After Song Zhixiao heard it, he put the obstructing folder aside, then grabbed the ball and threw it, and the effect was quite good.

But because the ball was too fast, Li Guangzhu moved sideways left and right to block Liu Zaishi's position, and although he received the ball, he let the ball rise and fall in front of Haha because of his excessive desire, which can be said to have failed.

"Oh! I see it! "Haha said, Li Guangzhu was so scared that he really saw it?

In the next second, haha said, "What's going on?" I see it! What's going on?! "

"Hahaha, forgot so quickly?" Kim Jae-ho was almost laughed to death by this brother.

"I saw it but can't remember!" Haha tried to try to recall, it turned out to be a little cute.

The blue team broke out in a cold sweat, but fortunately did not let the red team see it, so it continued.

But just two back and forth, just when Song Zhongji wanted to block the ball with his hand, the ball was suddenly stopped by the net first, and I was born for this brother to block the ball!

The ball rolled back and forth on the table half, and Song Zhongji's head followed the ball, but it was suddenly blocked by Chi Shizhen's flesh.

Although he blocked it, he also paid a heavy price, his stomach was hit by the edge of the table, and just when he signaled where he was hit, Kim Jae-ho suddenly said: "Violence!! "


Chi Shi was stunned, what is going on?

Although he sacrificed himself to save the ball, the ball was revealed through the seam of his hand, where it happened to be the word, and Kim Jae-ho saw it.

A minute passed quickly, and the blue team was guessed correctly by the red team when it was full of conditions.

Then it is Kim's turn to be them.

"Practice?" Song Zhongji said.

"Can't practice." Chi Shizhen said.

Kim Jae-ho suddenly took a ball next to him, and then stood in the corner, a quick start, the hand up and down, the ball whizzed to the opposite corner.

That amazing speed is not like a normal typing by a novice, but more like a random fight.

But this serve, Kim Jae-ho is proud to be able to touch with people who have learned a little ball, not only the angle is tricky, the landing point is close to the net, unless the long hand can not hit, the ball is still extremely low, almost rubbing the net, the speed is extremely fast.

That's it...

He tried it, used this trick, or the familiar feeling, he was satisfied, just when he just felt the familiar feeling, there was a sudden scream in the distance.


Li Guangzhu covered the bottom and held it awkwardly, his hand blocked, what happened?

I saw that Kim Jae-ho's ball just now was extremely fast and almost exhausted his strength, and went straight to Lee Guangzhu who was standing in that position, right to the point!

Beat him eggs!

After he screamed, he held it with all his strength, his face was solemn and twitching, and everyone was dying of laughter when they saw this scene.

His teammates clapped and laughed when they saw it, and Kim Jae-ho quickly laughed while saying sorry.

"So there is such a thing?! Was it intentional?! Li Guangzhu shouted in pain.


He hurts every day.

Everyone can see that Kim Jae-ho was a little surprised by this result, he didn't mean it, and Kim Jae-ho himself didn't expect to have such an effect.

Or, again?

"Shall I practice again?" Kim Jae-ho asked tentatively.

"Can't practice! Just hit it directly! Lee Kwang-joo shouted hoarsely, stopping Kim Jae-ho's thoughts, and his hand faintly protected below.

Well, since you are so persistent, really, petty!

The red team went straight to the start.

Just now, because Kim Jae-ho was by his side, Ji Seok-jin has been under a lot of pressure, and this time he also wants to give Kim Jae-ho a feeling of what the same pressure is.

Kim Jae-ho still chose to stand next to Song Ji-hyo, who could slap Kim Jae-ho as long as he stretched out his hand.

The teammate next to him is Song Zhongji, and opposite is the combination of Kim Junguk and Haha, and at first glance, their combination is quite perfect.

The first word, turnip.

At the beginning, it was Haha serve, the diagonal was Kim Jae-ho, the two played very smoothly at the beginning, almost two people played, but then Kim Junguo felt that this was not possible, he also had to play, so he and Haha played once.

Kim Jae-ho felt that this was too troublesome, and he and Song Zhongji divided the work to fight wherever they went, and Kim Jae-ho fought in the middle, because it was more convenient.

When Kim Jae-ho doubled, he suffered a lot because of this distribution, only divided the left and right without dividing the middle, and as a result, there was a problem in the middle of others' fights.

Because the red team played surprisingly smoothly, the blue team had almost no chances.

It's all serious men~

When Kim Jae-ho picked up the ball, he also said to Song Jihyo: "Handsome is not handsome~ Is it handsome and exploded?" "

"Cut~" Song Zhixiao smiled and said he didn't care.

"Do you know what is written on it?" Kim Jae-ho asked.

"I don't know..." Song Jihyo opened his pitiful big eyes, coquettishly hoping that Kim Jae-ho would tell her.

Kim Jae-ho greasy to Song Jihyo wink and said crookedly: "Love." "

"Huh!!! Goosebumps rose from the people listening to them.

It's so meaty!

"Yay! You really are! That's all there is to it! Liu Zaishi shouted, so that he could not concentrate on playing the game.

Kim Jae-ho didn't mean to repent at all, and continued to ask: "Do you know why I try my best to catch the ball every time?" "

Song Zhixiao had already expected it, but still shook his head in cooperation.

"In order to catch your love for me~"


Everyone collapsed, what kind of earthy love words is this?

Are there any schools that teach this?

PD said that he would be sent off for saying these words again, Kim Jae-ho protested, and everyone said that the protest was invalid.

The game continues, and Kim Jae-ho is forced to switch to the other side, so he doesn't have to play in the middle.

Song Zhongji is very good even if he changes sides, there is really no one who drags his feet, not even haha, Liu Zaishi They can only shake their heads with the movement of the ball, but it is useless.

When the ball was moving normally, the word was not clear, and Chi Shizhen couldn't help but say: "It's angry!" It really is! "

He felt that the way to be angry was to be angry, and the few people next to him were not so settled.

Liu Zaishi took the opportunity to shout, and then pulled the net, and Li Guangzhu next to him was even more absolute, directly took out a bunch of balls from his pocket and threw them at the opportunity, and instantly a bunch of balls were in front of Jin Zhiguo.

But Jin Zhiguo is Jin Zhiguo after all, and he hit the ball back in such a situation.

As soon as the fight went back, Kim Jae-ho caught the ball, and Song Zhongji and Kim Jae-ho hurriedly confirmed whether it was still the ball.

"It's still this ball!" Kim Jae-ho said.

Song Zhongji breathed a sigh of relief.

Li Guangzhu, who was busy in vain, was unwilling, picked up the ball he threw, and shouted the words written on it one by one, hoping to win.

Gradually dirty.

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