"Is there even a temporary difficulty? Can't you afford to play?! "Kim Jae-ho is dumbfounded, this is also too showy, right?

PD explained it in the later stage for fun, but obviously, just seeing the situation just now, I felt that the difficulty was too low to do.

What's even more exaggerated is that they even throw balls.

"Nakaki! Be careful! They also have ball-throwing! Kim Jae-ho reminded.

But Song Zhongji is a real man, withstood the water gun and balloon, walked directly halfway, and only squatted down when the bell rang.

"Stop squirting!" Chi Shizhen looked at Jin Zhiguo and said worriedly.

"Yay! What if they wet all the boards? Kim Jae-ho said worriedly.

Everyone suddenly realized that the water gun would also lead to such consequences, which was worthy of Kim Jae-ho, and usually there were more yin people in this regard, and he really reacted quickly.

But Jin Zhiguo also walked to the middle very steadily, and the next one is the one who makes everyone the most uneasy, haha.

He hadn't practiced at all in front, because he was the last to arrive, and he had been touching the fish, and now he had to set off in front.

"Haha, brother Huai Ting!" Kim Jae-ho cheered.

"Why are you so positive tonight?" Liu Zaishi glanced back at Kim Jae-ho funny and felt very strange.

"Isn't that nonsense? I've always been so active in doing variety shows! Kim Jae-ho said nonsense with his eyes open.


Believe your!

Who doesn't know that the most lazy is you, the guy.

Haha walked two blocks with difficulty, his current state is exactly the same as when he was last time in the aquarium, his face is pale, and he looks extremely embarrassed.

This also proves that this little ghost really did not act, he is really afraid, fear is unavoidable, can only use the spirit to fight him, and at this time, some external forces are very good help.

"Let's go! Walk! Come on! Chi Shizhen slapped Haha's ass mercilessly behind him, with very little strength and a loud voice.

After all, it is necessary to maintain balance, it is not good to have great strength, but the mouth is chattering.

Kim Jae-ho felt pitiful when he looked at it, it was too miserable.

Song Zhongji and Kim Junguk climbed forward step by step ahead, and as the bell rang, one RM member after another joined the battlefield.

Song Zhongji and Jin Zhiguo did not go very fast, so the people on the bridge gradually became dense.

But as Song Zhongji and Jin Zhiguo advanced, Haha hesitated, and the first two gradually distanced themselves from the back.

Haha grabbed the rope and didn't dare to move at all, "Shake too much~!" "

Chi Shizhen stood back speechless, he didn't know what this guy was afraid of, he had no problem standing, you squatted and were afraid of something.

Chi Shizhen was impatient at all, he frantically urged Ha in the back, haha it was a dilemma, and it was difficult to even stay in place.

In the end, he walked halfway haha is that he can't go down, so he simply hangs there directly and lets the people behind pass first.

Adjusted the order of departure is really there, haha this coward is halfway through Chi Shizhen's crazy mouth and pat, if he relies on himself, he can walk three blocks to count me.

And haha was the last person to arrive, so theoretically he had to hang there all the time waiting for others to finish first.

As the bell rang, everyone stood on the suspension bridge, Song Zhongji only needed two steps to reach the end, everyone followed, one person stood on a wooden board.

"I can't hold on! My hands are running out of strength! Haha said with difficulty.

"Don't hang! Come up! Kim Jae-ho hurriedly said that he knew how difficult the situation was, because he almost fell because of this just now.

Song Zhongji in front finally arrived, and Haha in the back suddenly shouted, "Brother!" I'm sorry! "

"Hold on, brother!" Kim Jae-ho was anxious to help but couldn't, haha two boards behind him.

"No, no, no! Don't give up Ah Brother! Li Guangzhu happened to be there, and when he heard Haha's words, he instantly panicked, and quickly squatted down to help.

Xuanying even directly lay down and grabbed Haha's hair through the two wooden boards, Xuanying himself is very difficult, it is already very powerful to help him like this.

"Haha brother! Hold on! Light beads, go fast! Kim Jae-ho shouted.

Haha could have come up, but because Li Guangzhu in the back was to arrive in front, Li Guangzhu had to go to the front first, and Haha had to hold on like this first.

Li Guangzhu hurriedly walked forward when he heard the news, and after seeing Li Guangzhu gone, he struggled on the edge of the rout, came up, and survived again.

However, at this time, Liu Zaishi, who was walking in front, suddenly lost his balance and fell into the water, everything came so quickly, there was no sign at all.

Everyone was still surprised how Liu Zaishi suddenly became stronger, but the result was not.

Looking at Liu Zaishi in the water, Kim Jae-ho was speechless, he was about to hang up to make way for Liu Zaishi, but the result was all over.

“.. Yikes! Elder brother! Why are you again..." Kim Jae-ho was speechless.

Liu Zaishi didn't want to speak, his eyes fell into the water, he had to find...

Haha, seeing Liu Zaishi falling, he also quickly fell down, this is a feeling of relief!

When he got up, he whispered, "I'm not going to do that!" It's terrible! Don't do it! "

He actually took off his clothes directly and shouted: "Don't do it!" I don't do it! Failed! We failed! "

He shouted and undressed as he walked into the distance...

He ran out...

Kim Jae-ho didn't have time to laugh, he quickly jumped down, and if he didn't stop it, haha even had to take off his underwear.

The people above are funny when they see this ridiculous scene, they can't understand what the reason for haha madness is, after all, for them, this link is super simple, just walk and pass.

But for Haha, it was simply mental torture, having to make him face what he feared the most, and struggling again and again on the verge of falling (Mo Li's) going.

It's so hard...

Kim Jae-ho calmed the child's temper haha, and the two uncles Ji Shijin and Liu Zaishi directly suppressed haha, one singing white face and two singing red face, finally making Haha emotionally stable.

In fact, it is not stable yet, it is just a lot of pressing it back.

After everyone treated it with towels, they helped Haha get their clothes back and put them on, and then waited on the platform again, ready to challenge again.

Haha obviously hasn't come out of the emotion just now, and said with a crying voice: "Woo... Can't do it! It's terrible..."

He covered his face and did not want to face the world.

"It's all Dongxun's fault." Xuanying couldn't help but complain, just now she knew how bad Haha's performance was.

At first glance, it is a person who has a strong desire to win or lose, and cares more about winning or losing.

Haha did drag the whole team alone just now, but everyone comforted him. _

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