This drama combines first love, revenge, as for, suspense, and dream, from the beginning with suspense time and unpredictable reversal plot, bringing everyone a lot of surprise and imagination, this kind of TV series is the first time to appear, the characters are distinct, the comedy elements are rich, the reasoning bridge is also interesting, and from time to time abuse the dog, the cheers are very high.

Kim Jae-ho has proven himself in countless acting skills that are close to collapse, and he has mastered all kinds of feelings well, almost the male protagonist Park Xiuxia.

The plot is getting heavier and heavier, Min Junguo has killed four people directly or indirectly, in the last episode Min Junguo got to Park Xiuxia's mobile phone through some means, and this episode led the comet out through this, and Park Xiuxia rushed to rescue.

Hateful people must have pity, Park Xiuxia's father snatched the heart that was originally used to save Min Junguo's wife with bad means in order to save Xiuxia's mother, although he died in the end due to rejection, Min Junguo still hates Park Xiuxia's father very much.

Min Junguo was also blinded by hatred to become like this, and in this episode, everyone really felt Min Junguo's despair through a series of memories.

If it is not really hate, who would be willing to become such a person12.

But no matter what, if you do such a thing, you will definitely be punished by law.

And after Min Junguo knew that he had no way to make Park Xiuxia pay the price he deserved, he was ready to jump on the rooftop, but Park Xiuxia, who fully knew Min Junguo's feelings, caught him.

What everyone didn't expect was that Min Junguo actually grabbed Park Xiuxia and fell with him.

Everyone was instantly worried, and they all thought of a sentence in their hearts: "Wouldn't you just die like this?!" They fell on the air cushion.


Suddenly there is a feeling of nothingness, what the hell is this?

No wonder those police uncles didn't move, it turned out to have been prepared for a long time, and as soon as Min Junguo fell, he was arrested by the police uncle.

Park Xiuxia's acting skills in this section directly exploded, which is much better than the original drama, and everyone is watching with their hearts, and they simply feel the same way.

The strongest thing about Kim Jae-ho's acting skills is that he is heart-to-heart, and all the details bring you into it, as if the person who experienced it is himself, it's so terrifying.

That kind of despair, that kind of depression, as well as pain, entanglement, everyone feels, if there is no accident, the best male protagonist of this session is none other than him, because everyone is looking at it.

In Kim Jae-ho's various works before, everyone felt this, that advertisement, Kim Jae-ho was so scary that he could stop the child crying, saying that the big uncle on TV was coming, and the child was instantly afraid to cry.

Kim Jae-ho is so terrifying that he is directly uncle-level

Some people also ridiculed that Kim Jae-ho is actually more suitable for playing Min Junguo, when, Kim Jae-ho's acting skills exploded again and again, and everyone also knows that Kim Jae-ho is not good at playing villains, he is good at everything.

Every frame he appears, you can see the two words "acting", and to this extent, Kim Jae-ho is the first.

Some actor, you know that he is very strong, when watching his usual plays, I feel, just like that, except for a burst, everything else is similar, but Kim Jae-ho feels explosive every time, lying in the groove and lying in the groove.

This paragraph is also, Kim Jae-ho fell on the air cushion and woke up from the dizziness that made people feel that he really fainted just now, the kind of powerlessness and confusion that first woke up, after regaining consciousness, thinking of Song Zhihyo not knowing the situation suddenly woke up, it was heartache and shouting too strong.

Then Park Xiuxia saw Lee Kwang-joo holding the unconscious Song Jihyo in the ambulance behind him.

There is a very funny thing in this paragraph, and it was also exposed as a tidbit later, Li Guangzhu hugged Song Zhixiao for the first time, but he didn't hug it, so ashamed that Song Zhixiao almost beat Li Guangzhu, sister, am I so heavy?

When Kim Jae-ho thought about the past, he suddenly fell weakly, and the uncle next to him quickly held him, and Kim Jae-ho's painful feeling was heart-wrenching for everyone.

Then he thought that Song Zhixiao was dead, so he shouted to go over, and after climbing two steps, he was caught by his uncles, and the sense of despair directly suppressed all the people around him.

Lee Kwang-joo also acted in a serious drama through this, although Kim Jae-ho modified some bridges to make him stupid like a critic, but the middle of the good villain also took it a few times, making people feel the real actor Lee Kwang-joo.

Kim Jae-ho modified the bridge that he felt was unreasonable, too exaggerated, and a little embarrassing, and changed it to his favorite look, so whether it can be achieved is actually uncertain, but he knows that his first drama must have a lot of space, and he can test the water at will.

It turns out to be effective, many of the points he complained about in his previous life have been modified and changed to laughter, it is too difficult to think of these laughs, to be reasonable and not to destroy the plot is not abrupt, and the most important thing is to get its unexpected funny.

Fortunately, he is good at this.

There are also many talents in the crew, and many points are changed by everyone to discuss, or suddenly play and change, and the effect is very good.

Li Guangzhu is also a talent, no matter what he does, even if it is very serious, it is not a laughing point, he is very funny when he does it.

Kim Jae-ho also took the opportunity to satisfy some of his fantasies, but Song Jihyo is really 457 strong, acting skills and life are really separated, and she is different from her when she is an actor.

This is probably a professional actor, anyway, Kim Jae-ho feels wrong, sweet is sweet, but it doesn't feel right, it's very awkward.

Sure enough, if you want to develop, you still have to rely on RM, relying on the bells and whistles of acting without work.

Reality variety show acting, after the end of the last episode, hugged, kissed, but useless, can be said to be because of acting, although the heart plops non-stop, there should still be a reaction.

After watching this episode, everyone thought that the finale was over, but I didn't expect that there would be tomorrow, what else could there be?

What else can there be, there is also an episode of dog food, a whole episode, happiness~

Of course, there are still some things that are explained.

Kim Jae-ho not only developed the line of the boy and the second daughter, but also let Song Jihyo confess to him, hey, happy.

Song Jihyo acted the same as the real thing, Kim Jae-ho almost took it seriously, but if it was Song Ji-hyo, it should be acting skills~

But, the truth, who knows~

The judge played by Guangkui in the last episode also has many shots, Uncle Guangkui and Li Guangzhu are the same, almost long in laughter, very funny, this drama Kim in Haoguangkui Guangzhu three people are simply amazing, some people say that it is not Min Junguo if they think this is a comedy. _

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