"Oh, really, why are you guys again?" Chi Shizhen smiled.

Haha and Song Zhongji looked at him with a strange expression.

"What's wrong with you guys?" Chi Shizhen asked.

"Shh Song Zhongji said nervously.

Haha, all the faces were wrinkled together and constantly gave Chi Shizhen a look, Chi Shizhen felt very strange and walked over.

I saw that under the cloak of Haha, there was actually a person hidden!

Kanaya Zojiao!

No, it should be Kim Ya Hide Gold, because that Jiao is Kim Jae-ho.

It turned out that the kid ran here, no wonder he said how Kim Jae-ho disappeared as soon as he turned back.

At this time, he suddenly realized it, turned around and looked over to Ze Yan, only to see Ze Yan looking at the side, just turned around and looked at Chi Shizhen.

Chi Shizhen instantly stiffened, and stiffly held out his acting skills that were nothing, and everyone could see the kind he was acting.


Ze Yan didn't care, after taking a look, he went to the distance, he remembered that he saw a person just now, strange, should not run far, why did it suddenly disappear?

Wait a minute......

Seeing Ze Yan 25 walking over with a smile, the three people instantly tensed.

"In Hao, hide." Chi Shizhen inexplicably began to talk to the walkie-talkie.

Haha and Song Zhongji strictly defended against death, blocking Kim Jae-ho with a cloak, Kim Jae-ho shrunk into a ball, shivering below, and constantly asked some gods to protect him.

God was clearly fooling him.

I saw Ze Yan walking over with a smile and began to slowly circle around the three of them, just now he felt that these people were strange, but now if he looks closely, it is even more strange.

Ze evolved, three people followed him, four people turned, and one person rotated with the chassis below.

"Hurry up and find someone, don't waste time here." Chi Shizhen said as he raised his cloak in the hope of a larger shelter area, and he really tried his best.

"There seems to be something here~" Ze Yan's smile was like a nightmare.

I saw that he suddenly rushed up, and the three people instantly resisted.

"Run! Come on!!! Haha shouted while desperately grabbing Ze Yan.

Ji Shizhen and Song Zhongji both grabbed Ze Yan at the first time, just to give Kim Jae-ho that glimmer of life!

Kim Jae-ho also knew that he couldn't hide, so he quickly climbed out with a roller belt and ran quickly.

"Yay!" Ze Yan hurriedly wanted to catch up, but was caught by the prison trio.

"How can there be such a ?!!!?" Ze Yan was depressed.

"Run! In Hao! Come on!!! The three shouted.

"Catch him!"

But who is Ze Yan?

I saw that it took him a little time to break free of the power, and he rushed out with a shout.


"What is this?!" Haha were shocked.

"Beast, beast!" Chi Shizhen shouted.

"It's so unspeakable!" Song Zhongji was thrown to the ground.

The three of them really tried their best, but after all, the average strength was too weak, and they could only watch Ze Yan break free and run out, fortunately, Kim Jae-ho had already run out a lot of distance.

"In Hao! Come on!!! "

Looking at Kim Jae-ho in the distance, the three people nervously said that this was their hope.

You must be alive!

On the other side, Kim Jae-ho was panting in some dark corner.

He has escaped.

"Yay! Why so many stairs? It feels like I'm going to die, really..." Kim Jae-ho gasped and leaned his knees against the wall, and the classic Kim Jae-ho Weakness Mode appeared again.

Long gone.

The first section was full of stairs, and if it weren't for his teammates' strength, he really wanted to give up, and Nima ran until his feet were soft.

How desperate he was when he looked up at so many stairs, you know?

Because he was too anxious, he fell just now, I don't know if the camera took it...

Shame on the groove!

Fortunately, he stood up and continued to run casually at the first time, as long as he ran fast enough, he couldn't catch up with him embarrassed.

But what is obvious is that at such an important moment just now, don't say that he fell, even if he picked his boogers, he would shoot clearly.

At that moment just now, he wanted to wear a mask to cover his face, but it was too late to regret it, and he must wear a mask when he went out, remember.

However, this is just a foreign object, the most important thing is to improve the self-immunity, and the thick skin should not have happened.

Shame on him, he finally escaped, the sacrifices of his comrades were not in vain, history will remember them, and he, with everyone's expectations, will go to save the world!

Suddenly, a blue figure flashed in front.

Oh yes!


Come on!

Kim Jae-ho disappeared in place as fast as he could, and when Ni Kun turned back, he could only see loneliness.

But there is no shame at all, because he just eliminated Li Guangzhu.

Our little light bead was so powerful this time that he took Nikun directly to the attic, but unfortunately, he didn't have a leap of faith and couldn't jump out, after all, it was quite high, so he was blocked by Nikun.

You said that where he ran badly, he had to take himself to a dead end, so a high lookout tower 227 got into it without even playing, but was he caught?

However, he still struggled a bit, and also asked for rock-paper-scissors with Nikun, after all, Nikun is clear, kind, simple and has a healthy body and long legs that can run, and he is not afraid of Guangzhu running, so he gave Kwang-so a chance.

As long as Guangzhu wins the guessing boxing, give him a chance and let him run for two seconds first.

People under the roof, don't say two seconds, a second is very grateful, if he were to be his good brothers and brothers, this conversation would almost never happen.

There is a chance!

Even if it is these two seconds, he has to fight, in two seconds, he will fight for his life!

Li Guangzhu was instantly energetic and engrossed!

Then he lost.

Very nihilistic, very bored to lose, one round, crisp and neat, even the onlookers VJ felt speechless, and BGM automatically appeared around him

What can this unlucky child do?

"Might as well stay in the bathroom like this..."

Li Guangzhu stood in place stunned.

Am I really so useless?

He can actually be confident and remove Mo Fei.

Speechlessly, he walked out of this sad place, and Li Guangzhu walked towards the familiar prison, where his well-spoken cellmates were waiting for him. _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read - favorites, recommendations

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