"Hehe, no, my career will be ruined if you have an accident, and I still want to retire by this."

"I'll go, what can you do with this skill until retirement?"

"That's right, then you have an accident~"

"Wait, what about your professionalism? Is it so vulnerable? "

"Didn't you make me do that?"

"I'm a slut! Okay? I'll go with you later! "

"Yes." The master brother felt happy about this work again, and Meizhi went downstairs.

Kim Zai-ho cursed and left the room, ate happily and set off, the uncle didn't know what to do, as if he was training the company's new agent, anyway, this time did not accompany him.

So only he and the master brother, in general, on this occasion, the uncle will definitely accompany him, because Kim Jae-ho's itinerary can be said to be very few, and finally have an opportunity to do the main job, he must seize it.

So as long as Kim Jae-ho doesn't leave work too early, the uncle will rush over, although it doesn't matter if he comes or not, it can be said that it is minimal...

Today's road conditions are not very good, after a long time in the car, Kim Jae-ho brought his favorite alien computer, feeling that he matched his identity very well, because he is not a person from this world like aliens.

And because, expensive~

This is not a loser, this is the romance of the game house ~

But although the configuration is full, Kim Jae-ho is still not satisfied.

Too slow...

Sure enough, the limitations of the times cannot be compensated for by money, and if you want to make life more convenient, you have to rely on technology.

But enough, he is not used to play games, he is used to type, after all, he is at home most of the time, he bought this notebook for going out, only for codewords, a veritable notebook.

I've been writing that show lately, writing about happy places, and I will giggle and laugh there, like a neurotic.

There are a lot of things to do, after writing the script, you have to shoot it, and then there is a concert to put on the agenda, this is simple, he is a pure singer, the foundation itself is good, basically give him music and give him the microphone.

Other celebrities have a profession to hold concerts, and they often have to do things, he just needs to arrange what to sing, and then think about what program to invite, and what guests to invite is almost OK.

Another side hustle is that he's going to make a new game.

He intends to make a purely original word simulation game, parallel worlds, simulating the story of a person from birth to death.

There are a lot of such games, but you can get bored after playing them a few times because you know exactly what to expect.

This kind of game, it sounds very simple, but it is actually the hardest, because life is the most difficult to simulate, mainly life, full of randomness.

He wants to make a birth random, what will happen randomly in the middle, and the link game will be random.

The most normal is birth, school, work, family death, there will be countless times in the middle to affect this process, you can choose a lot of careers, experience different lives, or poor or rich, or genius or criticism, may be the upper class chasing the world's richest man may also struggle to survive in order to maintain food and clothing rack their brains.

You may have been born with the ability to never forget, but a few years later, your mother thinks that you are ugly and runs away, and your father thinks that it may be his pot that drinks alcohol all day long, you don't want to drink porridge, malnutrition, don't want to be decadent, go through garbage cans, pick up garbage, learn fishing, learn to hunt, and Uncle Wang next door to make a good relationship, draw knowledge from the books you picked up, struggle to survive, find opportunities, and even buy some small lottery tickets every day, hoping to get rich, when an accident suddenly happened.

A group of men in black broke into your home and said they were going to take you away, and then dad's drunken dad suddenly took out a gun and fought with them biabiabia, and then you chose to help the man in black sneak attack and stun the dad who shouted to let you go quickly, followed the man in black to receive training, climbed up step by step, and finally took the whole organization out by reporting Infernal Affairs...

This is an extreme case, but it can probably be seen.

This is probably a combination of brain holes, each time there are many choices, and there will be many random events at the same time as the choice, these events will lead to different branches, of course, as long as you want, you can still play a dull life, just like an ordinary Sims game, suddenly get a raise, suddenly perform well, suddenly get lucky, relatives suddenly send money, suddenly have an excellent opposite sex like you, crazy pursuit of you, or you chase people with a dead face, and then play sweetly into galgame and so on.

In the middle, some events will be triggered based on your data to give you some tasks and the like, and there will be rewards for completing them.

There will also be wizarding worlds, other worlds like movies, game worlds like dark, becoming a warrior to save the world, and so on.

Of course, this will all come in the form of DLC, and it can also be sold for a wave of money, hey!

Of course, it doesn't matter if money is not money, Kim Jae-ho just wants to play by himself.

Although it is pure text, this amount of work is huge, and it is too difficult to say and implement, but he has a team, people, time, and most importantly, money.

Even if it is polished for a few years to come out, he will get it.

Maybe in a few years, the team of writers will be able to hold up a website.

He dreamed of playing such a game, full of randomness, and every time he started the game, it was like starting a new life, like opening a novel, but written by you.

Of course, at the end of the game, the list of choices made is basically a story.

People have to have dreams.

But in fact, it is difficult to say, it is not difficult, after all, he is the boss, he just gives money to the idea, and the realization is handed over to the tool people under him.

Alas, the life of the rich is so boring.

The most terrifying thing is that this team uses his brother's money.

Use other people's money to dream of your own ~

It's so fragrant...

It just so happens that the male protagonist of the new drama is also the vice president of the consortium, which can be said to be the president of the sand sculpture, and his brother can just use it as a reference.

After the end, you can go to the company first, see the progress, and go to see the eldest brother by the way.

If that game is the main story, then they still have a lot of side stories to do, and Kim Jae-ho has to hone their abilities with these classic or best-selling games so that they can be better equipped to challenge this main story.

All the way without words, the silent dead fish-eyed driver and the passengers who hehe from time to time are unusually harmonious.

Drove to the scene, under the guidance of the staff, Kim Jae-ho found Xuanya, who was still doing styling and was about to finish.

"Oppa! Here you are! Long time no see! "

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