Song Zhongji is the person in charge of the barbecue on the other side, he clips a piece of meat and moves in front of Jin Zhiguo, which is a physical attack as well as a spiritual attack.

The aroma of the meat is fragrant, the top is shiny, the fragrance, intoxicating, because to control, Jin Chengguo smells carefully, slowly smells, the gluttonous insects are quickly aroused, and the visual impact cannot be ignored.

It's unbearable!

But he held back.

The younger brother is so powerful, and the sister can't lag behind~.

Song Zhixiao clamped a piece of meat and dangled in front of the loud, and could clearly see that the loud nose was shaking, which was sniffing madly, his mouth was closed, in fact, this was not good.

I experimented with it, and the best thing to do was to open my mouth and inhale wildly, with my tongue slightly raised, and let the wind flow through my saliva, which would greatly allow me to hold on for a little longer.

And you can also keep this action so that you don't swallow saliva.

But this is a variety show, and it's not interesting to do so.

The loud expression gradually enriched, and Jin Zhiguo's expression did not change much, but everyone could see that he was very uncomfortable.

Soon, he was all talking.

"Yay! Golden End, Golden End! Liu Zaishi shouted.

"Brother! Hold back! If you hold back, you can eat a handful of meat! Kim Jae-ho shouted anxiously.

Jin Zhiguo said that he also knew ah, but it was useless to know!

Loud this side is also at stake, he has been keeping his mouth closed, and now a large amount of saliva in his mouth is like a reservoir, at this time, haha suddenly said: "Put it to your mouth!" "

Song Zhixiao also tried it immediately after hearing it, and she also cleverly clamped the meat and kimchi together, which was the impact of two flavors.

The loud smell that had been tense directly burst the embankment when he smelled this smell, because of Song Zhixiao's actions, almost everyone saw his Adam's apple going up and down frantically.

Rong He immediately called out, smiling happily, this was his brightest expression today.

Loudly complaining immediately haha what happened to you kid, which team is it?

Haha did not expect that his casual words would lead to such serious consequences, and in the face of the criticism of his teammates, his whole person was confused.

Who am I?

What did I do?

In the end, everyone who was hungry for a while could finally let go of eating, no matter which side they ate very happily, of course, the happiest was Kim Jae-ho's side, there was meat to eat and their own soup, eating super refreshing, even Ronghe let go of eating.

Kim Junguo also kindly took a piece of meat to feed Kim Jae-ho, and he wanted to share it together, after all, Kim Jae-ho also did a lot of things today, and this piece of meat was rewarded to him.

Of course, Kim Jae-ho himself will clamp.

Song Zhixiao saw Liu Zaishi they were so pitiful, and also clipped a piece of meat over, and then teased them and ate it, Kim Jae-ho also had to give a thumbs up when he saw it, and he became more and more conscious, for fear that others would not know that they were CP.

Because there is also a lot of meat, in the end, many staff eat it, don't mention how happy, it is directly a barbecue party.

Won the game, won the barbecue, and exempted from punishment, Kim Junguo's wave is crucial, haha they quickly changed their clothes and set off to receive the punishment, Kim Jae-ho and they went home happily without being punished.

Because I am full, I don't have to think about the dinner, just now it was a dinner, Kim Jae-ho returned home with a full stomach, and it seems that he will eat less tomorrow.

Just eat three meals and forget it~

Because the recording was smooth and long, and the material of one episode was divided into two episodes, they rarely had a vacation to take a break.

Because he knew that Kim Jae-ho was free, all kinds of announcements were placed in front of Kim Jae-ho, which can be said to be as high as a mountain.

There are several of them, all of which other artists dream of announcements, and even fight for them, and even Girls' Generation will be happy because of such an opportunity.

But now it is simply placed like this, casually placed, and Ren Kim Jae-ho chooses.

Other artists have to run all of them, because this can accumulate popularity and connections and ability, but Kim Jae-ho doesn't have to, to be honest, he can do it even if he doesn't be an artist, and the company is his own, so he has a great degree of freedom.

He looked at it casually, there are various invitations to variety shows that he is familiar with, and there are some audition opportunities, and even the invitation I knot You said is not excessive, who doesn't know that he Kim Jae-ho's Monday CP, and give him an invitation to my knot, isn't this purely to make his harem on fire?

0········ Ask for flowers0··

But he still looked curiously ...

My invitation is very strange, he not only gives you the opportunity, but also asks you to fill in your information and so on, which is convenient for them to understand and then screen, then match, and then invite you later.

So it's possible that you won't be allowed to apply even if you apply.

Kim Jae-ho looked at it seriously, and then put it aside, although it was tempting, maybe even directly took over the sweet potato, but he did not take it.

He is a dedicated man, yes, he looked at his phone, it was Xuanya's phone, the information on Kakaotalk was shaky, it was Jessica, it was small talk, probably saying that she had just participated in an event, how was her mood and so on, and then Li Hyo-ri's message, it was to ask him if he was interested in creating a public welfare song together, and Kim Se Lun, small talk.


Because of the chat, he is still chatting with Song Qian, and recently she and Ni Kun participated in the cooperation stage, Kim Jae-ho said that he watched TV, Song Qian expressed regret that he did not come to the scene, and invited him to be a guest.

Kim Jae-ho said he would definitely go as long as they invited.

Then there are invitations to various award ceremonies, and generally speaking, if Kim Jae-ho refuses one of them for no reason, he probably won't block it directly, but now, as you can see, he is good on the show.

It is certainly not he who did it, it must have been done by the company, because this generally puts pressure on the company, and the company has also resisted this pressure.

However, on the contrary, Kim Jae-ho did not win various awards, and various award ceremonies very tacitly removed Kim Jae-ho from the list, but he still invited him every time, as long as he participated, he would definitely win the award.

Why can I have this treatment?


But because it is really not his original strength, Kim Jae-ho still does not want to participate in these ceremonies, simply take the money and forget it, forced not to pretend.

In the future, maybe his own songs will be idle to go crazy, or maybe he will seriously get an album and go through these normal singer processes.

Kim Jae-ho can still do a lot as an artist now, but his current work is focused on two things, game development and canyoning... Seven..._

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