"Yay! What? "Kim Jae-ho is speechless, what the hell is four people and three can't sing?

Then it was the turn of the yellow team, the prelude was still dancing, Li Guangzhu was so upset, and when they started singing, Liu Zaishi was directly amused, because he found that Chi Shizhen was completely singing.

In the end, Liu Zaishi simply let Chi Shizhen solo for a while, and the whole process laughed so much that everyone laughed everywhere.

Chi Shizhen can't sing and sing hard, the lyrics all rely on feelings, it's quite good, and his special gesture, exclusive greasy, if not can't make it up, really think it's his own song.

Who sees Chi Shizhen singing without saying a word of cow, who can have this feeling, many people say that Chi Shizhen is a bastard, these people are blind.

During another break, Kim Jae-ho taught them what the lyrics were, because it was RAP, so PD didn't ask them to sing the whole song, just sing the first short paragraph.

So this time the red team made it easy to succeed.

After all, not everyone can memorize the lyrics of 10 entire songs like Kim Jae-ho.

Kim Jae-ho really is, the production team doesn't know what to do, this beep's IQ seems to be in a strange place, different from normal people.

Seeing the success of the red team, the yellow team was very disappointed but acceptable, after all, they also had a lot of fun.

"The final national team gets the RM ball!" Liu Zaishi shouted.

"Yay!!" The red team jumped happily, this victory was really not easy.

Soon everyone went to change their clothes again, dried their hair, replenished it, and prepared for the next session.

After all, they were so tired just now, if they didn't rest and came directly to the next link, they were afraid that they wouldn't be able to withstand it, and their bodies wouldn't be able to withstand it.

After drying the body, Kim Jae-ho's whole person is dry, just now the amount of exercise is so large, now as soon as he is comfortable, the whole person is very tired, but there is no way, to make money, you still have to lift the spirit.

"What are you doing today?" Liu Zaishi asked.

This should be the last task of the day.

"Today's mission is to survive on onechance." PD said.

As soon as he finished speaking, everyone's smiles came out, and they all opened their mouths to mock.

"Oh no, every time it's too simple, too weak, too weak."

"Have to have a strategy, a strategy."

"It's too easy to win, it's not interesting."


"The details are different." PD said.

"Are we sure we can win?" Liu Zaishi asked.

"The task is not very difficult." As soon as PD finished speaking, it was easy to be ridiculed by the group again.

Top, up, up, since this task came out, everyone has not lost, especially last time, several times it was successful, easy to not.

"The director of photography is very nervous today~ Dao.

In fact, the entire production team is simple.

Because, last week, I prepared countless and several times of jumping rope challenges, and it was clear that it was difficult for the people in their production team to succeed, but RM only took four times to succeed, and it seems that it has not yet exerted its strength.

You know, the game is their soul, if the game is too simple, it will have no weight, and their production team will have a lot of frustration.

When watching them succeed easily, the production team was collectively stunned, some people were stunned, some people were shocked to doubt life, and their self-confidence was frustrated, especially those who participated in the simulation, they felt like a waste.

Originally prepared for the task that they may not succeed in ten times, they actually succeeded in four times, especially Kim Jae-ho this beep and mock people, mouth hi, PD held a breath, want to make them go.

Therefore, they reflect and reflect, ponder and ponder, and today, they are about to be shamed!

From the early hours of the morning, the scene began to be built, using countless people and Spartan-style simulation training, and the game was determined.

It can be said that this is the hard work of the entire program group, and there is a possibility of success, but it is impossible for RM to pass easily!

Soon, as soon as the lights turned on, everyone saw something like a suspension bridge next to it.

"Everyone saw the shaking bridge in front of you, right?" PD asked.

"Too tall, huh?!" Hyun Young shouted.

"Don't do this! I'm scared of this the most! "

Looking at the bridge hanging in mid-air, people like Kim Jae-ho with fear of heights are most afraid of this kind of thing, because there is no sense of security at all.

This kind of bridge, if it appears in the movie, ten out of ten will break, and Kim Jae-ho has never walked such a bridge.

Once he went back to his hometown and wanted to go to a far away place to play, and halfway through he found that he had to walk such a bridge, and that day, he was peaceful at home...

Kim Jae-ho tried to look down, his heart was plopping, but fortunately, it was not too high, and he should be able to live well if he fell.

There is water below, Kim Jae-ho feels three meters, feel that three meters is not high, you can try to make your friend stand on the head of your other friend, and then you stand on top of his head and jump down, almost this height, remember to put a bucket of water underneath.

Oh yes, I forgot you don't have two friends, sorry ha.

"Isn't it hard?! I believed your nonsense! Kim Jae-ho complained.

The production team smiled meaningfully.

The last task, everyone knows, is definitely not simple, at least not as simple as before, this scale is different.

"Just decide on the order of arrival." PD said.

"Do you have to go all 440?" Kim Junguo asked.

"Yes." PD said, "It's all past to be considered successful. "

"What if one falls?" Hyun Young asked, as a guest, she was very positive.

Chi Shizhen suddenly said: "Even if we all pass, he won't be able to get by." "

Liu Zaishi looked at Chi Shizhen and pointed at himself and said, "It's scary to shake like that, but isn't there still Zaihao?" "

Meaning, this is not still Kim Jae-ho at the bottom.

Kim Jae-ho: ???

Why is it difficult for rookie chicken?

"Neither can I." Hyun Young said.

"Brother Shi Zhen, let's also work hard." Song Zhixiao said, meaning you can't either.

Chi Shizhen himself always has problems, and he is embarrassed to say that people are real shows.

But immediately after, Chi Shizhen asked a good question.

"How many chances do we have?" Chi Shizhen asked.

"There are five chances."

"Only five times?! Can't afford to play?! Kim Jae-ho was shocked, but fortunately, it meant that even if he fell every time, he would only fall five at most.

Chi Shizhen's question is really critical, because everyone thought it was a chance of ten times, but they didn't expect that this time the old yin beep PD was directly changed to five times.

"Yes, there are girls too." Kim said.

Kim Jae-ho glanced at him and said, "Compared to girls, it's a few of us who need to worry more..."

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