"Nothing... By the way, did you listen to the song sent to you? Kim Jae-ho changed the subject.

"Listen, is it a new song?" Song Zhixiao asked.

"No, it's written to you, don't send it." Kim Jae-ho, "If you like it, the copyright is yours." "

"I don't want copyright~Hmph~It's very good, thank you~" Song Zhixiao said with disgust.

"Huh? That's it, did you hear the lyrics clearly? Lyrics? Do you want me to read it to you again? Kim Jae-ho asked.

"Don't, the final country Oppa is still there..." Song Zhixiao said in a panic, his face flushed, for fear that Kim Jae-ho would read out the lyrics, which would be too ashamed.

Jin Zhiguo sat in the back seat, his hands in his thighs, and his smile was awkward.

I feel like I'm a bit of an eyesore...

And redundant.

Just like Song Zhixiao said, Liu Zaishi they don't say that they are laughing the whole time, but the whole time they are in a good mood is for sure.

Just knowing that Yoona was next to her felt good.

Liu Zaishi said a word to Haha behind him, Haha answered, Yuner sat in the passenger seat and glanced back, giving Haha a smile.

Haha instantly felt the beauty of the world, just a smile, a look at each other, it made him throb.

"Thank you for turning around and looking at me~"


On the other hand, Sunny, who has three beautiful men in RM, is also very happy, of course, even happier are the beautiful men, Ji Shizhen, Li Guangzhu, and Song Zhongji.

Under Suuny's coquettish three times, the three people completely fell.

It can be said that except for Jin Zhiguo, everyone is quite happy.

But Kim Junguo was also happy in the end, because of the last four foods, they guessed three correctly, and they didn't guess, it was purely Kim Jae-ho who wanted to eat...

Dumplings, pancakes, meat skewers...

There is also a rice sausage, which is a pity, Kim Jae-ho does not like it, so they chose chicken feet, of course, the top ten chicken feet are also on the list.

In the end, Yoona they got a punishment, okay, that is, wearing shameful clothes to walk the catwalk, Yoona also walked once without twisting at all, that is, it was very ashamed after walking.

Kim Jae-ho got the autographs of two girls and embarked on the way home, which is a lot of money!

He doesn't understand why some stars are very poor, so poor that they want to work, obviously it is easy to make money?

I don't understand~

What I don't understand is that this time someone asked him to make a public welfare film, and he is still a bad person, how to drop, is it because of his business ability or how to drop?

Think of him Kim Jae-ho, a handsome and dashing beautiful man, always let him shoot some weird Shu Huang is what kind of trouble, didn't you see how young and handsome he is in "Listen to You"?

Don't go!

LOL talked down, did not win, simply invested in the shares, but Kim Jae-ho does not mind, anyway, if he can't take it down, he can play, if he can't take it down, he doesn't have to think about breaking his scalp to update, how good ~

Lately he doesn't play games, it's not interesting, he doesn't even read books, he just reads books and codewords all day, and his life is boring and boring.

He wants to change it drastically, change the bloody juvenile main line, and then crazy Gaza carving plot and sweet dog food, anyway, his own drama, he can write as much as he wants.

The drama "Secretary Kim" Kim Jae-ho remembers that he went for sweet sour love at the beginning, as well as the male protagonist of the sand sculpture, the sexy and beautiful female protagonist, but he was startled by the red high heels, and the whole person was not good.

This can't be uncomfortable for him alone, it's better to be happy alone than to be happy, he is not a selfish person, while retaining the original horror, try to cut it, and it has to be more terrifying.

After all, he is not a devil, the most important thing for people is to do things frankly and with a clear conscience, but if he is guilty, then convince himself not to have.

It sounds simple, but to make these changes is basically equivalent to creating a new story on top of the story itself, which takes a lot of time and effort.

It's a pity that he has a lot of time...

He didn't think about it all week, anyway, he let others do what needed to be done, and the best thing was that most of him didn't have to pay, just say it.

It was the tool man uncle and his brother who were busy.

The only thing he went out was the dinner he had agreed with Song Zhongji, Song Zhongji was just talking, he took it seriously...

Crossing out the words on the small book, Kim Jae-ho is looking forward to a new stroke in the book.

Recently, everyone has begun to know what he likes, which is very nice, after all, people are only a single individual, there are always foods he doesn't know around, and others can solve this problem very well.

But it's a little less, and he wonders if he has to go to some other show and meet more people or something.

Kim Jae-ho did not appear, but the Internet once again boiled a little because of his name.

Without him, the dog brother album is out.

Everyone was urging Kim Jae-ho to release a new album, but they didn't expect that the first time they saw Kim Jae-ho's name was on someone else's album.

Everyone found that there are many songs on this album, and although Kim Jae-ho did not sing, the lyrics and music have Kim Jae-ho's name because Kim Jae-ho participated.

One of the songs, Kim Jae-ho participated in singing, "Turn Off TV", which was supposed to come out a few months later, came out a few months early and quickly rushed to the top of the RAP list.

Kim Jae-ho sang the part of Kwon Jung-yeol, Kim Jae-ho did not expect that he only sang a song about him like spring some time ago, and now it turns out that it is another song, fate, wonderful.

Just after Kim was woken up after sleeping for ten hours in Haomi, he received a message from Xuanya.

She invited Kim Jae-ho to participate in the production of the new album, it was a very polite, careful and humble kind of greeting, for fear of provoking Kim Jae-ho's unhappy feeling, Kim Jae-ho agreed without thinking, but he didn't want to write songs, he wanted to participate in the filming of the MV.

Echoing the time when he first debuted.

Seeing that Kim Jae-ho promised to help shoot the MV, Hyunya was very excited, and said nearly 100,000 thanks, it can be said that he was very grateful, and after finalizing the matter, Kim Jae-ho stopped talking, which is really nothing.

As long as he knows, this kind of thing makes him ask Kim Jae-ho, he will definitely agree.

Although Kim Jae-ho did not participate in the production of the song, Kim Jae-ho promised the MV Hyunya to be just as happy, as long as Kim Jae-ho appeared, it was enough, but he didn't expect to appear in the MV, which is great.

"It's so nice to be in Hao Oba~" Xuanya sighed.

She didn't expect that the one she thought was just an ordinary announcement could make such a good relationship, and sure enough, people still have to work more to have better opportunities.

Thinking about the year, oh no, the newcomer who just debuted that month, and now she has become such a big star, she can't help but sigh, she has to work harder.

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