"Ah~This time is very human~" Kim Jae-ho said with a smile.

PD originally wanted to say something, but looking at the expressionless "Min Junguo" on the side, he paused and did not speak, and directly handed the task card to Kim Jae-ho...

"What?" Kim Jae-ho took it curiously and saw the words on it read out, "Directly open a fan autograph party, after signing thirty sheets, move to Dongtan M Super Shopping Center, only if all eight people succeed can they start looking for guests." "

After Kim Jae-ho finished reading, he watched silently for two seconds, and then said to the uncle next to him: "Drive." "

PD was startled and subconsciously grabbed the window.

"What is this? This is also too speechless, right? Kim Jae-ho still didn't hold back his complaints, "Just drive it here?" "

"Yes, there." PD pointed to the side, where a banner was erected, and what was left alone was a chair and a table, how shabby it looked, and most importantly ...

The place where they are now is a gas station, and no one in the neighborhood has seen it, except for the little brother who gives the gas.

"Are you kidding? There is not a single person here, are you kidding me? Yes? We have Min Junguo in the car, Min Junguo? Want to die? Kim Jae-ho threatened.

VJ also duly gave the camera to the uncle on the side, and the uncle also pressed the hat very hard, made a classic fierce expression, and looked at him viciously.

Kim Jae-ho could clearly see that PD's expression had changed, which was really scary, and it was the first time he had seen him like this.

"Don't be afraid, I'm here~" Kim Jae-ho patted him on the shoulder, and then turned around and said, "Let's go, remember to pick me up later." "

"Arasso~" The uncle waved his hand.

After Kim Jae-ho got off the car, several people watched the uncle leave with serious expressions.

"Che~ It seems that I haven't watched TV series less, you guys~" Kim Jae-ho said with a smile.

They originally didn't watch TV series, but because Kim Jae-ho starred, they all went to watch it, and I have to say that the more I watched, the more I felt that Kim Jae-ho's acting skills exploded, but compared to his explosive acting skills, Min Junguo went deeper into their hearts, and it is difficult to say why they were afraid, that is, they felt afraid.

"Is it here?" Kim Jae-ho said, pulled away the stool and sat down, this chair made him feel nostalgic, the last signing was also such a chair, as if it was remembered, the only difference is that last time there were a sea of people, this time here, Liao is uninhabited...

Obviously there are residential buildings around, why is there no one?

Soon, he perked up and shouted: "Everyone, RM Kim Jae-ho is here, I'm here to sign for you!" Woohoo!! "

He clapped his hands happily and cheered, and soon he stopped, because no one around responded to him except for the barking of dogs, no one ...

Kim Jae-ho: ...

"It's okay, there will always be someone~" Kim Jae-ho smiled reluctantly.

Then, a minute passed, two minutes passed, five minutes passed ...

Lonely, lonely, and cold.

He is still wearing a well-dressed light pink coat today, dark sweater, black knitted hat, jeans, very fashionable, in this picture is particularly special, special, pitiful...

Suddenly, a gust of wind blew through.

"Ah! It's cold! Kim Jae-ho immediately hugged himself, "Ah! How do I feel so pathetic?! "

It's not a feeling, it's just so pitiful.

"Hey! Doesn't anyone want a signature? Signature! Sign for free! Free..." Kim Jae-ho looked at the unchanged scenery in front of him, and only heard a dog barking, which was the warmth of the world.

"Even the dogs think I'm pitiful..." Kim Jae-ho felt too miserable.

VJ next to him couldn't help but laugh when he saw this scene, and he was really happy.

No one expected that no one would come here for so long.

Except for the wind, there was no response to Kim Jae-ho anymore, and even the dog did not bark.

The dog ignores Jae-ho.

At this time, Kim Jae-ho tapped his hand on the table a few times, and then sang: "Today is a day when no one likes me, I look so good and no one likes me yet, oh~ why doesn't anyone like me, don't I deserve it, quiet side street, no one, even if it's a person I will be very happy, but now I can only pretend to be happy, no one cares how lonely I am here, and no one understands how sad I am here..."

A mouth is the melody of a pop song, open and kneeling, very catchy, but the lyrics are mourning in addition to mourning...

"I fantasized about a long dragon cheering likei'mstar in front of me, and I realized that it was just a dream..." continued to sing Kim Jae-ho.

The throat kissed by the angel, the lyrics hammered by the devil...

The staff were shocked, suddenly singing, and so loud, startled them, and actually hummed casually so good, but the lyrics are too funny, with the picture in front of them, this sense of impact, really real, although it is very mournful content, but the staff have a smile on their faces.

It's so pitiful that it makes people want to laugh.

Everyone felt the charm of a singer-songwriter for the first time, and it was so interesting that they could still play like this, right?

"Even dreaming wakes me up so quickly, cruelly... Hey Yigu~! Hello! Uncle! Come out for a walk~ The weather is so cold, do you want to get a signature? Your granddaughter might like it~Free oh~"

Just when Kim Jae-ho was about to make up a sentence, Kim Jae-ho suddenly saw a grand man walking over from afar, and the frustration on his face and the heavy pressure switched to a bright smile in a fraction of a second, as if those had not happened just now.

Can this be applied for intangible cultural heritage, right?

Everyone was almost amused by this scene, and some people laughed directly, they were professionally trained, and generally did not laugh, unless they couldn't help it.

While laughing at him, everyone also felt the strength of Kim Jae-ho later, this song is too good, although the lyrics are very sad, but many songs are like this, compared to those songs that are painful to die of lost love, this song is more real and more empathetic.

That's right, this song reveals a real feeling all over the body, and it is a word.

"What is this doing?" The uncle came over with his back and asked.

"What about the autograph meeting, uncle, do you want an autograph?" It's free! Kim Jae-ho had his brightest smile of the day on his face.

"Are you the one who came out on TV?" Uncle asked.

Although this description is funny, Kim Jae-ho still responded very gently and enthusiastically: "Pinch, yes, that's right, I'm a person on TV, my name is Kim Jae-ho, uncle, you shouldn't have heard of it, right?" RunningMan, Kim Jae-ho of RunningMan. "

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