He followed Haha into the bathroom, and suddenly stopped at the door of the bathroom to use a water gun to pour water into his mouth, but what he never expected was that Haha actually came out after turning around inside.

As soon as he came out, he saw Liu Zaishi, a strange man, holding a small green water gun at the door to pour water into his mouth, which was simply a strange person.

Both of them had the same expression, shock!

Haha was shocked because of the strange scene in front of him, and Liu Zaishi was purely frightened.

Liu Zaishi: Why did you come out?

Haha: What are you doing here?

But fortunately, haha pretended that nothing had happened and left.

He actually walked away like that!

In the future, if he sees this issue, he is afraid that he will beat himself.

How can you be so stupid?

But because it was the first time, he had no concept of what the water gun represented, thinking that Liu Zaishi took it for the sitcom, after all, he often did such things himself.

It is strange that he did not go to grab the water gun.

After Liu Zaishi sorted it out inside, he came out to say a few words to divert attention, and then quickly fled the scene, and if he didn't run, he would be seen strange.

After he found another bathroom to add water, he began to nag, just now he wanted to put the water in his mouth and spit it on the name tag of Haha, he never expected that Haha actually came out of it, and then his 773 water gun was completely exposed.

"But that kid didn't know anything and walked away like this, hehehe~ that expression is really ~hahaha~"

Liu Zaishi feels lucky when he thinks about it now.

This silly child is the best candidate for the next target~

Thinking about this, Liu Zaishi quickly went out after filling up the ammunition, for fear that haha ran away, it is difficult to find such a stupid child!

But fortunately, Haha did not run far, running on the uncovered land like a silly roe deer, and even took the initiative to run over and walk with Liu Zaishi.

"I have inquired about today's guest!" Haha said.

"Oh yes?" Liu Zaishi was a little flustered, could it be that he was exposed? Is this rushing over to catch yourself?

Liu Zaishi tensed instantly!

Haha pointed categorically at Liu Zaishi and said: "It's someone who has filmed medical TV series!" "

Liu Zaishi: ...

Fool undoubtedly.

"Oh!" Liu Zaishi pretended to react, "What is the recent medical TV series?" Brother Fan Xiu! "



Then the two ran together and were eliminated.

The free-flying haha was shot down by Liu Zaishi's water gun.

"Oh! What the? What's going on? Haha looked at the water on his hand, touched it, and ignored it.

The production team is very good, wait for the haha prison before letting him be eliminated.

The people in the prison looked happy, and the people who were still talking about it just now had to sit down.

"Three left, right? The three hardest people to mess with. Liu Zaishi thought while moving.

Next are Song Jihyo, Kim Jae-ho, and Kim Ji-kook.

"I don't know if they are still walking together, it's too difficult to walk together." Liu Zaishi said.

He had seen Kim Jae-ho a few times before, all of them were with Song Ji-hyo, these two people together are not like Lee Kwang-joo and Ji Seok-jin, if they met Monday, he would be exposed in minutes.

And Kim Jae-ho this guy has a bad problem, that is, he likes to call people, if Kim Junguo also comes, he will have to come hard, to be honest, he has no confidence, or it is better to hide in the shadows, then next, is it to find Kim Junguo?

Is it finally coming? He has encountered it several times, but every time he can't get off, because he is afraid, now, is it finally going to go?

"Ah! Why did you eliminate it again?! Liu Zaishi deliberately said to the haha below, and the prison below.

At this moment, suddenly, Song Zhixiao appeared.

As if it were an angel, such a big angel suddenly was next to it.

And the angel who sent the door?

Then I'm welcome.

"What about Jae-ho?" Liu Zaishi asked.

"We looked separately, and (BGDG) I don't know where he is, it seems to be on the fourth floor." After Song Zhixiao finished speaking, he then asked the people in the prison below, because he heard that they knew who the guest was.

Liu Zaishi left without nostalgia because he had done his job.

I don't know when he started, he became more and more skilled, but he didn't hesitate to take out the water gun and give a shot to the big name tag in front, and then he flicked his clothes away, hiding his skills and fame.

Zhao Keman, Hu Ying, Wu Hook Shuang Xueming.

Liu Zaishi's water gun has no color, some are just his own green, low-key, simple, hidden murderous intentions.

Collect the gun, without the slightest sound, walk, calmly.

Accompanying his back was the sound of the radio: "Song Zhixiao, OUT!" "

"Then the next two brothers, heck, what about those two?" Liu Zaishi is a little embarrassed, the remaining two, simple words are very simple, but if one is not careful, there will be a big problem.

So who came first?

"Brother~ do you have a clue?"

Suddenly, a voice came from a distance, who was calling himself?

He fixed his eyes on it, isn't Nima Kim Jae-ho?

It's just that Kim Jae-ho's words are not so strange, but this Kim Jae-ho is different!

I saw that Kim Jae-ho in the distance didn't know when he changed into a set of patients' clothes, so forget it, he was still in a wheelchair, and Dongwan FD was pushing behind.

"Yay! What are you? Where did you get a wheelchair?! Liu Zaishi almost scolded out with foul language, what the hell is this? Startled him.

"What's going on with your wig?!"

"He lent it to me~" Kim Jae-ho pointed to Dongwan behind him and said with a smile.

Liu Zaishi is fainting, shouldn't you be helping me with this beep? So how can you lend out all the wigs you value?

Dongwan FD smiled awkwardly, he didn't want to, he was half-coaxed and half-robbed, and now he has to work hard here to help Kim Jae-ho push a wheelchair.

"Awesome my disguise, I think the guest must be like this, then he won't know me, as soon as it comes out, I will directly catch hahaha!" Kim Jae-ho hissed.

"Ah, you really are~" Liu Zaishi didn't know what to say, and he felt funny and troublesome, "You are really fa~"

"But brother, don't you think it's strange? How are they all eliminated one by one, and we have not seen a single guest. Kim Jae-ho said suddenly.

"It's not strange, they say it's Che Taixian." Liu Zaishi pretended to be garlic, he was a little panicked.

"No, Che Taixian called Brother Ji Guo just now and said it wasn't him." Kim Jae-ho said.

"Is it? I don't know, then I'll look for it first. "_

Feilu reminds you: three things to read - favorites, recommendations

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