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Kim Jae-ho imitated the scene in his impression that Xing Ye imitated the gambler god, adding his own understanding, a group of people who think they are handsome, and they are indeed very handsome, but handsomeness also reveals stupidity...

"How? Okay? As soon as he walked in the door, Kim Jae-ho was in his original form and quickly asked Sang-yoon.

Comparing OK, Kim Jae-ho smiled and said: "Remember to let me get it in the later stage, with some domineering music, don't give me all those weird things..."

Kim Jae-ho said as he walked that the location given by the uncle was detailed to which floor and which room, which also saved him a lot of time.

He knocked on the door and said hello and went inside, and as soon as he pushed the door, Kim Jae-ho knew that this smell was right!

He immediately bowed and greeted: "Ah! Got it! Oh Mo! Hello senior! I'm Kim Jae-ho, senior, you're too handsome, right? "

When Kim Zai-ho bowed, Seo Yongsheng also bowed in response, and when he heard Kim Jae-ho's words, he also smiled.

"Hahaha~Where there is~Where is there~ You are handsome"

"Whatever, it's far away, senior, is it convenient for you now, I want to ask you to sign your name, my agent's daughter likes you!"

"Yes, but look at me..." He awkwardly gestured to his right hand, which was wrapped in a bandage, obviously not very convenient.

"Okay, 803, I'll talk about it that time." Kim Jae-ho said.

"Then can you sign one for me? I have a relative who loves you! Xu Yongsheng actually wanted to sign in turn.

"Of course! That's my glory! Where to sign it? Kim Jae-ho said quickly.

Xu Yongsheng actually prepared signature paper and pens, and Kim Jae-ho's eyes lit up.


Looking at his eyes are different, it is to meet the eyes of the same people, and the signatures are a lot stronger, that is, the quality of this paper is not good.

"Brother, can I call you brother?"

"Of course, you can call it whatever you want~" Eternal smiled.

"That brother, do you think this will work?" Kim Jae-ho gestured his signature, Sang-yoon was dumbfounded, how long has it been since we met, just called brother?

"Of course! Trouble you~"

"Whatever! How can this be called trouble? It's really your fan, this is for the idol ah, I've been waiting for your return for a long time, this time the album I bought burst okay! "

"Is it? Thank you~"

Xu Yongsheng also did not expect Kim Jae-ho to chat so well, really on the way, he had a very good impression of Kim Jae-ho (cdec) and wanted to continue chatting with him, but knowing the situation, he knew that now was not the time to chat.

"Ah, by the way, I have to choose yours among the clothes here, hurry up, and the next task."

He has already begun to think about Kim Jae-ho

"Okay, brother, it must be this pink one, really, not someone who likes pink!" Kim Jae-ho said as he fumbled with his clothes and found Ren.

Xu Yongsheng looked at his conspicuous pink red hat and did not comment.

Kim Jae-ho looked at the letter and read, he went to the next place, the first person to arrive will have a surprise, the last person will have amazing disadvantages.

"Then brother, I'll go first!" Kim Jae-ho said after getting dressed.

"Okay, you go quickly! Come on! Xu Yongsheng said.

"With brother, how can I lose, I must win tonight." As he walked, he said, "Comeback! Immortal brother Dafa! "

"Dafa, hahaha!"

Sending Kim Jae-ho away, Xu Yongsheng sighed sideways, with a smile, sighing how could there be such a good person?

The little mouth seems to be smeared with honey...

As soon as Kim Jae-ho left, the room instantly quieted, and Xu Yonghao suddenly had a sense of emptiness, and that happy feeling had not subsided, but had begun to cherish it.

The first minute Kim Jae-ho was away, miss him!

But soon, the room came alive again, as a second RM member also arrived.

The second is the silent Song Zhixiao!

Compared with the foreign aid invited by Kim Jae-ho, she went directly to the VIP fast track, because Seo Yongsheng was her fan and took the initiative to contact her directly by phone to tell her his location at the beginning.

If it weren't for Kim Jae-ho's luck so good today, she would have been the first to arrive, but now it's also very good, the second echelon.

At the same time, there was also Brother Nose, and Haha also followed, but they looked for a room for a long time, and Song Zhixiao found it at once.

"Hello!" Song Zhixiao greeted him as soon as he entered the door, very happy, and Eternal Life seemed a little restrained, which is undoubtedly a fan.

Song Zhixiao didn't talk so much, and after she changed her clothes, she went up and asked for a group photo.

"Am I the first?" Song Zhixiao asked.

"Oh no, in Hao he was the first," he said.

"Oh! Such! "Song Zhixiao suddenly felt a little wrong, such an affectionate name, do they know each other?

At this time, Xu Yongsheng spoke: "I was still very jealous of him before"

"Oh? Is it? Song Zhixiao was shocked.

"Yes, because I can form a CP Monday couple with you, but after talking just now, I don't think so, he is really a very good person."

Hearing this Song Jihyo is also crying and laughing, is Kim Jae-ho magical? Why does everyone like him?

And listen to this tone, I didn't know it before? Just met?

With a stomach full of doubts, Song Zhixiao hurried out after saying hello, now is not the time to entangle these things, now you have to catch up with the man quickly, and don't let those men behind catch up.

Anyway, she was still very happy to get the next task and still have a little advantage, she rushed out and said "yes" to the camera, and then got into Chi Shizhen's car in everyone's confused eyes.

When everyone just wanted to remind her that it was someone else's car, they saw that she didn't get into the car to drive Chi Shizhen's car, and his target was the key on the car.

She handed Chi Shizhen's key directly to the onlookers on the side and let them keep it, and the onlookers readily agreed and felt very good.

Bad learning, ah ignorant wisdom~

At this time, Chi Shizhen, who had just found Xu Yongsheng, did not know the seriousness of the matter.

When he found out, it was too late, Song Zhixiao had long left, he didn't even suspect that Song Zhixiao's head was coming, he thought that Liu Zaishi who came from behind did this in order to contain him, and in fact, Liu Zaishi also did this, but he didn't take the key of the nose brother, but haha.

Liu Zaishi looked at Brother Chi Shizhen, who was so anxious to kneel to the ground, he was also at a loss, this is not what he did!

He who was lying innocently was also indefensible, and at such a chaotic time, haha also came to the door, and as a result, the three people spent half a day here, and Jin Zhiguo arrived. _

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