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While the blue team went to move things, the people of the yellow team hurried to discuss countermeasures, they could not sit still.

As the captain, Zenkyun was the first to get dirty: "Guangzhu, or else, you stop them with a car?" "

"Replace him directly with the car!" Such dirty statements come from a sad passer-by - haha.

He, already has no bottom line.

When Sunjun heard this, his eyes lit up, and Guangzhu was also excited, and he hurried to find Kim Jae-ho, how could the exchange of such dirty things be less for this man?

As soon as he turned his head, he heard Zenjun behind him say, "Ah! Grab the car and drive away! "

Li Guangzhu: !!


He quickly shouted: "Zaihao! In ~ Hao ah! Come here! "

Song Zhixiao watched from the side, this anxious performance of sharing joy with another person, like love.

Before Li Guangzhu could find it, a call came from afar: "Brother Zhu come to help-ah!" "

As soon as Li Guangzhu heard the title of the groundbreaking brother, coupled with the heart that wanted to share happiness, he quickly farts and passed.

"Yay! I knew it was okay for you to call me brother! "

Everyone followed the sound and saw only two people struggling to carry an air purifier.

Obviously, one person moved something easier, it had to be two people to come, it was strange not to work hard, and after moving for a while, Li Guangzhu also realized this, and simply took the things over.

"Oh, what's the use of this?!" Song Zhongji was laughed at by the foolish appearance of two people moving things, and Kim Jae-ho must be doing thankless sand sculpture things.

"This thing is so big, someone must like it, what if~" Kim Jae-ho wiped his sweat, as if he had done something big, he patted Zhongji's shoulder, "Don't worry, I will definitely let you win today." "

"Is that all?" Lee Kwang-joo glanced at the purifier at his feet, and then looked at Kim Jae-ho with a look of "you seem to be teasing me".

"Let's not talk about this, we have a plan to tell you." Zenkyun is still very stable.

"Yes! Come and listen to it! "Lee Kwang-joo remembered the right thing, it was very strange, every time there was a right thing and Kim Jae-ho talked, he would be deflected by him.

"What?" Kim Jae-ho listened.

After a while...

Kim Jae-ho clapped his hand: "Wonderful! "

"yes!" Li Guangzhu was excited as if the idea had succeeded.

"However, there is a problem." Kim Jae-ho said suddenly.


"Did you get their car keys?"

Excited crowd: ...

That's right! How do you steal a car without car keys? It's not something that GTA can solve with an F.

The car-grabbing plan is stillborn...

"But it's okay! Shall we just go and steal their things? Why do you have to steal a car? Kim Jae-ho asked.


The car is not important in the first place! What matters is what is in the car.

Everyone regained their confidence and praised Kim Jae-ho, sure enough, dirty or you dirty!

Just as everyone was perfecting the details, the blue team also came up, and Kim Jae-ho quickly pretended to grab something to eat with Jihyo, but Zhihyo did not give it, and Nakaki happily gave his things to Jae-ho.

Kim Jae-ho: "Look at the people!" "

Song Zhixiao stuck out his tongue and grimaced: slightly ~

"Hey, I'll just!"

"What's wrong with you?"

"I'll just... Eat what Nakaji gave me..."


Seeing this daily life, the blue team is also very happy, there is no doubt, and it is used to it.

"That's right, haha! So where did the console go? Kim Jae-ho asked.

"Here I am!" Nakaki raises his hand.

"It's not this, it's white." Kim Jae-ho said.

"In~I~we~this~what~" Liu Zaishi had a disgusting expression, yin and yang said strangely, watching Kim Jae-ho wanted to hit someone.

"Yay! I bought it! Kim Jae-ho said.

Haha laughed: "I still bought everything in this house!" Did I say anything?! "

"Didn't you cry all the time?" Kim Jae-ho beeped softly.

"Which side the hell are you?!"


Seeing that almost all the people over there came up, Kim Jae-ho gave Zhongji a look while talking and laughing, and Zhongji also turned his eyes to show that he knew, and the two people quietly began to act.

But they never expected that this scene would be noticed by a pair of smart and sharp little eyes.

Kim Jae-ho casually took an electric blanket and pretended to go down to put things, he wanted to take the purifier but couldn't move, Song Zhongji took the game console down, and the two people went one after the other, separated by a distance.

Li Guangzhu, who was most concerned about, did not go down, and stayed in place to cover... It's strange, it's just that the two brothers quietly acted to abandon him...

···· Seeking freshness...

I don't know if I want to do something bad, Kim Jae-ho is particularly excited, and his steps downstairs are much brisker.

If it wasn't too arrogant, he would want to hum a little tune, and Xiang Yun was clapping in the back, and it was the first time he had seen it so coquettish on the stairs.

He feels that many firsts in his life have been given to Kim Jae-ho.

It's kind of wonderful to say...

Song Zhongji didn't think so much, he is a more pragmatic person, don't engage in these bells and whistles, he went down to put things away, and then greeted Kim Jae-ho, who was still pretending, and then went straight forward.

Kim Jae-ho didn't have time to grab him.

He wanted to say, big brother, don't you wait and see?

........ 0...

Did you just go up recklessly?

The teammates are all open, he has no choice but to hurry up, how can this beautiful young man say that he is reckless?

When Kim Jae-ho put his things away and arrived, Brother Chonghoon on the opposite side had already been tricked by Zhongji into getting out of the car.

Is it so fast?!

Kim Jae-ho is still the first time to see such a good fool, this is at most zero point five Wang Nose brother, right?

This brother feels like the kind of person who will say thank you after being fooled.

Song Zhongji said in an ordinary way: "Brother Zaishi let you go up and have something to say." "

Then he got out of the car.

As soon as he got out of the car, he saw Kim Jae-ho walking towards him, and asked directly: "Brother Zaishi let me go up?" "

Although Kim Jae-ho didn't know what method Song Zhongji used, he instantly understood this sentence and said very naturally: "Yes, he asked where you are." "

This wave is simply perfect, because Chongxun was originally lazy and deserted in the car, and now he is discovered, and he is also a little weak for a while, and subconsciously followed Song Zhongji.

Seeing that Chongxun was about to be deceived, Song Zhongji said: "I'll go park the car before leaving." "

Just as Seonjun also arrived, he passed sideways by Chonghoon, and Chonghoon's gaze followed them.

Seeing that Jung-hoon seemed to be a little alert and looked back at Captain Nakagi and Sunkyun, Kim Jae-ho hurriedly followed him on his shoulder to stabilize him, Jung-hoon looked at Kim Jae-ho next to him and suddenly realized that something was not leaving.

Kim Jae-ho chuckled in his heart... Thousand...

Feilu reminds you: three things to read - collect, push

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