"Yay! What is this?! Kim Jae-ho shouted as he looked at the cake that was no longer a cake.

"Who told you to run with it hahaha~" Song Zhixiao almost died of laughter when he saw it.

"You're still laughing! This is the first thing you sent me, it's like this! I'm dying of heartache! Kim Jae-ho said with his heart covered.

"Yo yo ~ forget it, I'll make you another next time~" Song Zhixiao said with a smile.

"That's pretty much the big one next time I'm going to have Barbie dolls on it." Kim Jae-ho made an inch.

"You want to be beautiful! I can't do it, I still want it! Song Zhixiao said.

Kim Jae-ho poked the black cake and said, "This is all rotten, did you quietly write something on it I love you or something, and now you can't see it when it's rotten." "

"No, I wrote Happy Valentine's Day." Song Zhixiao shook his head and smiled.

"Hey~OK~" Kim Jae-ho said with a smile.

Laughing and laughing, Song Zhixiao suddenly found a problem.

"I wanted to say it just now, why are you standing? Sit down. "

Kim Jae-ho said while eating the cake: "Ahem... Just now, Brother Ji Guo didn't say that if he saw me sitting and eating cake, I would..."

"So you're just standing and eating?"


"Hahahaha~ You're afraid you're not a fool, right? Silly Hao, Silly Hao~"

"You're still confused!"

"Is it looking for a fight?"

"Don't be angry, come ~ah~"

"Don't eat! Hum! "


Just as the two people were talking and laughing, the radio suddenly sounded, "Song Zhongji, Li Guangzhu, out!" "

"Hahahaha!" Kim Jae-ho almost spewed out cakes when he heard Song Zhongji's three words.

"Oh, what's going on with this kid?" Song Zhixiao is also enduring.

"I said let him run more, otherwise he won't have to run later, hahaha~" Kim Jae-ho was about to die of laughter.

On the other hand, Song Zhongji was basically desperate when he heard the broadcast.

"Yay! Why am I again?! He shouted and knelt down.

He was so angry that he didn't even want to go to prison, and every time he was like this, he was simply slapped in the face.

On the other side, Li Guangzhu, who was chatting with Haha and them, was directly speechless.

And his reaction was the same as Song Zhongji: "Why me?!" "

When Lee Kwang-joo walked to the prison and saw Song Zhongji, he suddenly thought of Kim Jae-ho's words, and then shouted to the authors:

"Yay! Why put me and Zhongji together?! Li Guangzhu shouted angrily.

"Ah! It's really..." Song Zhongji was so angry that he didn't want to speak.

The writers weakly explained: "It's really amazing, every time I put yours in the hardest place to find..."

"What is it?" Li Guangzhu was speechless.

Two people are really difficult brothers and brothers.

"But I'm still in a much better mood with Jae-ho." Song Zhongji sat and said.

Li Guangzhu: ...

"I'm in jail," he said silently.


Looking at Li Guangzhu's innocent and aggrieved appearance, everyone died of laughter.

Song Zhongji quickly hugged Li Guangzhu to comfort him.

Li Guangzhu is really miserable, and he will be disliked by his inmates when he is in prison.

Time passed for a while, and when Kim Jae-ho was gobbling up but looking gentlemanly and was about to finish the cake, Kwang Kyugo was caught.

He was really miserable, and he directly bumped into Jin Zhiguo and Haha as soon as he got out of the elevator, but because he wore a wig, Jin Zhiguo and Haha didn't react for a while, just felt strange.

Guangkui made a decision immediately and immediately chose to escape.

The other side.

"Oops, oops, look at you! Oh~" Song Jihyo helped Kim Jae-ho wipe the cake at the corner of his mouth while disgusted.

Kim Jae-ho immediately wiped the spoon to his mouth again without changing his face, and stunned himself to apply a layer of black lipstick.

At this moment, there was a chase shout in the distance.

Song Zhixiao immediately looked left and right very falsely, then stood up and ran away, "Where is it?" Where is it? "

"Yay! This acting is also too fake, right? Also actress! Don't run so fast! Just finished eating! Kim Jae-ho complained while cleaning up the cake and also followed, but did not run fast.

There are some things that he says he does...

Because of Tony, many people are on the third floor, and it is also miserable that Kwangkyu was found on the third floor, and soon he was surrounded by everyone, and he ran everywhere he was people in yellow clothes, and finally he was inexplicably hugged by Kim Jae-ho.

The person caught by Kim Jae-ho is really miserable.

"Brother, how are you doing~" Kim Jae-ho said with a smile.

Guangkui stood against his messy hairstyle and crooked eyes, and said speechlessly: "Do you think it will be good?" "


The worst thing was that Chi Shizhen came over and ripped off his wig, and Uncle Guangkui instantly revealed his original form.

Jin Zhiguo bluntly said that he did not recognize it, and he was really a completely different person wearing a wig.

Kim Jae-ho is about to die of laughter, he usually sees a lot, but now he feels cordial when he sees it.


Soon everyone knew that the man was moving, because the radio was ringing.

"Liu Zaishi, Chi Shizhen, out!"

"Hahaha!" Just following Chi Shizhen, he instantly laughed out of a pig.

"Oh, why me? Yes! Really, I'm just starting to get active now..."

"Hahaha~ Come on, hurry up and go to prison~" Kim Jae-ho said with a smile.

Chi Shizhen said: "You also hurry up~"

"Fart! This time I want to live to the end! You can't see me~hahaha~Go well~" Kim Jae-ho smiled proudly, very rampant, very arrogant.

Chi Shizhen was speechless when he looked at it, this baby is floating!

For Kim Jae-ho, as long as he arrives in prison later than Ji Seok Jin, Yoo Jae-seok and Lee Kwang-joo, he has already won.

Kim Jae-ho happily opened another box of chocolates and ate it, this thing, although it is all chocolate, but every taste is different~

Lee Kwang-joo and Song Zhongji, who had been staying in prison, were particularly happy to see the two new big brothers, and after a few people gathered for a while, Ji Shizhen said: "Ah, when I heard the broadcast just now, Kim Jae-ho smiled happily." "

"That guy, hey, really, I really shouldn't be the one who came to prison so early." Liu Zaishi punched his thigh, and he was not even as good as Kim Jae-ho, and the more he thought about it, the more angry he became.

Then everyone found out that except for Liu Zaishi, the three people here were all three people in prison last time, and last time they fought for a piece of bread to die and live, and now there is no bread is obviously much more harmonious.

So not Kim Jae-ho's pot, but bread's pot.

"They must be looking for the ball, aren't you looking for it?" Song Ji-hyo and Kim Jae-ho meet.

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