"It's really delicious over there." Ronghe also came back from there.

"See no, the power of seasoning!" Kim Jae-ho said.

"PD said it didn't work." Kim said, "It's a foul, health is more important." "

"Then you can only leave it to fate, is there salt?" Kim Jae-ho also knew that Kim Junguo could not easily compromise on this issue, otherwise his muscles would not be able to be trained.

"Yes!" Song Zhixiao quickly brought the salt over.

"Some more!" Kim Jae-ho said.

"It's not good to eat too much salt!" Kim said.

"If you say it again, I'll secretly put seasonings! This was originally going to put a seasoning bag, and then some ham! Kim Jae-ho's words made Kim Junguk speechless, and even he went to get the ham.

Rong He was shocked when he looked at the side, the first time he saw Kim Jae-ho so rigid, what was the matter, this "seven nine three" aura actually suppressed Jin Zhiguo.

The main thing is that Jin Zhiguo also knows that the current taste is not good.

"Yay! I don't even know how to make this taste, obviously it is delicious when cooked together? Kim Jae-ho wondered.

"It's that there is too much water, so there is no taste." Song Zhixiao said.

"Put the noodles first, then the cheese, and when it is almost cooked, so that the noodles do not rot." Kim Jae-ho didn't have time to complain about anything, and he was running out of time.

Cover and cook, in the end there is no time, PD said that it was almost over, Song Zhixiao they tasted it.

"Yay! It's really delicious! "Ronghe is shocked, is this also magic?

"To be honest, you added seasoning, right?" Kim Junguo asked.

"No, don't you watch the whole time?" Kim Jae-ho said.

Jin Zhiguo thought about it too, and saw that Song Zhixiao finished drinking, and also took a sip.

"It's really delicious!" Song Zhixiao was also shocked, "Oppa, you come and taste it, it's really delicious!" "

"That's the taste!! Kim Junguo was also shocked, and he was really made by Kim Jae-ho to taste the troop pot.

"But they're chicken soup, can we stand it?" Kim Jae-ho also took a sip.

"It's okay, it's delicious, right?" Jin Zhiguo said with a smile.

But the expected Kim Jae-ho's smile did not come out, but frowned, "No, it's not enough, they have a little better to drink over there, and they really have to put seasonings." "

"No, that's enough!" Kim said.

"That's where you haven't eaten them... Heck, if only there was stock... This one has to use beef bone broth. Kim Jae-ho said.

"Sure enough, the meat was put too early, and the fishy smell was too strong." Kim Jae-ho said in annoyance.

"This is good enough, already very powerful, you tried your best, very handsome just now." Song Zhixiao patted his shoulder and comforted.

The serious man is really the most handsome, except for the time, Kim Jae-ho just commanded the most handsome she has ever seen, super courageous.

"Is it, brother just handsome?" Hiromi looked at Sakae next to him.

"The highest!" Ronghe extended his thumb.

"Also, when it's not handsome, this one, light beads your soybeans, put it down, and then noodles, cheese, and green onions just now, fast, no time."

"Soy is here!" Li Guangzhu has been holding his soybeans, but it can be regarded as handy, he has been waiting for a long time.

Soon, PD announced that the time was over, and Kim Jae-ho was actually a little undone, that is, if the meat was cooked, there would be foam on it in the end, and those floating on it had to be skimmed.

After the two teams were ready, and then cleaned up a little, PD announced that the recording continued.

"Team Liu Zaishi who makes fried chicken soup!" PD said.

"It's Teacher Liu Zaishi!" Haha said with respect in a serious manner.

"It's the teacher of taste." Song Zhongji said.

Liu Zaishi's inexplicable operation made the two younger brothers marvel, it was simply a fairy operation.

"One, two, three!" As soon as Liu Zaishi unveiled the pot, his teammates were cheering.

Their fried chicken soup looks really delicious, especially to be able to see a whole large chicken thigh, coupled with that aroma, it really increases the appetite.

Their soup looked very rich, and Liu Zaishi, a hero, shook hands with everyone, and everyone felt very impressed.

"I have to open a cooking academy~" Ikeishi Zhen said.

"How much is that?" Song Zhongji asked.

"Two and a half million~" Chi Shizhen said with a smile.


Kim Jae-ho looked a little envious here, but they could make sure that they were definitely healthier because there was really no seasoning, although Kim Jae-ho would like to put 0........

Kim Jae-ho's side is unveiled by Kim Jae-ho, this is like a ceremony, whoever contributes the most unveils the pot, and as soon as Kim Jae-ho unveils the pot, the reaction comes.

Li Guangzhu's reaction was the best, giving enough, it was simply a reaction prince.

The first thing you see in this picture is Li Guangzhu, even if he is just standing next to a group of handsome guys and beauties, the first thing he sees is him.

This is probably the charm of the prince.

Some people are born with a sense of affinity, and Kim Jae-ho also has it, but not as strong as Lee Kwang-joo.

Kim Jae-ho is also very affinity, the second thing I see is Kim Jae-ho's smile, by the way, there seems to be another idea, that is, when a group of people laugh, everyone will generally look at the person they like at first glance.

So if you are a boy, the first thing you see is another boy who is often with you, don't doubt, it is true love.

If you don't really like it, who wants to play with you all day, people really don't want your body.

This is friendship, purer than love, just don't have other strange thoughts.

Kim Jae-ho's reaction was also very sufficient, shouting loudly, that is, waw shouted out at once, as if seeing glowing dishes, very exaggerated.

Anyway, don't care if there is someone else's deliciousness, the momentum shouts out first.

The work can lose, the momentum cannot lose.

But it is also true that under Kim Jae-ho's adjustment, all kinds of ingredients, red and red colors, ramen 4.2 is a delicious look, and there is a layer of cheese that looks super fragrant on top melting, fragrant, anyway, this look is super.

"Introduce the three who evaluate your two teams' cooking." PD said.

"I thought it was director Jimeijia, acting as PD, and shooting supervision."

PD just said that he was in charge of PD, Kim Jae-ho kicked the soil on his feet with a small force on his back, and pretended not to care in the distance and said: "Hey, I already knew to put more salt..."

Zhao PD: "The attitude of the contestants is also the judging standard~"

"Yay! What are you talking about? Apologize quickly! Jin Zhiguo said.

"How did you do it to people?!" Song Zhixiao said.

"How can this be?!" Rong Kazu also said.

Lee Kwang-joo directly rushed over and kicked Kim Jae-ho.

Kim Jae-ho: Wow! _

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