And what he thought was a miserable thing about Jin Zhiguo did not happen, the two teams saw the stalemate and began to talk, and then they decided to give Jin Zhiguo a chance, let him run 39 meters first, and then take out 40...

It's to let him run for ten seconds, and then they go after it.

They are too confident in themselves after all, and people Nikun let people run for three seconds first, and in these ten seconds, Kim Junguo couldn't run anywhere, and it wasn't Kim Jae-ho.

Kim Jae-ho went directly around and found a wave of tables, originally wanted to hide under the table, but saw a strange person pushing a trash can.

Jin Zaihao fixed his eyes, this height, this lewd back, isn't it the variety show god Guangguang Fanda Guangzhu Li?

In the distance, Li Guangzhu was doing something indescribable on a garbage theft, only to see him take out the garbage bag, and then sat down, just right, as if he should have been there.


"What are you doing here?" Kim Jae-ho whispered closer.

Lee Kwang-joo was taken aback, and was relieved to see that it was Kim Jae-ho, and then looked at Kim Jae-ho with his miserable eyes and said, "I can't get out..."

Kim Jae-ho looked at the scene in front of him speechlessly, unable to understand such behavior: "Then what to do?" Hurry up, they're right down there. "

Lee Kwang-joo looked at Kim Jae-ho and stopped talking, he himself could not explain such behavior, the two were speechless and wanted to laugh a little.

"Are you a genius, you?" Kim Jae-ho didn't know why he felt that he was quite suitable here, very harmonious.

"Help me out first." Li Guangzhu said with his hands stretched forward.

Kim Jae-ho grabbed his hand and pulled it up, Lee Kwang-joo tried to stand up, but did not succeed, Kim Jae-ho gritted his teeth, "321!" Ay! "

Li Guangzhu did not move.

"I'm leaving." Kim Jae-ho turned around and left.

Lee Kwang-joo: ?!

Isn't it, gave up so quickly?!

"Wait a minute!" Lee Kwang-joo hurriedly kept Kim Jae-ho.

"It's too close here, I'll be discovered later." Kim Jae-ho said.

"Please." Lee Kwang-joo looked at Kim Jae-ho with his sincere eyes, Kim Jae-ho can't stand this the most, who makes him a kind person?

"It's too dangerous here, you move forward."

He put his foot against the barrel and grabbed the edge, Li Guangzhu followed the trend hard, Kim Jae-ho's foot shrunk, and Li Guangzhu took his bucket to the ground, and it looked like Li Guangzhu was kneeling in the barrel.

Lee Kwang-joo looked at Kim Jae-ho in shock, big brother, are you saving people or murdering? Don't you even need a pad?

Are you serious about taking half a step back?

The bang made him go down, and he felt like he had been punched.

Before he could react, Kim Jae-ho actually rolled him up, so frightened that he quickly grabbed the edge of the barrel.

"Wait a minute! Wait a minute! "

"Go quickly, it's too dangerous here." Kim Jae-ho ignored it.

This operation is too mysterious, even Lee Kwang-joo can't understand Kim Jae-ho's operation at this time.

Kim Jae-ho rolled forward hard, because the barrel was wide at the top and narrow at the bottom, and after turning around, he almost returned to the same place.

"Wait a minute!"

Li Guangzhu grabbed the edge of the barrel, turned around several times in a row, people were about to turn stupid, and because it was too terrible, they were scared to pee, but they didn't dare to shout loudly, and as a result, they hit the table next to him directly, and felt that the whole person was stunned.

"Let's go! You go! I was wrong! You go! Li Guangzhu finally eased up and quickly shouted, wanting to cry without tears.

"How can I leave you behind?" Kim Jae-ho said in a rhetoric.

Sang-yo next to him almost laughed so much that the camera couldn't hold it steadily, and now he relies on the lens taken by professionalism.

These two brothers together are really the special snowman brothers, two han.

Is this something that a normal person can do?

Li Guangzhu was so frightened that he climbed out directly, stopped playing, and stayed here again, feeling that he would die in this trash can.

But no one says anyone, his own problems are very big, so he should not get into the barrel.

He just regrets it now, very regretful.

"What are you? Might as well not help. Li Guangzhu said as soon as he stood up.

"I'm not coming, you're still in the barrel, let's go, it's not safe here." As soon as Kim Jae-ho's words fell, he heard the sound of the bell, Kim Junguo finally ran away, and now they have someone to grab the others.

"I know where Zhixiao Fury is, are you going to find it?" Li Guangzhu asked.

"Big brother, it's hard to protect yourself, are you sure you want to take the enemy to find your teammates?" Kim Jae-ho was drunk, "So where is she." "

As soon as Li Guangzhu wanted to say "yes", he almost flashed his waist when he heard the latter sentence, but after a lot of battles, he quickly replied, saying: "She is on the floor below, at the table behind that staircase." "

"That's okay, then you first find a place to hide." Kim Jae-ho said.

Li Guangzhu heard the difference inside, "What about you? "

"I, I'm right here." Kim Jae-ho said, opened the door next to him and got in, Sang-yoon also skillfully got in, yes, it was the same place where they stayed before.

"What about me?" Li Guangzhu was stunned.

"Find a place to stay by yourself, walk around, don't expose me." Kim Jae-ho waved his hand in disgust, "Help me close the door." "

Li Guangzhu really helped Kim Jae-ho close the door, and then looked at the camera with a confused face, and then looked at the door, speechless to a little myocardial infarction, so depressed that he wanted to beat the people inside.

So, five minutes later, Lee Kwang-joo opened the door and showed a smile at Kim Jae-ho, and just before Kim Jae-ho could react, several strong men in yellow clothes pulled him out, led by Song Zhongji, he this time, cool.

Kim Jae-ho finally understood that this kid had sold him.

Ten minutes later, Song Jihyo saw Kim Jae-ho and Lee Kwang-joo with the exact same smile.

It's not worth it on earth...

The blue team was not without gains, and at the same time that Lee Kwang-joo was caught, Kim Junguo was also caught.

When Kim Jiuguo met Kim Jae-ho, he was already in different camps.

"Caught it?!" Jin Zhiguo couldn't believe the fact that he was busy.

He has always been the eldest brother today, and in terms of age, he is actually busy in 76 years...

But everyone can have a hunch that today, these three "big brothers" will be ravaged miserably by this busy inside...

"Really, it's my location that Guangzhu said!" Song Zhixiao said uncomfortably, "Otherwise, I won't be discovered." "

"With me, I can find you wherever you are." Kim Jae-ho said with a smile.

"What?" Song Zhixiao was crying and laughing.

"Have they always been like this?" Seonkyun asked haha, apparently he was seeing it for the first time.

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