"Nakaki, he's been caught." Zenjun reminded.

"What? Caught by whom? Song Zhongji asked.

"Haha, don't say it!" Kim Jae-ho quickly shouted.

This acting skill, watching Xiangyun, it was a roll of his eyes, and I didn't know that I really thought that he was caught by Chi Shizhen.

Although there is a possibility of this...

"Hahaha, he was caught by Brother Shi Zhen!" Haha laughed very exaggeratedly, if Kim Jae-ho was really caught by Ji Seok-jin, it would be very disgusting to see this expression, but he didn't.

"Oh yes, hahaha!" Song Zhongji also laughed.

Kim Jae-ho also laughed, laughing awkwardly, he laughed and retreated, and then said: "Forget it, don't waste time with you, I'll go first, Brother Ji Guo is still waiting for me." "

"You go first, you can't catch it anyway." Haha laughed.

"Cut, we'll see." Kim Jae-ho said, suddenly catching a glimpse of Song Zhongji's eyes falling on his feet.

Jin Jae-ho was shocked in his heart and quickly said, "Then I'll go." "

He turned around and went out, and suddenly heard Zhongji behind him say: "Wait! "

Kim Jae-ho has never seen any big winds and waves, and in the face of this situation, the choice he made was decisive, that is, to quickly walk out the door, close the door, and then, spread his legs and run.

"What? What's wrong? "Haha doesn't know what's going on, but it feels like something is happening.

"He doesn't have a bell on his feet!" After Song Zhongji finished speaking, he quickly opened the door.

"Ah! No way? "Zenjun was shocked, this person who has been chatting for so long and is about to exchange numbers has been playing them?

It's terrifying and creepy to think about.

But after he reacted, he also hurriedly chased after him, cursing and cursing while chasing, it was too infuriating!

"Yay! No wonder he looked that way when he first met us! Haha always felt that he had said such a thing, yes, it was the time he saw Liu Zaishi shoot water into his mouth with a water gun, he also said such a thing.

He was also dressed and hurried to catch up.

Song Zhongji was the first to catch up, and saw that Kim Jae-ho was already in the elevator.

"Bye bye~!" Kim Jae-ho said goodbye while waving proudly.

"Yay! Kim Jae-ho!! "

An angry shout spread almost all over the two floors, this is the first time that Song Zhongji has called Kim Jae-ho's name tonight, and each time is more angry.

This anger made Song Zhongji almost crack, there was such a sinister and cunning person!

He had seen any sinister and cunning person before, and he was far from Kim Jae-ho.

The elevator slowly fell, the transparent elevator was opaque to the heart, Kim Jae-ho saw that he could no longer see Song Zhongji's figure, and he was also relieved, God knows how hard he pressed this button to close the door just now.

At this time, he was stunned and mocked a wave, which can be said to be full of hatred.

"Wow, scared me to death, you see my hands are full of sweat! I've never even tried to sweat so much. Kim Jae-ho showed his palm to the camera, and although the camera could not record such details, he showed it anyway.

"What to do next, wait a minute, I want to calm down, although it is exposed over there now, but there is no more on Brother Shi's side."

Kim Jae-ho looked at the approach, and directly took off his clothes, revealing the orange clothes inside.

Now, he's on Team Orange.

As soon as the door opened, Kim Jae-ho left his clothes in the elevator and walked out directly, where Seonkyun was standing outside.

"Hello!" Kim Jae-ho greeted him when he met and directly took the initiative.

"Ah, hello, were you caught by them? Oops, what a pity. "Chung-hoon and Kim Jae-ho shook hands, although it was very sudden, but they also reacted quickly, very friendly.

Kim Jae-ho felt right when he heard it, and when he saw it just now, he was scared that his little heart jumped, and now he is comfortable to hear.

"Yes, I already knew that this was the rule, I came out directly to find you, really, I am completely your fan, can you sign me later?" Your acting skills are so good! I watch and learn every day. "What Kim Jae-ho said seemed to be true, he didn't even remember this person before today.


Thousands of clothes, horses do not wear, this praise makes Chongxun confused, the current young people can really speak.

"You're Kim Jae-ho, right?" Chonghoon said.

"Yes, senior, have you heard my name?" Kim Jae-ho is not in a hurry to leave, now this is the safest place, he can even talk like this for half an hour.

And Chonghoon, apparently the kind of person who likes to chat very much...

"Zaishi has always wanted to catch you." Chonghoon said.

"Ah, why did he arrest me? I didn't offend him again. Kim Jae-ho said.

"Maybe something is not good, I also think you are very good." Chonghoon said.

"Oh, senior, you are really good, why don't they do this, fix me every day, have you seen the previous show? They're so bad. Kim Jae-ho looked very aggrieved.

"Hahaha, they like you like this, don't be angry." Chongxun said bitterly, "Do you want to call me brother directly, it's too raw to call senior." "

"Okay brother, brother, you are really approachable, and seniors like this are really good." Kim Jae-ho's little mouth seemed to be smeared with honey.

"Hahaha, even if you are a senior, don't be arrogant, you will also have a time to become a senior in the future, how old are you this year?" Chunghoon asked.

"I'm eight or eight years old, brother?" Kim Jae-ho said.

"You are still young, I am six or six years old, and Shi Zhen is the same year." Chonghoon said.

"Oh! Is it? I can't see it at all! You look a lot younger! Kim Jae-ho said.

"Huh? Is it hahaha, where there is, it looks almost the same~" Chongxun laughed.

According to the official information, Chongxun is 64 years old, but because he said that he was in the same year as Shi Zhen, he should also be 66 years old, either the information is wrong, or he lied about his age and reduced his age by two years.

I prefer to believe that the information is wrong.

Seeing that Kim Jae-ho actually chatted with other guests for so long, the staff who knew were all drunk, what is this? The most dangerous place is the safest place?

When Kim Jae-ho was about to chat with Chunghoon about his acting skills, he suddenly saw that a bunch of people in yellow clothes were coming down from the elevator behind Chonghoon.

Kim Jae-ho, who was chatting with Chongxun, suddenly said: "Brother, I'll go first, and we'll talk later." "

"Okay, then..." Chonghoon wanted to say something, but he only saw Kim Jae-ho turn around and run away after saying it, as if he was running for his life, and he didn't even say hello, he knew that Kim Jae-ho shouldn't be like this.

At this moment, he heard a shout from behind: "Yay! Kim Jae-ho!! Hurry up! "

Then he saw three murderous men running past him.

Subway old man phone, Chonghoon is now a black question mark face.

What's going on?

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