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"That's not right!" Kim Jae-ho suddenly said, "What about my electric blanket?" Did my electric blanket also be taken away?! "

Song Zhongji immediately said: "No, here." "

When Kim Jae-ho saw it, the electric blanket was underneath, which was quite conspicuous.

"Yay! How to take away the game console! So obviously not to take away! Do you look down on my electric blanket?! Kim Jae-ho was not convinced.

Unexpectedly left his electric blanket here, he is psychologically unbalanced, who does he look down on?

Song Zhongji smiled and did not speak, after all, whoever wants to bring an electric blanket in the library, even if he wants to bring it, it can't be the top five...

It's just that you are so strange to take it down, but thinking that there are more exaggerated things in the back compartment, Song Zhongji is relieved.

Really as long as the production team dares to post it, he dares to take it...

Anyway, it is someone else's things, do not take it for nothing.

Continue on the road, because of Kim Jae-ho's overreaction, this time the car is driven by Song Ji-hyo.

Originally, Kim Jae-ho was going to open, but he didn't expect that he had a stress reaction to Lee Kwang-so, and others had a stress reaction to Kim Jae-ho...

If you have to choose one, everyone is more willing to choose Lee Kwang-so, after all, no one has seen Kim Jae-ho drive, and the only Lee Kwang-so is obviously not sure to help him talk... 23

Kim Jae-ho is usually like a young master, protected by bodyguards, and looks like a pampered kind, not reliable at all...

Two useless men sat behind with their knees in their pockets, looking ahead, saying nothing all the way, unable to say that they warmed each other, anyway, they looked strange and funny.

Song Zhixiao is still driving very steadily, the two people who talk at most are not autistic, the whole process can not talk about haha, he is not when he wants to be happy, he is healing himself, so the whole way is still very quiet.

Back at the beginning, Kim Jae-ho heard D say as soon as he got out of the car.

"Move everything over."

"Shall we move ourselves?" Kim Jae-ho was shocked.

"How else?" PD asked, "If you don't move over, it doesn't count." "

Kim Jae-ho gave him a thumbs up, and then everyone started moving things again, and it seemed that there was more hard work today than he did this month.

Everyone looked at Kim Jae-ho's humming way of moving things, and they almost laughed so much that they couldn't move things.

Should! Do it yourself!

Wouldn't it be much easier not to take so many messy things at this time?

Everyone laughed a little, after all, someone was distressed, Seonjun stepped forward and raised a hand to Kim Jae-ho, and in Kim Jae-ho's touched eyes, he said indifferently: "It's true, I'll help you." "

"Brother! Love you! "

"No, I'm married." Say.


Although I really want to complain that this brother is really naughty, Zaihao feels that he should save his strength, after all, there is still a trip to go back...

Everyone met again, the yellow team was full of a bunch of things, whether it was useful or not, it was quite intimidating to watch, and everyone in the blue team did not expect that there were so many of their own things.

"First we started with the tenth place, the full-length lens.

Just when Liu Zaishi and them were confused, Kim Jae-ho excitedly shouted: "What about this!" "

He raised the huge mirror image of his whole body as if he had raised a crown, proudly.

"Good thing I brought this, you see, you still said it was useless!"

Next to him, Liu Zaishi couldn't help but complain: "This is the tenth place, the tenth place, it's useless!" "

"What is a useless thing so happy for?" Ji Shijin also laughed, not happy to see Jin Zaihao looking.

"yes, that's not it." My teammates couldn't help but say.

Kim Jae-ho awkwardly put things down, happy too early...

If this is the beginning, then the next one is even more uncomfortable, ten to nine he actually took three, each time more desperate, because the more right, the more he took the things in vain.

By the time he was sixth, he hid everything, kept quiet, and pretended not to take it.

But I never expected it.

"Didn't you take that thing?" Li Guangzhu said suddenly.

Kim Jae-ho waved his hand: "Hey, don't talk nonsense, what am I doing with that thing?" No no. "

"Isn't that what it is?" Sitting next to Genji suddenly pointed a finger.

"Yay! You're just items, you can't talk! "Kim Jae-ho is furious.


The punch in the face came so suddenly, Kim Jae-ho was drunk, couldn't he cooperate with him?

He is surrounded by face assassins, stabbing in the face, and does not give face at all.

Song Zhixiao laughed miserably and patted Kim Jae-ho's back comfortingly, but that's all, she couldn't help anything.

But this is enough for Kim Jae-ho, warm, almost didn't resist to hug Song Jihyo, it's too difficult to restrain yourself, you have to finish the script quickly...

Finally, after enjoying the superimposed damage to Kim Jae-ho, the fifth place is to be announced.

This time, it's true.

Everyone looked at P expectantly, especially Kim Jae-ho, who weakly grabbed the hem of Song Ji-hyo's coat a little bit, so nervous that he almost shouted: "Autumn pear paste!! "

PD: "Lover or friend! "


The people of the yellow team shouted out, and Kim Jae-ho wanted to give Genzhi a hug at the first time, but he didn't expect to be preempted by Lee Kwang-joo, and he could only rejoice alone.

But to be honest, Genzhi was not brought by Kim Jae-ho, he followed him himself, and the person who found it was also Song Jihyo, and he had nothing to do with 803...

But this is a team game, not to mention, what Song Zhixiao found is not equivalent to what he discovered~

When the members of the yellow team were partying, Brother Chongxun had something to say, he raised his own doubts, the root does not have a label, but it is a pity that the root is labeled or relatively small.

Although he walked over to confirm it in disbelief, facts are facts, and Chonghoon readily admitted it, amusing everyone.

Jin Chengguo had something to say: "I thought who joked about it..."

That is, he has seen this label, and Song Zhixiao is not the first person to find it, but unfortunately, he did not care and thought it was fake.

Although it is a pity but this is an indisputable fact, some opportunities, missed is missed, even if you are the first person to discover, but you are not the first to say what you found, then this matter has nothing to do with you.

"Or do we know how filial piety is powerful~" Kim Jae-ho said.

"It's not so happy what you found out, what is really ~ really ~" Liu Zaishi complained.

As soon as Kim Jae-ho finished saying "Ouch sour oh" retort, he heard PD say: "Fourth place, air freshener!" "

"Wow!!!" Kim Jae-ho exploded in an instant, and he almost didn't react when he heard this, and he couldn't believe it! _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read - collect, push

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