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However, Kim Jae-ho will not be affected by their mood, Jinxiu himself can be described as a tianxiu, you must know that even if it is the same score, the opposite side wins, and the first place is then announced that only the opposite side has, if there is no electric heating pad they will lose.

Although he still doesn't know why the second place is an electric heating pad, is it afraid that drinking coffee and playing computer butt will be cold when the library and friends breathe safe air?

It makes sense to think about it this way.

"Then today, the winning team is the yellow team!" PD said.

"Yay!" The people on the yellow team cheered.

"Zhongji, I did it!" Kim Jae-ho said to Song Zhongji excitedly, his eyes full of praise.

Song Zhongji smiled and patted Kim Jae-ho's shoulder, there was something else hidden in the smile, probably, love...

"So it's the heavy honor team that will be punished."

The blue team regrets and unfortunately, after all, many opportunities they missed, originally they won a lot, because of some mistakes that led to the current result.

The organ calculated, after all, it lost to luck.

Today's recording is nearing the end, in this unusual end at this ordinary end, Liu Zaishi wants to say one thing, Song Zhongji stood by his side, he rarely fights so in the middle.

"It's a bit twilight now," Liu Zaishi said in a deep voice, "But our Zhongji, since the beginning of participating in RunningMan, has not worked hard, and has been busy with everyone in the past ten months, but today in RM may be the last time to say hello to everyone." "

Because of his acting skills and some other reasons, Song Zhongji chose to withdraw from RM considering his personal development, and Kim Jae-ho also knew that he said goodbye to RM on these books.

Everyone also knows what this means, when Liu Zaishi spoke, Li Guangzhu and Song Zhixiao, who also joined as newcomers, had already cried 803, tearful eyes, and the atmosphere suddenly became sad.

When Song Zhongji spoke, he was already crying, and this Zhongji, who had been active for nearly ten months, was not active for the first time.

"I feel very happy during this time, and I will return to RM in a better state..." Song Zhongji choked, "Big brothers and sisters, special thanks, especially to my friend Guangzhu who has always listened to my heart, and Zaihao, who has always taken good care of me although he is my younger brother..."

When he said the most moving part, someone next to him suddenly shouted, which startled everyone.

When everyone saw it, it was Kim Jae-ho, who cried unabashedly like a child, tears flowed like he didn't want money, and he broke the embankment, which scared everyone and laughed.

Kim Jae-ho wow-wow-like throwing into Song Ji-hyo's arms for comfort, and as a result, Song Ji-hyo who cried pear blossoms with rain decisively was a position, very naughty, Kim Jae-ho awkwardly pounced, but immediately turned to Lee Kwang-joo's arms, as if nothing happened, that is, the crying seemed to be louder.

Lee Kwang-joo accepted him with a smile, tears mixed with smiles, and was made by Kim Jae-ho that his feelings were not smooth...

Song Zhongji, who had just thrown into Liu Zaishi's arms, couldn't help but laugh when he saw this, and Kim Jae-ho's sadness brought joy to the scene and diluted the parting feelings.

But everyone also understands Kim Jae-ho, Kim Jae-ho Lee Kwang-joo and Song Zhong-ki are very close, probably because they are all actors and people of similar age, today in fact, Kim Jae-ho has long known, so he wants to win today, is to give teammate Song Zhongji a perfect ending.

It was within his reach, and luckily, he did.

When Liu Zaishi said, he could still hold back his tears, but when he saw Song Zhongji say thank you, he couldn't hold back completely.

He has no friends in this world, RM is like his home, the members are his family, and now, a family member suddenly waved his hand, saying that he was going to go far away, he wanted to become a better version of himself, and even if he came back in the future, he would only be a passerby.

People live for a long time, there are always people who want to leave your world, instead of holding back and grieving alone, it is better to cry presumptuously to wish him well.

Kim Jae-ho cried on Lee Kwang-joo's shoulder, Song Ji-hyo smiled and helped him wipe his tears, and she herself was still crying...

Liu Zaishi next to him teased Seonjun, Kim Junguo teased Guangzhu, and Ha held his furniture and scolded the street.

Chongxun watched this scene on the side, and felt with feelings: "I have experienced a lot of different feelings today, I have acted in so many plays, but I really can't stand so many feelings at once..."


After everyone was happy, the blue team went to accept the punishment and helped Haha move things back.

Haha was not worried and followed, Song Zhongji and many tear-wiping staff present said goodbye one by one, and Kim Jae-ho and they went to find a place to have a meal to eat, and when Haha they also moved things over to have a meal together, everyone took a photo to commemorate the moment and the past.

After Kim Jae-ho sang a farewell song that he composed and composed for a few days on the spot, everyone wiped their tears and went back to their homes, and Song Gongzi paid for the consumption of this evening.

At this point, Song Zhongji left the RM team to welcome his glorious career as an actor.

But he will still be everyone's best friend, and the matter is over, the love will always be there, but the chance to meet will be much less.

The next day, Kim Jae-ho was asleep, but yesterday's video of him singing was uploaded by a certain staff member and now it is on fire, although it is only a small clip, but the important thing is the content.

In the video, Kim Jae-ho sings cheerful ballads, the members are holding their own instruments to the music, and the staff on the scene next to them, including even PDs, are obviously premeditated.

Song Zhongji was surrounded in the middle, and he wiped tears with shock and emotion, he never expected that everyone would do everything for him.

Even if the video is full loss (DEC) sound quality, everyone can feel the strong love, at first they didn't know that it was a birthday party, until they listened carefully to Kim Jae-ho's lyrics, they knew that this was Song Zhongji leaving.

Although Kim Jae-ho sang very easily, it just made people listen to a faint touch, a trace of convergence, until a certain point makes you cry, and when you hear it, you know that it is [Old Kim Style Flow].

Because it was too shocking, touching and loving, this small video was instantly spread all over the Internet, and many parties were still asleep, and everyone already knew it.

The comments were brushed up very violently, causing violent repercussions, and everyone was also seeking the full version while seeking the source of the sound every day, envying Song Zhongji and blessing him at the same time.

To be able to rehearse such a surprise for the departure of a team member is probably only available to RM, and I can foresee that the ratings of this episode will explode.

Although everyone talks about seeking a sound source, everyone knows that Kim Jae-ho's urine will not be available nine times out of ten, but this time is different, and there will really be.

It will also be edited and filmed by RM's team, which will appear in the form of a MV, which is the last gift to Song Zhongji, but it is not yet ready.

Of course, they did it very quickly, and after a few days, they came out, and everyone was shocked when they saw it, it turned out to be so fast, and after a few days of fermentation, more people paid attention, and they were directly on fire almost as soon as they went online.

To everyone's surprise, this video, not so much a MV, is a documentary, very long, twenty minutes.

At the beginning, Kim Jae-ho-jin mysteriously took the camera to find the members one by one to plan this matter, and the members were very excited to hear it and readily agreed.

Then Kim Jae-ho asked everyone to write an essay for him, the topic was the impression of Song Zhongji and what he wanted to say to Song Zhongji.

Then Kim Jae-ho combined with Song Zhongji's famous scene, and some words were integrated, connecting the events and changes of Song Zhongji from the beginning of participating in RM to the end, and made into words.

Take the basic song he has arranged, and then find the members to brainstorm and make a unique song with RM style.

PD was also arranged in the plan of output at this time...

The next thing is practice, practice, and rehearsal before the show starts, all this is hidden from Song Zhongji.

This 20-minute documentary, which is a bit long, allows everyone to see full sincerity, it not only records the process of this song from scratch, but also records everyone's love for Song Zhongji.

When I saw that everyone finally played this song in front of Song Zhongji, some people's tears were about to come out, even if they didn't, it was fast, because the clip matched the lyrics, and when they sang, from time to time they put on the matching picture of Song Zhongji in RM, directly piercing everyone's point, tears completely couldn't hold back, let alone Song Zhongji people, he was about to cry to death.

[I thought the previous video was touching enough, until I saw this video.] 】

[Woooo RM's team is also too intentional, right?! 】

[Only this team can do this.] 】

[Only Kim Jae-ho can think of doing such a thing...]

[My God, it's so hard for this video, I cry to death! ] 】

[Zhongji Oppa should be good! ] I will always pay attention to you in the future! 】

[I cried out the moment I saw Zhongji Oppa crying]

[Laughing in front to death, moving to death in the back, sure enough]

[Kim Jae-ho is awesome! ] 】

[Everyone is so loving! ] Love this team! 】

[Hahaha! I was originally very moved, until I saw PD also opened my mouth hahaha~】

[Zhongji Oppa will take the blessings of the members and keep walking the flower road! ] Will always keep an eye on you! 】

[Song Zhongji is so happy! ] 】

[Such a loving team, will always pay attention! ] 】


And all this just originated from a small idea of Kim Jae-ho, it was this team that turned this immature opinion into a behemoth......_

Feilu reminds you: three things to read - collect, push

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