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Chi Shizhen's happy group even began to talk loudly about the question of who would go first at that time, as if it was decided that when the time came, there would be courage to go up.

"That's it!"

"Yes! There were four of us, and he didn't dare to come out. Haha laughed.

"Who is he?" Kim Jae-ho asked suddenly, and there were words in his words.

Haha instantly understood, and shouted word by word: "Jin-End-Country!" ", threw all awe out of cloud nine.


The wanton laughter of the four people filled the corridor with expansion, and it seemed that even the air had an arrogant meaning.

Just as they were laughing, a door next to them suddenly opened, haha they only had time to turn back, and they heard the screams of Chi Shizhen who fell behind: "Oh oh! Yay "

Haha, what they looked back at was the terrifying appearance of Chi Shizhen, who Jin Zhiguo had tightly grasped.

The four-person "Iron Alliance" that had just been clamoring for A to go collapsed in an instant, and Chi Shizhen's imaginary allies did not look like they wanted to save him in his sight, all of them ran away with a ghostly cry, leaving their backs, and shouting while running: "Yay! There are 23 or four of us! No need to run! "

The one who spoke was Kim Jae-ho, who ran in front, while the others were saying yes, yes, but did not look like they were going to stop.

This time they really hit the face, but they were more afraid than ashamed, and you can see from their expressions and movements that they are really frightened.

What's more terrifying is that Jin Zhiguo actually solved the battle in a few seconds, without looking at Chi Shizhen, who was scared and stupid, directly chased after him with a terrifying posture, not afraid of him at all, only one person, while running and shouting, a person was stunned and ran out of a legion feeling, directly defeated the will to resist that they had built with difficulty, and now there is really only life left.

Jin Zhiguo's shouts behind him seemed to be on his back, causing Li Guangzhu and their infinite shadows, and they only felt that the one-way corridor in front of them was too terrifying.

True desperate corridor!

Kim Jae-ho is now in a hurry, obviously he was the first to run, only a few meters he was already behind, he was also lying in a big groove, hell is really it, and the most terrifying thing is that he can see that the end of the front is really the end, the dead end, listening to the shouts from behind, he has not even been so afraid when crossing.

Seeing that it was going to be cold, the haha in front suddenly opened a door next to it, and then rushed in, Lee Kwang-joo followed behind, and then the two people opened the door and shouted anxiously to Kim Jae-ho: "Quick!" Come on!!! "

They have already seen the end of the country of Kim not far from Kim Jae-ho, and the hideous appearance is even more terrifying than expected, if not for Kim Jae-ho almost arrived, they would really close the door.

But Rao is so, it is already their humanity that is shining, especially haha, they rushed out just after saying Jin Zhiguo, they must have heard what they said, they were angry and came out, otherwise it is impossible to come out, now haha he just regrets, very regretful.

When Kim Jae-ho arrived, haha immediately closed, scaredly, he did not feel the feeling of closing the door, but had a very strong counterforce, and at the same time he also heard the roar behind the door:


"Yay Fast! Haha shouted urgently.

Li Guangzhu helped as soon as possible, and Gang Kim Jae-ho also immediately turned around, and the three of them resisted the door together, anxiously pushing forward, as if there was some kind of desolate beast outside.

But what surprised the three of them was that the door was pushed open little by little when the three of them went up together.

"What is this?!" Kim Jae-ho shouted while holding Song Ji-hyo's strength.

"It's so unspeakable!" Haha also had horror written on his face, but there were three people on their side! Others are stupid...

Li Guangzhu pressed his back against the door desperately, kicking hard, you can see that he used all his strength, and when he realized that this could not work, he quickly turned over, put his hand against the door, and exerted his whole body strength.

But the most terrifying thing still happened, with a roar from Jin Zhiguo on the other side of the door, the door was pushed open firmly and slowly...

Sang-yoon, who came in, held the camera to shoot their expressions at this time, and at this time, their despair seemed to overflow the screen, and these seconds were the most desperate moments they had ever experienced.

Why was Kim Jae-ho the last to come in and Yoon was inside?

Because just now he was so scared that even Kim Jae-ho forgot about it, and just cared about running by himself...

Jin Zhiguo finally came in, and as soon as he came in, he grabbed the clothes of Li Guangzhu, who was still honestly against the door, and Li Guangzhu shouted in fright, shouting at them: "Alliance!" Coalition! There are three of us! "

However, this is of no use, haha and Kim Jae-ho are scared and already unconscious.

Soon, they saw that Jin Zhiguo easily ripped off Li Guangzhu's name tag that fell off when touched, and looked at the two people shivering in the far corner with murderous eyes, and then slowly closed the door.

Li Guangzhu, who was spread on the ground, suddenly felt that this was not bad...

Compared with Jin Zhiguo, who faced the fury directly, it was also a kind of happiness to be dropped in seconds like this.

Jin Zhiguo looked at Haha with a smile, and his narrow eyes exuded a dangerous light.

"Brother... Brother..." Kim Jae-ho can't even say nonsense, he can't organize language anymore, and now his psychological pressure is too great.

Bigger than him is haha, and it is already his last stubbornness that he can stand firm now.

Looking at the scared look of the 83 brothers in the past, Jin Zhiguo is now full of mixed tastes, why not!

"Don't be afraid, the two of us go together, you can!" Haha knew that he was dead, and decided to fight back once, he felt that he could still do it.

Kim Jae-ho nodded and said: "Brother, I just said that I want to arrest you together, I really didn't say a word of your bad words, they all said, can you let me go first, I will definitely not interfere." "

Ha ha:???

"Yay! Kim Jae-ho, we are an ally! Brother Hakin, have you forgotten? "

Jin Zhiguo originally didn't want to let any of them go, but he wanted to see Haha despair more than letting go of a person.

It must be very fun~

"Good." Jin Zhiguo opened the door.

"Really? Thank you brother! Kim Jae-ho was overjoyed.

Realizing that it was wrong, he directly reached out to grab Kim Jae-ho's name tag, but was deftly dodged by Kim Jae-ho, and then rushed to Kim Ji-guo's side.

"Yay! Kim Jae-ho! Yikes! Elder brother! Can't let him go! "

Seeing that he really walked out and took Li Guangzhu away, he didn't even forget to smile and say: "Brother, I'll just close the door, thank you brother, goodbye brother!" Kim Jae-ho, haha finally understood what the sting feeling of betrayal is.

In the empty room, only Jin Zhiguo was left to have a carnival party_

Feilu reminds you: three things to read - collect, push

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