouted: "Ignorant!" I'm sorry! "

"You get out!" Song Zhixiao was so angry that he exploded, and directly pushed Kim Jae-ho away, it was really too much, he was so happy just now because he tore Liu Zaishi, but he turned his head and was torn off, snapped his face, or in front of her brothers, didn't she want face?

"Yay! Mud Kai! "

Kim Jae-ho held Song Ji-hyo's leg and knelt down to beg for forgiveness, "I'm sorry, Ignorant!" My hands went out on their own! I don't know why it's in my hands! I didn't mean to! "

Song Zhixiao: I believe your nonsense!

"Yay! Go away! Break up! What a Monday couple, all fake! She kicked Kim Jae-ho away in disgust.

Kim Jae-ho whispered to Bibi: "That, Monday has passed..."

"Yay! Monday... Passed... You just... Don't love me anymore... Is it? Hey..." Song Zhixiao was so angry that he pushed Kim Jae-ho every two words he said, gritting his teeth, a straight man of steel.

"It's not..."

Looking at Kim Jae-ho's face with a difficult look that he wants to explain but can't explain, the two brothers next to him are about to laugh silly, you also have today~

What is this called?

Win the game, lose life. _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read - collect, push

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